English for Tourism and Travel

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Transcript English for Tourism and Travel

Tourism English
Part I Lecture Time Assigned
Talk about tour guide
Get ready for meeting the tour
Simulated dialogue
Role play
Simulated dialogue
Questions for discussion
Role play
Words and expressions
Five Parts
Learning Objectives
1.Get to know tour guide responsibilities
2.Learn the role of tour guide
3.Get to know how to get ready for the pre
Teaching Procedure
1.Study the Words and Proper Names
2. Questions for discussion.
3. Study the Language Tips Shown in
This Text
4. Fill in the Blanks of The Passages
New words and Expressions
Travel agency
tour business be well
offer quite a lot of chances
Basic qualities resourceful
take challenges
take into account itinerary
Be suited to work in tourism
Working with people
Be genuinely concerned for a customer’s comfort
Be well-being
Be pleasant and gracious
Be self-discipline
Be patient
An unfailing cheerful personality
Have the physical stamina
Work long hours
Be involved in the pressure of a crush people
Have keen vision
Have excellent hearing
Have well-endowed nerves
Visit several types or tourist-related organizations
Watch the activities
Talk to the people
Try to get an internship
Dialogue 1
Listening and its
( P: Peggy;L:Louis)
L:Can you briefly talk about the best part of the job as well as your favorite aspects of the job’ Peggy?
P: Well, tour guiding does offer one quite a lot of chances of on-che –house traveling, meeting interesting people, and opening
one’s eyes. One can obtain valuable experience and learn new stuff. The most enjoyable aspect is the people. I meet the most
interesting people from all over the world.
L:So what are the basic qualities one should have to become a successful tour guide?
P:Resourceful, responsible, energetic, flexible, and with a high tolerance of stress. Needless to say a love of travel.
L:Is it tedious to go to the same place over and over again?
P:The place you take the guests to visit doesn’t change, but the people are varied. Every day you face new challenges and
each trip’s new adventure. But I love to take challenges.
L:Do companies cover a guide’s transportation costs and anything like that?
P:Oh, yes, the travel agency helps to pay all the expenses, such as my hotel and my meals.
L:Although you do have to work long hours, you still have flexibility, don’t you?
P:You can say that again. You have more freedom to choose which company you’d like to work for and when to work. Even in
busy seasons I can still manage to have time off every now and then to get relaxed.
L:Is there anything else you would like to add?
P:Tour guiding is a rewarding job. It helps one develop quite a lot of excellent attributes and make good use of his talents. If you
can stand the test of tour guiding, you will surely succeed in doing many other jobs.
Dialogue 2
Listening and its
Situation: Two tour guides, Thomas and Anna, are talking about their job.
( T: Thomas;A: Anna)
T :Hello, Anna. How are you?
A:Hello,Thomas, I am doing well. Thanks for asking. Shall we start now?
T: What is the very first step a tour guide commonly takes to prepare for the tour?
A:Once receiving the tour itinerary the company makes, you should do the preparation at least one day in advance of the arrival
of guests. You have to map out what you are going to do the next morning. Before I go to bed, I review what I need to do,
making sure that I know I’m not going to miss those things.
The very first thing you should do is to read the itinerary thoroughly, taking into account of the client’s age, purpose of travel,
nationality, the size of a group, entry and departure time, etc. And also you must make sure where to meet and greet your
guests. Obtaining some essential knowledge about the guest’s country is quite necessary. Anyway you have to make sure
everything is set in line for tourists’ arrival.
T: Does a tour company always book all the activities for tourists in advance?
A:Sometimes that’s already done for you by the company., but that’s not always the case, though.
T: What else should I inquire of the travel agency?
A:Be sure to find out the background of a group or standard of the group, criterion of service, and the way to pay the cost. You
should inquire about whether there is any taboo in food or drink. The more information you learn, the easier it is to get prepared.
T: Now can I get in touch with the driver?
A:You can call the driver to discuss a meeting plan. Before heading to the airport or wharf, make sure the coach will be in good
condition and appear at the right time and the right place.
T: Perhaps some minimums CPR training would help?
A:Oh, yes, first aid, CPR, is very important. And you have to be healthy! You’re exposed to all types of things, too.
Questions for discussion
1.what are the basic qualities one should have to
become a successful tour guide?
2. Is it tedious to go to the same place over and
over again?
3.Do companies cover a guide’s transportation
costs and anything like that?
4.Why is tour guiding is a rewarding job?
5. What is the very first step a tour guide
commonly takes to prepare for the tour?
Jim is a successful local travel agency
manager. He is sited by a very bright
college senior who is most interested in
becoming a travel agent . What pre tour
preparation advice would you offer?
Part VI: Homework
1.Review the dialogues
2.Preview Unit2
3. Make simulated dialogues about tour
guide responsibilities and pre tour
4. Extensive reading .
Thank You !
Have a nice class!