The International Baccalaureate Diploma Program

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Transcript The International Baccalaureate Diploma Program

Writing the College Essay
Edited By: Teri Manderino
Date: May 27, 2014
Students have powerful stories to tell, and
these stories are an often unexplored
asset in the college admissions process.
Taking control of your life story is an
empowering experience.
It is critical for students to write a story
that is meaningful and true rather than a
story that they believe will please a
college admissions counselor.
Food for thought
• Writing a successful college
essay requires revision and editing,
with ample time for reflection and
Think about it!
Chicago Area Regional Representatives is a
professional organization for salaried admission
professionals based in the Chicago area. Membership
is comprised of both in-state and out-of-state
institutions who have dedicated the necessary
resources to operate residence-based offices to better
assist students and secondary professionals. CARR
members work with students and counselors in
Illinois, and in some instances other Midwestern
states. All CARR members pay annual membership
dues and represent institutions that are IACAC and/or
NACAC members.
Who is CARR?
Topic A
 Write an essay in which you tell us about
someone who has made an impact on your
life and explain how and why this person is
important to you.
Topic B
 Choose an issue of importance to you – the
issue could be personal, school-related, local,
political or international in scope – and write
an essay in which you explain the
significance of that issue to yourself, your
family, your community, or your generation.
Sample Essay Topics
 Accepted by almost 600 universities.
 Information can be saved and copied to
fill out multiple applications.
 Website includes supplement forms as
The Common Application
The Common Application requires students
write essays from five possible topics.
Some students have a background or story that is so central to their identity that they believe
their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your
Recount an incident or time when you experienced failure. How did it affect you, and what lessons
did you learn?
Reflect on a time when you challenged a belief or idea. What prompted you to act? Would you
make the same decision again?
Describe a place or environment where you are perfectly content. What do you do or experience
there, and why is it meaningful to you?
Discuss an accomplishment or event, formal or informal, that marked your transition from
childhood to adulthood within your culture, community, or family.
The Common Application
When writing, follow a two-part process.
Spend time figuring out what you want to
say. Once you have brainstormed and written
down all your ideas, then begin to polish and
improve your story. Remember that shorter is
usually better. Reduce your story to its
essence, like a polished stone.
Be yourself. Do not write for a college
admissions counselor. Do not necessarily
focus on your accomplishments, but instead
tell something meaningful about yourself that
only you know.
Tips for writing college essays
Tell a story. Write as you see and hear, as if
you are writing scenes in a movie. Follow a
simple structure, such as beginning with a
scene, explaining your scene, offering some
kind of revelation or a climax, and ending
with some sort of summary scene.
Don’t be afraid to be different, both in terms
of content and form. It is OK to write a
poem, a letter, or write in story mode as long
as your piece addresses the question.
Tips for Writing College Essays
Be specific and short. Keep your pieces
between 250 and 650 words.
Find a good listener and a good editor. They
can be the same person, but it is not the
same job. Read your story aloud and ask
your listener to tell you what she likes, what
she wants more of, what she would get rid of.
When your piece is finished, find someone
who can read your written work and help you
with word choice, organization and
Tips for Writing College Essays
Print out what you have written. Making the type
larger and double spacing often forces you to
read more slowly. Read out loud or have a
partner read your piece to you.
Do not necessarily read the piece from top to
bottom. Sometimes it helps to separate your
piece into chunks and read each of them
independently. If they don’t stand alone, get rid
of them. Or, start in the middle.
Tips for Revision
Study your piece for your best moments,
and consider whether you can do more to
put the reader in those moments.
Conversely, look for everything that does
not move your piece along and omit it.
Does your piece impart a sense of who
you are and what you believe? (Truth
matters more than whether others will
like you, agree with you, or be impressed
by you.)
Tips for Revision
Look at your lead. Does your lead grab,
and does it relate to the larger arc of your
story? Is there a stronger point in your
piece that really should be your
Look at your conclusion. Does it tie back
to the remainder of your piece, or
advance the story in some significant
Tips for Revision
Does your story flow?
Study your details and description. Detail
makes writing stand out, and the best
details are the ones that are true and
specific. Write to tell others what only you
Show, don’t tell.
Tips for Revision
Consider your choice of words. Have you
chosen the most appropriate adjectives?
If you are describing a character, consider
whether you can say more about that
person by showing something they did, or
sharing a bit of dialogue. Avoid physical
description unless it says something about
the person’s character.
Identify your adverbs (usually ending in –
ly). Consider whether you can replace
them with a stronger verb.
Tips for Revision
Investigate whether other colleges have similar
requirements, due dates and essay topics. Also
look for scholarships, and consider whether you
can adapt some of your essays to use for both
Begin thinking about and drafting two essays for
multiple uses.
Find a family member, friend or teacher
who can help you by listening to your
essay drafts and helping you edit and
polish them.
Make a list of everything else that is
required and the due dates.
Have fun with your writing. Be yourself.