Dead Simon - Buckeye Valley

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Transcript Dead Simon - Buckeye Valley

Lord of the Flies Quotes
By: Joel Sibbalds
Carissa Rausch
“Roger, with a sense of delirious
abandonment, leaned all his weight on the
lever.” (pg. 180)
By: Joel Sibbalds
Carissa Rausch
Roger abandons the old life and aspects of
civilization and kills piggy who is holding the
By: Joel Sibbalds
Carissa Rausch
Earlier in the book, Roger was throwing stones
around Henry because of the “taboo” and rules/
civilization of the old life. Now his character
evolved and changed. He abandoned all that
and became completely savage and abandoned
all rules. He doesn’t even really listen to Jack
anymore. The smashing of the conch when he
killed Piggy was foreshadowing how all reason
By: Joel Sibbalds
and order is gone.
Carissa Rausch
Dead Simon
the crowd surged after it, poured down the rock, leapt
on to [Simon], screamed, struck, bit, tore.” (pg. 153)
At this point in the book, the boys are doing there dance
when Simon crawls out of the woods to tell them about the
man with the parachute.
Supports the theme of the book that savagery lives inside
of humans. This is shown because the boys were quick to
jump on Simon and kill him.
Ben Kidwell and Spencer Milligan
Lord Of The Flies
Jacob Coy and John Amato
“Then the sea breathed again in a long, slow
sigh, the water boiled white and pink over the
rock; and when it went, sucking back again,
the body of piggy was gone.” Pg 181
Rodger killed Piggy. It is important because Piggy
symbolizes Reason and Logic and was the
representation of civilization and now that he is gone so
is civilization among the group.
Important Quote
Quote: “…Ralph wept for the end of innocence, the
darkness of a man’s heart, and the fall through the air of a
true friend called Piggy.” p.202
Context: Ralph is crying after being rescued and he
realizes that nothing would be the same and his best
friend is dead.
Analysis: This explains Ralph’s character because after
all he’s been through, he still hung on to civilization. It also
contributes to the theme because he finally realizes that
the beast is inside themselves.
Chance Haynes, Claire Saniel-Banrey
“ I’ll give the conch to the next person to speak he can
hold it when he is speaking.”(pg 33)
People are just shouting things out and interrupting
each other and Ralph gets mad. Then he makes rules
on when you’re allowed to speak.
Ralph is becoming more of a chief. He is changing
into a new character. He is realizing that you have to
be strict to survive. This is also foreshadowing
because its showing that Ralph
will be a fair leader.
Mia Rinehart and Zach Johns
● “Roger gathered a handful of stones and began to throw
them...Round the squatting child was the protection of
parents and school and policemen and the law.” (pg.60)
● Roger is throwing rocks at the little ones and is purposely
missing because he imagines a “protective circle” around
the kids that were parents, school, policemen, and the law.
● He is still civilized to not hit the kids, but will soon lose his
civilization and become savage.
Seiarra McCully and Joshua Niles P.2
Most Important Quote
-“I’m frightened. Of us.”
page 157
-Ralph is talking to Piggy about them
killing Simon
-Foreshadowing: It shows that their
savagery is getting worse
Justin Gregory, Jesse Tomlinson
Why Kill?
“Which is better- to have rules and agree, or to hunt and kill?” pg.180
At the castle rock, Ralph and his group went to Jack to get Piggy’s glasses back. They begin to argue
abut the rules and Piggy’s glasses. They start fighting and Piggy is pushed off and dies.
Two groups are complete opposites. They fight over what they think is most important on the island.
To be savage or have rules? One group has been caught up with killing that they don’t care if
someone dies, like Piggy. The other group wants to be rescued and survive with order. This quote
uses foreshadowing by implying that the two groups will become more hated of each other. One
symbol for this quote may show that two groups won’t always get along but they may need each
other to survive
Ryan Catt
Kersyn Winship
Lord of the
Flies Quote
“What I mean is…
maybe its only
–Simon (p. 89)
What’s happening?
They are having a assembly
and Simon is telling them what
he thinks the beast.
Why is this important?
Suggests that evil is inside us,
like its human nature.
Foreshadowing how true
savagery can come out when
put in difficult situations.
Even if a civilization is set up, it
all depends on the person if
they want to be good or bad.
By: Marlene Claypool and Morgan Althouse
“Unless we get frightened
of people.”
Ralph and Piggy are discussing the
matter of if there is a beast or not.
This quotation is important to the text because it is
Foreshadowing what will happen later on in the novel.
Piggy is explaining that there is no
beast with claws to worry about.
Jacks and his tribe's savagery is expressed by this
foreshadowing because in the novel he and his tribe
brutally beat and murder Simon, Roger kills Piggy with
a rock, and they attempt to kill Ralph.
Piggy thinks that there is only one
thing to fear and it is not the beast,
it is people.
Ethan and Jack
“ They lept on to the beast, screamed, struck, bit, tore.”
This killing of Simon represents how savage they have
become and how careless they are to notice what they
are attacking and killing.
Important Quotation
“I’m not going to play any longer. