Transcript Slide 1

While You’re Waiting…
Complete the following sentence stems:
The student whose behavior is of most concern to me is…
Describe the specific inappropriate actions (Avoid labels and
generalities) that the pupil displays on a regular basis.
My best guess as to the cause of his/her pattern of
behavior is that s/he…
Things that seem to “set off” or instigate the behaviors
A signal or sign that cues me of an impending behavioral
episode is…
My usual response to his/her inappropriate actions is to…
Why Does This Kid Keep Doing That?
Putting the pieces together to figure out the
reason(s) behind inappropriate behavior
The intervention(s) that we select
will be dependant upon the
reason(s) for the behavior pattern.
Why does that kid keep doing that?
(to me)
In your teams: Compile a listing of the many
reasons why kids might fail to quickly, fully, and
continually comply with teacher directions
and/or classroom expectations.
Phases of the moon
Partly cloudy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowy, hazy,
foggy, warm, chilly, hot, cold, calm, breezy, windy,
humid, dry, … (Gordon on teaching: “I am the weather.”)
Televised wrestling replacing Mr. Rogers
Space aliens disguising themselves as children
Mimes (my personal view)
Something in the water
So…What did you come up with?
Perhaps I’m unknowingly involved in one of
those “reality shows” I see on TV.
Part of a vast conspiracy to control the
(It’s not paranoia when they really are after you.)
Payback for my actions in a previous life.
A side effect of global warming.
I’m stuck in a bad dream and can’t wake up.
Ages and Stages?
Transitional phases of human development?
-Late Infancy to Toddlerhood
Sleep/Toilet training (“Superego” meets “Id”)
Thank your parents
Limitations placed on newfound mobility (“Superego v. Id”)
Learns to say the power word…
-Old age?
-Newly Married.
Ages & Stages
Some characteristics that are common and
expected at certain ages can spawn
behavior that is viewed by adults as being
“defiant” or “disruptive”.
An awareness of these expected age-based
traits can help us develop greater
tolerance…and remind us to make use of
positive and respectful interventions that
TEACH more appropriate ways of handling
Common Developmental Traits That Can Lead
To Non-Compliance - Ages 6 to 12^
Wants to determine behavioral boundaries
Tests behavioral boundaries and constraints placed by authority.
Asks “Why?” often
Ego-centric: Sees self as center of the universe.
Wants desirable things NOW.
Wants to do non-desirable tasks on own schedule
Difficulty seeing the view/rights of others.
Often doesn’t want rules, turn-taking, sharing to apply to him/her.
Thinks people (including teachers) often pick on him/her.
Reacts to perceived unfairness or lack of support by withdrawing or complaining.
Possessive & Impulsive
(for psychological comfort).
Thinks his/her needs & desires should come before those of others.
 “It’s mine.”, “I had it first.”, “I want it!”
Wants success at meeting goals to come easily
Complains that tasks are “too hard”.
Expects to win games/raffle.
*So what behaviors do you often see that reflect these traits?
Common Developmental Traits That Can Lead
To Non-Compliance - Ages 13 to 18^
Wants to make decisions influencing his/her life
Peer group influence exceeds that of adults
Engages in actions to earn acceptance of highly perceived
Attempts to gain positive attention from those to whom s/he
is romantically attracted
Highly concerned about personal appearance
Unconcerned about neatness of surroundings
Needs to project appearance of competence even if not so
“I know it already” attitude
Views education unrelated to interests as “boring”
Frontal lobe in boys probably poorly developed in
comparison to girls
lowered sensitivity to feelings of others
less awareness/concern for safety of self & others
*What behaviors do you commonly witness that reflect these traits?9
Other Reasons For Defiant Behavior
Hasn’t learned behaviors that meet school
Learned other "right ways" to behave in certain
situations. Their (re)actions reflect practices common
low income areas
culturally different / immigrant households.
Emulation of behavior/responses modeled in the
homes or neighborhoods of “the disenfranchised”. (A
learned pattern of confrontational behavior when dealing with
authority figures in demanding situations).
Knows the “appropriate” behavior that is expected, but
hasn’t had sufficient practice to perform it
A few more reasons
Physical influences (SID, ADHD, Tourettes, medication reactions)
Group influence/peer pressure
Rebellion against authority/striving for increased decision
making influence over one’s life.
His/her initial attempts at performing the desired behavior
didn’t work, so s/he overgeneralizes and assumes that it will
never work with anyone at anytime in any place.
Surging emotions interfere with the display of the
behavior. When humans are under stress, they
often revert to behaviors that are most familiar in
those situations.
Class IV section (Housatonic River, CT)
Times When We Play a Significant Role in
the Appearance of Defiant Actions?
Avoiding failure:
-feeling “dumb” in comparison to others.
-failing publicly around non-accepting audience.
Preoccupied by outside pressures & our direction
becomes “The straw that broke the camel’s back”.
(“Displaced anger”)
Fulfilling a role assigned (& maintained) by significant
adults (parents & educators)
Frustration when educators interfere with their
present pursuit of a desired goal (completing a task,
reaching a stopping point in a game, socializing, pestering
Directives & assignments viewed as being:
-waste of time
AND one’s contributions/suggestions/contrary views
given no consideration by the adult.
A general dislike for each other between the
student and educational professional has become
ingrained. Each plays a continuing role that
instigates and escalates problems.
Assessment Procedures
Behavior & Disabilities^
According to IDEA, we must engage in
investigative procedures to determine the
reason for persistent misbehavior IF:
The student already has an identified
disability (any one).
If we believe that that student may have a
disability (be it an emotional/psychological/behavioral
disorder OR another disability that might be a contributing
factor to the inappropriate actions).
The combination of procedures is known
collectively as “FBA”.
An FBA is a set of precise and complex
procedures for…
…helping the Committee on Special Education arrive at the
wrong conclusion with great certainty.
…determining the motivation, function, or cause of
the aberrant pattern of behavior. (Which assists us in
devising effective interventions.)
Some investigative methods that might be included in
an “FBA” are…?
Medical evaluation
Psychological evaluation
Psycho-Social Assessment (“ecological” assessment)
A-B-C Analysis
Determination of the student’s “Mistaken Goals”
(Oddly, rarely conducted nowadays)
General data collection (behavioral recording, checklists).
Steps for conducting all the evaluation procedures^
that follow (A-B-C, “Mistaken Goals”, “Behavioral
recording”) can be found at
Now for the A-B-C method for gaining insight into a
behavior’s etiology.
Professionals engage in the A-B-C process in order
to determine the cause of repeated behaviors that
take the same (or very similar) form and tend to
happen under the same circumstances.
This process is part of the evaluation procedures of
the “ABA” orientation.
The World According to ABA^
All behavior is…
A particular behavior is initiated by something that
happens previous to it.
Behaviors continue to exist because they either:
Behaviors can be built, modified, or extinguished
by skillfully manipulating the events and
circumstances that surround them.
bring desired benefits (“positive reinforcement”) or
fend off undesired events (“negative reinforcement”).
We are one of those “events”.
Behaviors are best understood by using the
“A-B-C” method of analysis.
A,B,C…it’s as easy as 1,2,3^
“There you go again. Why do you
 An Antecedent (stimulus) sparks a
Behavior that is maintained by a
In order to prevent inappropriate behaviors
from being exhibited ^
Assure that the Antecedent does not occur.
Prompt (and promptly reinforce) a “Replacement
Behavior” that meets the same physical and/or
emotional need as the undesirable one.
In order to “extinguish” a behavior, deprive it of
what keeps it going. ^
Disallow the usual reinforcing Consequence (the “benefit”,
“reward”, or “payout”) and respond to the behavior in what
Punish it
 what is available to us often doesn’t outweigh benefits of
 generally ineffective and fraught with hazards.
Ignore it
 Often difficult to do
 The practice is plagued with problems such as?
 Other pupils complain
 Other kids think that it is OK to emulate this behavior
 Some behaviors are self stimulating
 We frequently witness a “behavior burst”.
How Does One Ignore Effectively?^
Ignoring will cause behaviors to eventually
die out (“extinguish”) IF:
The student desires your attention
All attention from all other sources is
You can withhold attention during the
“behavior burst” which often escalates
to “extinction-induced aggression”
before ceasing.
Ignore The Behavior While Telling
Others What You’re Doing
“Thank you. Yes, I’m aware of that
behavior and I will be addressing it later.
I’m definitely not letting it go. The rules
still apply to everyone. I will be dealing
with that person’s behavior later
during…(some non-academic and desirable activity).
Now let’s return to our activity.” .
Situation: The teacher asks a question to the
class. Raheem quickly yells out an answer. The
teacher tells Raheem to raise his hand from now
on (as s/he always tells him to do), but thanks him
for the answer and goes on with the lesson.
Your Team’s Task:
Identify the
 Antecedent
 Behavior
 Consequence
Be ready to report how the teacher might
manipulate the “A” and “C”. Also identify a
replacement behavior that meets the child’s
need for attention, power, prestigue, money,
sensory stimulation…whatever the identified need.
Some Possibilities
The teacher could eliminate the antecedent by calling
on particular students. Do so after the question is asked, not
before (Jacob Kounin’s “group alerting” technique)...or else all the other
students will let their minds wander. OR Students could be given dry
eraser boards and pens so that everyone shows their answer on
The teacher might also change the consequence by
ignoring the answer ("I only hear the answer of students who raise
their hands and wait to be called upon. I'm looking for a hand.") or
punishing "calling out" behavior (while praising the hand raising of
other students).
The teacher might also work with Raheem to develop a
new behavior to get the reward/reinforcement. Each
time Raheem raises his hand (whether he knows the answer or not, and
whether he is called upon by the teacher or not) he gets a point. Twenty points
allows him to present information to the class tomorrow, or gives him
five minutes of personal time with the teacher (allowing him to receive the
desired rewards of either appearing knowledgeable or gaining personal contact with the
teacher). OR Teach him a special hand raise when you WILL call on
him (limited to two per day).
Rudolf Dreikurs’ Model^
The greatest human need is “to belong”. If we don’t
feel accepted and valued in an important life setting,
we react negatively… progressively so, if issues
remain unresolved.
When kids don’t feel valued by teachers and peers at
school, they engage in one or more of four (4)
“Mistaken Goals”:
(If not getting enough to feel
accepted and valued)
Seeking POWER
Displaying INADEQUACY (Lack of success brings an end
(Accepting negative attention)
(Resentment and anger from
losing the power struggle)
to the pursuit to belong).
It’s in your hands…
Right now, we’ll take a quick look at some
slides outlining the Mistaken Goals method
of assessment.
Semi-complete versions of them can be
found inside your packet.
Later, they’ll serve as resources as we use
the content of these slides to:
Determine the mistaken goal of a behavior
viewed on a video
Devise interventions for that mistaken goal.
Pesky behavior surfaces when kids aren't getting the amount of
recognition they
desire for their attempts to “be good”. (e.g., starting a task, remaining on-task, completing work, arriving
on time, being nice to others).
It is especially prominent in kids who:
Struggle academically
Don’t’ get much positive attention at home
Desire it from you
Have learned to be satisfied with negative attention
These kids feel important if the teacher pays attention to them and provides them with extra
They might:
-ask irrelevant questions
-call out frequently
-fail to engage in the task or stay focused
unless the teacher hovers over them
Assessing whether we’re right: Address the mistaken goal in a friendly, respectful, and
non threatening manner. This course of action removes the power of the mistaken goal. Try this
phrasing using concerned, polite, non sarcastic wording and tone of voice.
"Could it be that you'd like me to spend more time with you?“
Verification: verbal
acknowledgement or non-verbal
look of recognition .
An Example of an AttentionSeeking Pattern of Behavior
While we watch the “Amy” video clip…
Identify the actions that evidence this stage
 Consider how we might intervene in order
to address:
 Her
academic concerns (assistance)
 Her need for positive contact (attention).
SEEKING POWER (our defiant kids) ^
If attention seeking actions don't work, resentful youngsters may try to
make your professional life miserable.
They might:
-refuse to work or follow directions
-throw a temper tantrum
-tell you to "go take a flying leap"
-behave hostilely toward you
Assessing whether we’re right: Using concerned, polite, non-sarcastic
wording and tone of voice, say:
"When you try to prove that nobody can make you do
things you don't want to do, does that mean you’re
upset with us?” .
