Transcript Title

Homelessness and Mental Health
A Community Mental Health Team
(CMHT) Perspective
Mike Edmondson Rehab and Recovery Manager
Debbie Robinson Interim Team Manager
• How CPA links in with homelessness
• How safeguarding policy addresses
• Identify threats of the homeless population
• Personalisation and Choice agenda
• Questions
Homelessness and Mental
CPA Framework
FAC’s criteria
Unstable accommodation
Homeless on discharge from prison, in
• Threat of homelessness
A vision for future services
• CSR implications
• Closer links with GP’s primary care
providers, Homeless Team - Stepped Care
• More local knowledge/intelligence of the
community CMHS’ serve
• ‘No Health Without Mental Health’/New
Horizons /Recovery Model
Any questions?
• Department of Health (2007) “ The vision fro Adult Social care and
supporting Documents”. Crown.
• Department of Health (2008) “Refocusing the Care Programme Approach.
Policy and Positive
• Practice Evidence”. Crown.
• Department of Health (2009) “New Horizons. A Shared Vision fro Mental
Health”. Crown.
• Department of Health (2010) “ Prioritizing need in Putting People First.
Guidance for Eligibility Criteria
• for Social Care”. Crown.
• Department of Health (2011) “ No health without Mental Health. A Cross
Governmental Strategy for
• persons of all ages.” Crown.
• MIND (2011) “The Mind Guide to Housing and mental health” Mind.