Transcript Fishing

Dong Jae Han
Fishing is
• Fishing is the activity of catching fish. Fishing
techniques include netting, trapping, angling
and hand gathering. Fishing is not usually
applied to catch-ing aquatic mammals such as
whales, dolphins, sharks.
History of Fishing
• Fishing is an ancient practice that dates back at
least to the Paleolithic period which began
about 40,000 years ago. During this period,
most people lived a hunter-gatherer lifestyle
and were, of necessity, constantly on the move.
Sport Fishing
• Sport Fishing can take only 4% of the fish, but
they generate $600 million in economy activity
• The commercial fishery only generates $400
• Licenses, guides, outfitters, supplies, resorts,
all pump millions into BC’s economy.
in Fishing
• Cooperation with
the U.S
• License buyback
• Boundary, set limit on
how many they can
• Government purchases
the license it has sold.
Native Fishery
• BC aboriginal people are guaranteed the right
to fish in BC.
• Sometimes, natives are fishing when nonnatives are not permitted.
• This creates tension over dwindling stocks.
• Salmon runs had previously been the back
bone of the industry
-sockeye, pink, cone, chum and spring
salmon represented 60& of the total value
of all salmon caught on the West Coast.
• By the 1990s most of the salmon were gone.
• Once there were 100 fish processing plants.
Dangers of Farmed Salmon
• Disease breeds in close quarters.
• Escapees bring new diseases to wild
Environmental Concerns
• The environmental effects of fishing can be
divided into issues that involve the availability
of fish to be caught, such as overfishing,
sustainable fisheries, and fisheries
management; and issues that involve the
impact of fishing on the environment, such as
by catch.
• salmon has to be raised to controlled
Future outlook for the economic sector
• Advocate says that providing these services
create 6 times more jobs as are available in
the commercial fishing industry.
The End