A “Power Struggle” with a “Defiant Kid”
Which possible precipitating factors for the “off task” behavior should the
teacher have considered before intervening? What might have contributed
to the student’s failure to copy from the board as others were doing during
that time?
Does it appear as if the student and teacher have established a warm
personal connection to one another? Is the classroom a welcoming,
validating, and valuing place for this youngster?
Which of the teacher’s interventions were counterproductive? What facets
of her approach contributed to the decay of the situation?
What might this teacher have done, or what might she do in the future, to
avoid the problems we witnessed, address the “mistaken goal”, and
accomplish her instructional goal?
Consider how she might address:
 His academic needs
 His need to avoid “losing face”
(being the recipient of a public shaming).
*This video is available from National Educational Services and is part of the “Circle of Courage”
(Brendtro, Brokenleg, & VanBockern)
training packet.
We have met the enemy…
and it is us.
When we set out to “Teach ‘em a lesson.”, we don’t.
Teachers who didn’t receive adequate behavior
management training tend to (over/under)react to
inappropriate student actions in either “Hapless” or
“Hurtful” (ala “PsychoTeacher”) ways.
Support and training for becoming a “Helpful”
educator can be found at .
Recognize that some issue is
affecting performance…Such as?
Feeling ill.
Left glasses at home.
Unable to do the assignment.
Outside concerns brought into the classroom.
Continuing issues with you that need to be
resolved in order to build/maintain positive
feelings about each other.
Deal with issues in private.
Stay in control of one’s emotions.
“The greatest lesson we can learn is infinite patience
& never-ending persistence.” (Franklin Delano Roosevelt –”FDR”)
-Use a civil tone of voice
-Avoid “put downs”
-Avoid saying that a task is “simple” or “easy”
 -not EZ for LD kid who forgot how to do it
 -not worthy of being taught in school if it’s “easy”.
Never use a frontal attack on a superior
opponent (or anyone else for that matter).
Make use of the positive strategies from past and
future SPED 702 sessions.
Research On Public
Belittlement / Verbal Bullying
When people were publicly chastised, only 1 in 10
improved his/her performance. 9 of 10 performed
worse the next time around.
Publicly criticized individuals:
-felt increased self doubt regarding their abilities
-resented the approach taken to address
their actions/performance
-felt dislike toward the ones who chastised them .
Positive Feedback Versus Criticism Ratio
Real life is 3-1
Morale problems set in at 2-1
Despair starts at 1-1
To promote appropriate behavior and positive self
concept, the site recommends a ratio of 5
positive comments for every negative one
(other sources recommend 8-30) with frequent contact for
each student. “Frequent” meaning...
(at least once every 5 minutes)
Is you worst behaved student receiving a 5-1 ratio?
(or even 3-1?)
SEEKING REVENGE (our aggressive kids)^
If attention or power seeking doesn't work, kids may seek
revenge against you or others. Their belief: "I can only
feel significant if I hurt others. I'm just doing what they've
done to me. I don't care if I'm disliked. They deserve this
behavior. It is a victory to be disliked and to undergo
punishment if I have retaliated and made them suffer.“
(Typically not done during a moment of confrontation. The vengeful act
happens in a concealed manner or at an unexpected time.)
They might:
-treat others cruelly
-set themselves up to be punished via the use of
-engage in pranks or vandalism behind your back
Assessing whether we’re right: In concerned, polite wording and a
non-sarcastic tone of voice, say: "When you did that, were you
trying to: ?
 hurt me because you're angry with me?”
Underneath the bravado of seeking revenge is deep discouragement. The
rejection by others eventually makes them feel worthless. They think:
"Why even try anymore?“
Discouraged kids guard what is left of their self esteem by removing
themselves from public and social tests. They think: "If I pretend to be
stupid or refuse to cooperate, people will leave me alone.“
They might:
-avoid interaction & become “invisible” in the class
-passively refuse to participate in class activities
-request to be left alone
-sit silently and engage in no activities
Assessing whether we’re right: In concerned, polite wording and a non-sarcastic
"When you pretend that you're not capable of
doing this work, are you trying to make me:
go away?“
tone of voice, say:
An “Inadequacy” Episode (or two)
Gayle’s spelling test - Our student is behind
in reading, and struggles with written
Shelly - Lunch time for a student in the
inadequacy stage.
