Transcript Document

Nanoscale science and
engineering: How nanotechnology
is impacting our everyday lives
Aldrin E. Sweeney, Ph.D.
Associate Professor,
Science Education
Miami Science Museum
May 2-3, 2008
A little bit about me…
Program Coordinator, Science
Education at UCF
Academic background in
biochemistry, organic chemistry
and science education
Work with colleagues at UCF and
worldwide on issues relating to
science and engineering education
Current research efforts in
nanoscale science and engineering
education (NSEE)
How nanotechnology is
impacting our everyday lives
Defining nanoscale science and
engineering (“nanotechnology”)
Why the excitement about
nanotechnology? Examples of
“nanotech” in current research …
and everyday life
U.S. National Nanotechnology
Initiative and NSEE
Examples of NSEE research
What is nanoscale science &
The study of materials and associated
physical, biophysical and biochemical
phenomena on the scale of ~1-100 nm.
The primary appeal of nanotechnology is the
potential to manipulate matter at
the nanoscale. This leads to the
possibility of preparing novel materials
(nanomaterials) that have specific,
manipulable physical properties and
What makes the nanoscale special?
High density of structures is possible with small size.
Physical and chemical properties can be different at the nano-scale
(e.g. electronic, optical, mechanical, thermal, chemical).
The physical behavior of material can be different in the nano-regime
because of the different ways physical properties scale with dimension
(e.g. area vs. volume).
Prof. Richard Feynman
“There’s plenty of room at the bottom”
Physical/chemical properties can change as we
approach the nano-scale
Melting point of gold particles
Fluorescence of semiconductor
Decreasing crystal size
K. J. Klabunde, 2001
M. Bawendi, MIT:
Evident, Inc.:
By controlling nano-scale (1) composition, (2) size, and (3) shape, we can
create new materials with new properties  New technologies
Popular perceptions of
I, Robot (2004)
Outer Limits: The New Breed (1995)
Star Trek: TNG (1987-1994)
Popular perceptions of
Nanotechnology is estimated to become a
trillion dollar market by ~2010
Areas in which nanotechnologies are expected to
impact our everyday lives:
• Electronics
• Photonics (communications
& computing using photons)
• Information storage
• Energy storage/transport
• Materials engineering
• Textiles
Mechanical engineering
Environmental remediation
Pharmaceuticals & drug
• Biotechnology -- CdSe
Nanoshells & SWNTs in
cancer therapy
Research area 1: Lightweight, multifunctional nano-fibers and materials
Research area 2: Battle suit medicine
Research area 3: Blast and ballistic
Research area 4: Chem/bio materials
science (detection & protection)
Research area 5: Nanosystems integration
Nanofibres help nerves in
brain regrow
Researchers at MIT, US, Hong Kong University and
Fourth Military Medical University, China, have used
a nanofibre scaffold to help nerve cells regenerate in
the brains of hamsters.
Peptide nanofibre solution injected into the animals'
brains; fibres self-assembled into a network in the
void in the brain caused by injury; technique restored
at least some sight to ~75% of the animals.
Technique being tested on spinal cord injuries; plans
to launch trials in primates and eventually in humans;
technique ultimately could help people who have
suffered traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries
and stroke.
Ellis-Behnke et al, 2006, PNAS
Social and ethical issues
in nanoscale science &
What is the National
Nanotechnology Initiative?
Federal R&D program that coordinates multiagency efforts in
nanoscale science, engineering, and technology.
Launched in 2001 after approval by U.S. Congress in November
2000 ($422 million in funding, 2001 fiscal year)
23 federal agencies comprise the Initiative, 11 of which have a
nanotechnology R&D budget.
2004 fiscal year … $961 million in funding; 2007 fiscal year ….
~$1,445 million in funding; 2009 budget, $1.5 billion in funding
Participants in the National
Nanotechnology Initiative
Societal implications of
nanoscience and
* National and global economics
* Environmental sustainability
* Development of pharmaceuticals
* Human lifespan and quality of life
* Education/workforce preparation
-- Future of K-16 science/engineering education
K-16 science & engineering
Estimated that up to 2 million workers will be needed
worldwide in various nanotechnology fields within the next
10-15 years (M. Roco, NSF, International Journal of
Engineering Education, 2002).
Fields with greatest immediate anticipated needs:
biomedical applications, microelectromechanical systems
(MEMS), microfluidics, opto-electronics, information
storage, pharmaceuticals and microelectronics (S. Fonash,
Pennsylvania State University, Journal of Nanoparticle
Research, 2001).
Higher education & career
options in nanoscale
science and engineering
Aldrin E. Sweeney, Ph.D.
Associate Professor & Program Coordinator,
Science Education
[email protected]