Transcript Slide 1

Cultural Competency
Understanding What Makes People Unique
Goals / Objectives
Define Cultural Competency
The 14 CLAS Standards
How cultural competency affects
 Understanding the importance of cultural
 Current efforts to improve cultural
Goals / Objectives
 Understanding and tolerating others and their actions
 Cultural Competency is a required training with most MTM
 Benefits of Cultural Competency
What is Cultural Competency?
 Cultural Competency refers to the ability to understand, appreciate and
interact with persons from cultures and/or belief systems other than
one’s own, based on various factors. (Segen’s Medical Dictionary 2011)
 Being culturally competent is to understand there are many factors that
make people who they are, including, but not limited to:
Ethnicity/Cultural background
 14 CLAS Standards
Established by the Health and Human Services Department, Office of Minority Health
CLAS Standards
 CLAS: Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services
 Culturally Competent Care
• Health care organizations should
1) Ensure that patients/consumers receive effective, understandable, and
respectful care that is provided in a manner compatible with their cultural
health beliefs and practices and preferred language.
2) Implement strategies to recruit, retain, and promote at all levels of the
organization a diverse staff and leadership that are representative of the
demographic characteristics of the service area.
3) Ensure that staff at all levels and across all disciplines receive ongoing
education and training in culturally and linguistically appropriate service
CLAS Standards (continued)
 Language Access Services (Mandated)
4) Health care organizations must offer and provide language assistance services, including
bilingual staff and interpreter services, at no cost to each patient/consumer with limited
English proficiency at all points of contact, in a timely manner during all hours of
5) Health care organizations must provide to patients/consumers in their preferred
language both verbal offers and written notices informing them of their right to receive
language assistance services.
6) Health care organizations must assure the competence of language assistance provided
to limited English proficient patients/consumers by interpreters and bilingual staff. Family
and friends should not be used to provide interpretation services (except on request by
the patient/consumer).
7) Health care organizations must make available easily understood patient-related
materials and post signage in the languages of the commonly encountered groups and/or
groups represented in the service area.
CLAS Standards (continued)
 Organizational Supports for Cultural Competence
8) Health care organizations should develop, implement, and promote a written
strategic plan that outlines clear goals, policies, operational plans, and
management accountability /oversight mechanisms to provide culturally and
linguistically appropriate services.
9) Health care organizations should conduct initial and ongoing organizational
self-assessments of CLAS-related activities and are encouraged to integrate
cultural and linguistic competence-related measure into their internal audits,
performance improvement programs, patient satisfaction assessments, and
outcomes-based evaluations.
10) Health care organizations should ensure that data on the individual
patient’s/consumer’s race, ethnicity, and spoken and written language are
collected in health records, integrated into the organization’s management
information systems, and periodically updated.
CLAS Standards (continued)
 Organizational Supports for Cultural Competence (continued)
11) Health care organizations should maintain a current demographic, cultural, and
epidemiological profile of the community as well as a needs assessment to
accurately plan for and implement services that respond to the cultural and
linguistic characteristics of the service area.
12) Health care organizations should develop participatory, collaborative partnerships
with communities and utilize a variety of formal and informal mechanisms to
facilitate community and patient/consumer involvement in designing and
implementing CLAS related activities.
13) Health care organizations should ensure that conflict and grievance resolution
processes are culturally and linguistically sensitive and capable of identifying,
preventing, and resolving cross-cultural conflicts or patients/consumers.
14) Health care organizations are encouraged to regularly make available to the public
information about their progress and successful innovations in implementing the
CLAS standards and to provide public notice in their communities about the
availability of this information.
 Why is Cultural Competency an important issue now?
• Health Care outcomes can be drastically effected if there is a lack of knowledge
• Language barriers/judgments may be made based on appearances or social
• People of different cultures may approach health care differently than other
main-stream groups
• Potential to delay making important medical decisions
History (continued)
 An example of how a lack of Cultural Competency can have
an impact on someone’s health care:
Ms. B. is an African American mother of a child with special health care
needs. Frequently, when she walks up to the front desk, she is
automatically asked for her Medicaid card. Her family is not eligible for
any Medicaid waivers and has private insurance through her husband’s
employer. She does not appreciate that the front desk automatically
assumes that because she is African American, she is poor. National
Center for Cultural Competence (NCCC)
History (continued)
 An example of how a lack of Cultural Competency can have an impact on
someone’s health care:
Ms. L. has a Hispanic surname and speaks with an accent. She is often
upset when she calls a health care provider’s office or goes in for a visit,
and staff assumes she does not speak or understand English. Sometimes
this assumption leads staff to speak slowly and loudly. Other times they
will have a bilingual staff person interact with her. Although she is pleased
that some health care providers make an effort to have bilingual staff for
families who require this level of language assistance, she wishes they
would ask about her specific needs. National Center for Cultural
Competence (NCCC)
How Cultural Competency Affects Health Care
 Many things can result from a lack of Cultural Competency
and understanding, including but not limited to:
• Health Care Professionals can come across as being very disrespectful (not
intentionally) based on the person’s beliefs
• Health outcomes can be delayed and decisions not made timely due to
communication problems
• People may feel like they cannot access health care because they do not feel
they are “understood” by people in the health care industry
• It can be a life or death situation for the patient
Who is Effected by Cultural Competency?
Everyone is effected by Cultural Competency in some way; you are the person
trying to understand or you are the person trying to be understood
You work with people that may not have the same background you do or the same
core values you have
You meet people everyday that don’t have the exact same history that you do so
being open to learning and understanding is key
Understanding and respecting everyone and their uniqueness is being Culturally
Education, Training & Outreach
 Education
• There are countless sources for
education available to the public on-line
• Take advantage of all work training
programs offered to you
• Educate yourself
 Training
• As with education, there are a
tremendous number of training models
available to the public on-line (Internet)
• Take advantage of all work training
programs offered to you
What Needs to Happen Next?
 Outreach
• As with education and training, the Internet is a great resource for
outreach ideas and tools
• Particularly if you are in a situation where there could be a lack of
understanding due to Cultural differences, don’t be afraid to ask
questions to gain understanding from both sides of the aisle
• Once you have a firm understanding of Cultural Competency, help
others understand with you – become an advocate for Cultural
When do we need to be Culturally Competent?
 As soon as possible would be effective and
 Being as Culturally Competent as possible
in all situations will help in several ways,
including but not limited to:
• Better understanding for the person
seeking health care and the person helping
provide the health care
• Better access to health care for those in
• Better health care outcomes and results
 What to take away from this training:
• An understanding of what Cultural Competency is and what it means
• What can happen when there is a lack of cultural competency
• Examples of individual cases where a lack of Cultural Competency had
an impact on someone
• Who needs to know about Cultural Competency
• Going forward - How can the problem be fixed/minimized
Information Sources
Segen’s Medical Dictionary
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
National Center for Cultural Competence (NCCC)
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services – Office of
Minority Health