Another Way to Determine The Reason^
If the youngster doesn’t respond to your assessment
question, you can still identify the “Mistaken Goal" via
these guidelines:
If you feel:
The student is probably seeking:
Disheartened (at inability to reach this student)
If a student:
Then the probable goal is:
Stops a behavior, but then repeats it
Refuses to stop and increases the misbehavior
Becomes violent or hostile
Refuses to cooperate, participate, put forth effort,
or interact
What might be the mistaken goal for “David”?
Intervening With Mistaken Goal Kids^
1. Explain that s/he is not the 1st kid to feel this way…Experts know
about this way of feeling/acting, have studied it for generations, and
know of better ways for youngsters to meet their needs. Help him/her
devise a plan to meet the needs in more appropriate ways.
2. Change your actions when confronted by the various behaviors:
3. Build a positive bond between you and the student. How so? (Teams)
If the mistaken goal arises again, avoid reacting in the same old way
Draw out, & then positively recognize, the desired replacement behavior
Create an extensive history of positive interactions
Use sandwiches when criticizing or offering suggestions
Be alert for opportunities to “catch ‘em being good”
State your belief in the youngster’s ability to succeed (academics & behavior)
Interact in a manner that allows the student to feel valued and respected
4. Create Esprit de Corp in the classroom. How do you do so? (Teams)
Conduct interesting cooperative group activities
Allow only supportive comments in class. No put-downs
Compete against other classrooms
Implement a group reward system
Specific Interventions for Attention Seeking^
Provide the youngster with acceptable ways of gaining the attention that is
Role play those new ways to increase the chances of them being used.
Give signals/hints to prompt the behavior in real life situations.
Set up a plan with the youngster which allows him/her to earn time with
Provide the youngster with supports (e.g., a peer who will help the youngster if academic
difficulties occur, a secret signal, etc.)
Remind the youngster of what must be done to get your attention
(e.g., raise hand). If this action is not yet a usual response for the
youngster, upon it’s display give your attention immediately (in order to
reinforce that correct behavior).
Verbally praise the youngster for displaying the appropriate
behavior. Wean the student from the immediate reaction on your
part by telling him/her that you see his/her appropriate behavior
and that you'll be there in just a minute (after attending to the other hand raisers
first, or finishing the writing of a note, etc.)
Specific Interventions for Power Seeking^
Avoid power struggles
Stay out of the "Conflict Cycle“ & prevent escalation of
the event.
Don’t find fault. Find solutions. Use “problem solving”
Recognize the youngster's need for power and influence.
Involve the student in making decisions.
Give responsibilities and positions of influence to the youngster.
Use "I messages" (covered later today) followed by questions
 "I'm hearing some offensive language. Could I hear that opinion
restated in more restrained terms?" .
Specific Interventions for Revenge Seeking^
Design activities in which the student and
others (perhaps you) interact positively and
Bond with the youngster.
 Give him/her the time of day.
 Build a friendly relationship.
 Treat him/her respectfully and supportively
Expect resistance to your efforts at first. Be
unconditionally and persistently respectful
and supportive. Don’t be a punching bag,
but be politely assertive in your reactions.
Specific Interventions for
Kids Who Display Inadequacy^
Offer encouragement and support to the youngster. Do not criticize.
Focus on the putting forth of effort, not accuracy or grades.
Set up the youngster for success and recognize his/her efforts.
Blame any lack of success on the curriculum, materials, or the way
you taught the lesson, but do not blame the youngster.
If minimal effort (or less) was exerted, positively acknowledge it and
focus on ways to improve in that area. Devise ways that you can
support heightened exertion.
Have the student self-evaluate, identifying what s/he did correctly
and incorrectly. Then have him/her develop a plan for improvement
(or have him/her redo the task well). Assist as needed.
NEVER show frustration. This reaction may reinforce a sense of
Other ideas for motivating the
unmotivated (Displaying Inadequacy)
Modify materials and presentation.
Ensure understanding by asking the student to
repeat the directions in his/her own words.
Check in early with the student to assure
understanding and task engagement.
Promote motivation by:
Focusing on effort rather than accuracy
 Reminiscing about earlier successes that resulted from
 Relating material to the student’s life & interests
Assign peer helpers/cross age tutors.
Psycho-Social Assessment
This information gathering process supports the
Mistaken Goals and A-B-C assessments, and
helps us to “fill in the blanks”. While watching the
multi-faceted information gathering process,
Conduct an A-B-C analysis for the two incidents with
the teacher (floor hockey game, classroom independent work).
(Scott DVD – 3 minute/Teams)
While working in your teams for 10 minutes,
please identify:
The “Mistaken Goal” (if apparent)
 Other possible reasons (as per the previous two slides)
 Services that might be recommended
 Interventions & strategies
•OK, now I know that the student is defiant or aggressive because:
Hasn’t learned behaviors that meet school expectations
Learned other "right ways" to behave in certain situations
low income
culturally different / immigrant
Knows the “appropriate” behavior, but hasn’t had sufficient
practice to do it proficiently.
His/her initial attempts didn’t work, so s/he overgeneralizes
and assumes that it will never work
Surging emotions interfere with the display of the behavior
Now What?
What’s the job of a teacher?
Teach ‘em what they don’t yet know
 …but what and how (behaviorally speaking)?
 Reflective decision making
 Problem solving
 Social skills
 Anger management
 Conflict resolution
 Character education, in order to:
Provide a solid foundation on which to base the
newly acquired social-behavior skills
 Prevent a self-serving display of appropriate
How is teaching behavior like
teaching academics?^
Determine the current level of knowledge/skill.
(questioning, observation)
Make the learning relevant & useful to the learner.
Make use of present knowledge/skills.
Instruct, model, & provide guided practice.
Provide more guided practice (at least 20 successes to ingrain
in memory bank) with progressively more “pressure”.~
Recognize effort & progress.
Re-teach parts with which s/he has difficulty.
Source: Mary Beth Hewitt, What Changes Behavior? Punishment or Remediation. Choices
Why Don’t More Teachers Teach Behavior?
They don’t know how to do so.
Take heart! The process and procedures for teaching
new behaviors are similar to the ways in which we teach
new academic material. Therefore, you already
possess the skills needed to do so.
However, many teachers don’t accept the premise
that behavior can or should be taught. Consider
the following points in a commonly found schoolbased mindset.
(derived in large part from Jones, 2001, page 296).
Infrequent Problems:
Academic versus Behavioral
Academic: Assume the student was trying to
make a correct response & that the mistake
was accidental.
Behavioral: Assume the student was not
trying to make the correct response, and that
the behavior was deliberate.
Academic: Provide assistance.
Behavioral: Provide a negative consequence.
Persistent Problems:
Academic versus Behavioral
Academic: Assume the student learned the
wrong way to do it or has been taught
(inadvertently) the wrong way to perform the
Behavioral: Presume that all students are
capable of behaving correctly. Assume that
this youngster consciously “chooses” to
misbehave and be uncooperative.
Academic: Diagnose the nature and cause of
problem in order to guide practice.
Behavioral: Provide more negative consequences.
Academic: Determine a more effective way to
present the material within the classroom.
Behavioral: Remove the student from the
classroom context.
Academic: Provide practice, feedback, and review.
Behavioral: Provide no instruction.
Final Assumptions
Academic Problems: Based on the
performance after instruction, assume that
the student understands the concept and
can apply the skill.
Behavior Problems: Based on no
instruction or remediation, assume that the
student has “learned a lesson” and should
therefore behave correctly in the future.
With apologies to the Mahatma…
“Be the change you want to see in the world.”
The school-based version:
 “Be and teach the change you want to see in
this world.”
Foundations for Understanding Behaviors
(so that we can “teach” better ones)^
(nearly) All behavior is learned.
Behaviors continue to be shown because
there is a benefit to doing so.
Behaviors can be built, modified, or
extinguished by skillfully manipulating the
events and circumstances that surround
We are one of those “events”.
When emotions start to