Human Anatomy, First Edition McKinley&O'Loughlin

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Transcript Human Anatomy, First Edition McKinley&O'Loughlin

Human Anatomy,

First Edition McKinley & O'Loughlin Chapter 23 : Vessels and Circulation 23-1

Blood Vessels

      An efficient mode of transport for oxygen , nutrients , and waste products to and from body tissues. Heart is the mechanical pump that propels the blood through the vessels.

Heart and blood vessels form a closed-loop system.

Blood is tissues.

continuously pumped to and from the Are not rigid and immobile.

Can pulsate and change shape the body’s needs.

in accordance with 23-2

Blood Vessels

    Naming:   Often share names with either the body region they traverse or the bone next to them .

Some are named for the structure they supply.

 Arteries and veins same name.

that travel together sometimes share the Systemic circulation  consists of the blood vessels that extend to and from the body tissues.

Pulmonary circulation  consists of the vessels that take the blood to the lungs for gas exchange.

Work continuously and in tandem with each other. 23-3

Three Main Classes of Blood Vessels

   Arteries convey blood away heart to the body tissues. from the Arteries branch, or bifurcate, into smaller and smaller vessels (arterioles) until they feed into the capillaries , where gas and nutrient exchange occurs. From the capillaries, veins to the heart.

return blood 23-4

Three Main Classes of Blood Vessels

   Arteries become progressively smaller as they divide and get further from the heart.

Veins become progressively larger merge and get closer to the heart . as they Anastomosis: region .

Site where two or more vessels merge to supply the same body  arterial anastomoses: alternate route  Veins tend to form many more anastomoses than do arteries.


Three Main Classes of Blood Vessels

  End arteries    Arteries that do not form anastomoses Only one route E.g.: renal artery, splenic artery Functional end arteries  Have small anastomoses  E.g.: coronary arteries 23-6


Blood Vessel Tunics

  Tunica Intima, or Tunica Interna  innermost layer  composed of:   an endothelium (simple squamous epithelium) subendothelial layer (areolar CT) Tunica Media    middle layer of the vessel wall composed of:  circularly arranged smooth muscle cells Sympathetic innervation:   Increase: vasoconstriction lumen) Decrease: vasodilation (narrowing of the blood vessel (widening of the blood vessel lumen) 23-8

Blood Vessel Tunics

Tunica Externa, or Tunica Adventitia     outermost layer composed of:  areolar connective tissue that contains elastic helps anchor the vessel to other tissues and collagen fibers Term adventitia is used to specify outer layer in blood vessels that are buried in CT   Vasa vasorum  : blood vessels that supply large blood vessels In the externa Arteries vs Veins:     Media largest in arteries, externa largest in veins Lumen is smallest in arteries Artery wall have more elastic and collagen fibers Capillaries: only the Interna 23-9



   In the systemic circulation, blood to the body tissues. carry oxygenated Pulmonary arteries carry deoxygenated to the lungs. blood Three basic types of arteries:  elastic arteries, muscular arteries, and arterioles  as an artery’s diameter decreases  corresponding decrease in the amount of elastic fibers  relative increase in the amount of smooth muscle 23-11



     Contain only the tunica intima , but this layer consists of a basement membrane and endothelium only.

Allow gas and nutrient exchange between the blood and the body tissues to occur rapidly.

Smallest blood vessels, connect arterioles Are called the system. functional units to venules.

of the cardiovascular A group of capillaries (10–100) functions together and forms a capillary bed.



The Three Basic Kinds of Capillaries

  

Continuous capillaries

 the most common type

Fenestrated capillaries Sinusoids

, or discontinuous capillaries 23-15



      Drain capillaries and return the blood to the heart.

Walls are relatively thin and the vein lumen is larger.

Systemic veins carry deoxygenated blood to the right atrium of the heart, while oxygenated blood pulmonary veins carry to the left atrium of the heart. Blood pressure is substantially reduced by the time blood reaches the veins.

Hold about 60% of the body’s blood at rest. Veins function as blood reservoirs. 23-17

From Venules to Veins

      Venules merge to form veins.

Venule becomes a “vein” when its diameter is greater than 100 micrometers.

Blood pressure gravity. in veins is too low to overcome the forces of To prevent blood from pooling in the limbs, most veins contain one-way numerous valves to prevent blood backflow in the veins. As blood flows superiorly in the limbs, the prevent backflow . valves close to Numerous valves to the heart.

along its length to assist in moving blood back 23-18

From Venules to Veins

Many deep veins pass between skeletal muscle groups .  As the skeletal muscles contract, veins are squeezed to help pump the blood toward the heart.  This process is called the skeletal muscle pump . 23-19


Blood Pressure

      Force/unit area blood places on the inside wall of a blood vessel. Measures in mmHg Sphygmomanometer: device to measure blood pressure. Systolic blood pressure Diastolic blood pressure 120/80 mmHg 23-21







Circle of Willis

   An important anastomosis of arteries around the sella turcica.

Formed from posterior cerebral arteries communicating arteries and posterior (branches of the posterior cerebral arteries), internal carotid arteries , anterior cerebral arteries , and anterior communicating arteries (which connect the two anterior cerebral arteries). Equalizes blood pressure in the brain channels and can provide collateral should one vessel become blocked.






Hepatic Portal System

   A venous network that drains the GI tract and shunts the blood to the liver for processing and absorption of transported materials. Blood exits the liver through hepatic veins inferior vena cava.

that merge with the Is needed because the GI tract absorbs digested nutrients, and these nutrients must be processed and/or stored in the liver.



Pulmonary Circulation

   Responsible for carrying deoxygenated blood from the right of the heart to the lungs, and then returning the newly oxygenated blood to the left side of the heart.

Blood is pumped out of the right ventricle into the pulmonary trunk.

This vessel bifurcates into a pulmonary artery left pulmonary artery that go to the lungs.

side and a right 23-35




Aging and the Cardiovascular System

      Heart and blood vessels become less resilient.

Elastic arteries are less able to withstand the forces from the pulsating blood. Systolic blood pressure may increase with age.

Apt to develop an aneurysm , whereby part of the arterial wall thins and balloons out.

Wall is more prone to rupture , which can cause massive bleeding and death.

Incidence and severity of atherosclerosis increases. 23-39

Fetal Circulation

        Oxygenated blood from the placenta umbilical vein . enters through the Blood is shunted away from the liver and directly toward the inferior vena cava through the ductus venosus.

Oxygenated blood in the ductus venosus mixes with deoxygenated blood in the inferior vena cava.

Blood empties into the right atrium.

Most of the blood is shunted to the left atrium via the foramen ovale.

Blood flows into the left ventricle and out the aorta.

A small amount of blood enters the right ventricle and pulmonary trunk , but much of this blood is shunted to the aorta through ductus arteriosus.

Blood travels to the rest of the body, and the deoxygenated blood returns to the placenta through umbilical arteries.
