Atmospheric Basics - Clinton Public School District

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Transcript Atmospheric Basics - Clinton Public School District

Atmospheric Basics
Section 11.1
Atmospheric Composition
• Energy is transferred throughout Earth’s
• 78% Nitrogen
• 21% Oxygen
• 1% trace gases (Ar, CO2, H2O)
• What gases made up Earth’s early
Atmospheric Composition
• Gases like water vapor and ozone can vary
from place to place on Earth
• Regulate the amount of energy the
atmosphere absorbs and emits
• Water vapor varies from 0% to 4%
• Ozone layer is 20-50 km above Earth
• CFCs breakdown ozone
• List some harmful particles in the air
Atmospheric Layers
• Troposphere
• Stratosphere
• Mesosphere
• Thermosphere
• Exosphere
• Work with a partner to complete your
foldable review guide
Energy Transfer
• Radiation – the transfer of thermal
energy by electromagnetic waves
• Thermal energy is transferred from the
Sun to the Earth like a heating lamp over
• This solar energy is absorbed and
reflected by the atmosphere and Earth’s
• Water heats and cools more slowly than
Energy Transfer
• Conduction – the transfer of thermal
energy between objects when their atoms
or molecules collide
• Occurs more easily in solids and liquids
than in gases
• Conduction occurs between Earth’s surface
and the lowest level of the atmosphere
Energy Transfer
• Convection – the transfer of thermal
energy by the movement of heated
material from one place to another
• Occurs mainly in liquids and gases
• Describe convection currents.