Transcript Slide 1

The Canterbury Tales
The Canterbury Tales Lesson Plan Project
• Choose a tale from the book (no duplicates)
• Assignment: Teach it to the class
▫ Summarize the tale
▫ Explain themes, lessons, or other significant aspects
• Requirements
▫ Visual presentation
 Examples: video, skit, powerpoint, poster, etc.)
▫ Paper handout with activity for the class
• These tales are off limits
The Miller’s Tale
The Reeve’s Tale
The Clerk’s Tale
The Prioress’ Tale
Call dibs on your tale
by writing your name
and the title of the tale
on the white board
The Canterbury Tales
Lesson Plan Project
• Choose a tale from the book (no duplicates)
• Assignment: Teach it to the class
▫ Summarize the tale
▫ Explain themes, lessons, or other significant aspects
• Requirements
▫ Visual presentation
 Examples: video, skit, powerpoint, poster, etc.)
▫ Paper handout with activity for the class