Transcript Slide 1

June 2013
Many working individuals and families traditionally struggle with the following financial
High debt (medical, student loan, credit cards , etc.)
Low credit scores
Lack of access to traditional financial services and products
Exploitation by the “fringe” financial sector
Monthly expenses that exceed income
No savings or safety net
Copyright 2011. Delaware Financial Empowerment Partnership. All Rights Reserved. Slide 2.
•Integration with Public/Private Partners: - Integrated Financial Empowerment
with public benefits, non-profit organizations, community resources, financial
institutions, etc.
•Provide FREE opportunities for professional financial management and credit
services: - Financial coaches have streamlined access to alternative and
creative financial products (8 Great and Beyond), tri-merged credit bureaus
with score, Money Menu (DE bank comparison tool), HUD certified housing
counselors, CCCS consolidation options, and more!
• Diverse locations: - Meeting the customers where they live and work. Access
to full $BM services is available within local businesses, colleges and
universities, community centers, child care centers, and our referral network.
Copyright 2011. Delaware Financial Empowerment Partnership. All Rights Reserved. Slide 3.
• Personal Financial Coaching and Education:
budgeting, debt, credit establishment/re-establishment, and overall personal
money management
• Financial Services
access to checking and savings products, affordable and/or fee free debit
cards, and affordable credit builder loans
• Post Secondary Education Services
increasing long term planning, FAFSA applications, managing student loan
debt, retention/completion planning
•Tax Preparation Services
utilizing free tax preparation services and access to free selfservice tax software
Copyright 2011. Delaware Financial Empowerment Partnership. All Rights Reserved. Slide 4.
The Key Element of the Success Strategy
While customers are often stuck in the “immediate and
obvious” financial difficulty, $BM Coaches must implement
a big picture approach.
-If we accomplish the NOW, where do we need to go THEN?
-If we can SOLVE a), could we plan to REACH b)?
How can we move the customer forward to not only meet
their immediate and obvious needs, but develop and
empower them to plan to become financially capable?
Copyright 2011. Delaware Financial Empowerment Partnership. All Rights Reserved. Slide 5.
Clients are Creative, Resourceful and Whole - But often unaware!
• Coaches must be willing to meet the customer “where they are” – This
means not always agreeing with their start point or path but realizing in the end,
we will get to the ideal place if the customer is open and willing.
• Coaches must be fully aware of our products and resources – ALL OF THEM.
From the 8 Great, to the banking industry in our state, to our community
partners and network of experts.
• Coaches must be able to connect the hidden dots to address financial
emergencies with asset building programs that promote empowerment,
economic growth, and ultimate self-sufficiency .
Copyright 2011. Delaware Financial Empowerment Partnership. All Rights Reserved. Slide 6.
Creative Scenarios:
•Customer 1. comes in seeking emergency utility assistance
•Customer 2. is behind in bills and uses check cashing outlets and money
orders because her bank account is overdrawn/closed
•Customer 3. wants to plan for vacation with children even though she is on
the verge of eviction
•Customer 4. wants review of credit to determine if he can get a loan to
repay some debt
•Customer 5. has a credit score of 600+ but can’t save to buy a home
Copyright 2011. Delaware Financial Empowerment Partnership. All Rights Reserved. Slide 7.
Increasing empowerment and engaging customers in long-term financial planning
Household budget established
Savings strategy established
Debt identification
Credit reviewed
Next step identified
Long term plan developed
Resources / Tools provided
Repeat visits to financial the financial coach
Household budget maintained
Savings strategy automated
Debt repayment begins
Credit scores increased
Participation in financial planning workshops
Reduced financial stress in household
Transition from the fringe financial sector
Copyright 2011. Delaware Financial Empowerment Partnership. All Rights Reserved. Slide 8.
What our customers accomplish:
TARGET: Savings Establishment
RESULT: 29% of customers have started and/or increased savings
•147 Opened savings accounts
•165 Began auto deposits
•250 are now saving regularly
TARGET: Credit rating improved
RESULT: 42% of customers have improved credit scores
•158 Began debt repayment plans
•121 Corrected their credit reports
•542 increased credit/asset
Copyright 2011. Delaware Financial Empowerment Partnership. All Rights Reserved. Slide 10.