Teaming Up – Partnership Basics

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Leadership Training

Leadership Training

with Russ Adsit, FASLA

Executive Director, IECA

What Will We Do?

 Build relationships/Share insights  Recognize resources/Provide tools.

 Learn leadership skills.

 Discuss Goals and begin work on plans  Motivate Chapter Leaders  Have fun!

What Are Your Expectations?

Why Do We Provide Leadership?

 What is the goal?

 What might happen if we don’t train the leaders?

 How will we know if we’ve met the goal?

A Successful Leader

 What knowledge, skills, and attitudes does a successful leader possess and why are they important?

Are You a Leader or a Manager?

Manager A Manager gets things done through planning, budgeting, organizing, staffing, and controlling.

Leader A Leader gets things done by establishing a vision, then aligning followers to that vision by motivating and inspiring them


Running a Meeting

Running A Meeting

with Russ Adsit, FASLA

Executive Director, IECA

What Will You Learn?

 Roberts Rules of Order  Constitution and Bylaws  Common Sense  Courtesy

Preparation is Key

Prepare a draft agenda for input by members of the deliberating body Allow additions and corrections to the draft Send the agenda with enough time for members to prepare

Meeting Format

 Call to Order  Roll call of those present  Reading and approval of previous minutes  Officers reports  Committee reports  Special orders

Meeting Format

 Unfinished business  New business  Announcements  Adjournment

Consent Agenda

 Speeds up routine matters  Cannot be construed as there being no objection  No motion needed  No discussion held

Roberts Rules

 There is a hierarchy or order to motions  Once a motion is seconded, it belongs to the body and cannot be amended, withdrawn or revised without proper disposition by the body  If there is no second, there can be no discussion  Discussion only after the second and usually, the first speaker is the person who made the motion

Roberts Rules

 If discussion is to be limited, rules should be adopted at the beginning of the meeting:  Each speaker is only allowed to speak once  Speakers are allowed two minutes  Debate will alternate between pro and con until one side has exhausted its speakers

Call for the Question

 Misused  Cannot interrupt speaker  Does not take precedence  Is a subsidiary motion  Has to have a second  Requires 2/3 approval

Executive Session

 Cannot be used just because the body wants secret deliberations  Decisions MUST be reported out and voted on in the assembly  Can only be used for specific issues:    Legal issues and preparation of defense or litigation Real estate transactions Personnel issues

Constitution and Bylaws

 Find them  Read them  Ask questions  Revise them if necessary

Are You Really Alone?

with Russ Adsit, FASLA

Executive Director, IECA



Assign to the right people Choose the right people Appoint and be willing to dis-appoint

Personality 1

Powerful Results-oriented Controlling Aggressive 

Personality 4

Analytical Thinker Perfectionist Moody 

Personality 2

Fun Extroverted Popular Talker 

Personality 3

Peaceful Dependable Friendly Loyal

Know Yourself and Your Volunteers  75 percent process things differently than you do.

 Some need/want detail.

Some will be irritated with detail.

 Some want to participate verbally.

Some want to watch/listen.


 Share the Dream  Communicate the Vision  Establish and Communicate Goals  Share Information  Provide Feedback  Provide Positive Reinforcement

Good Luck!

There are many resources available in the form of guides, checklists, and how to books and publications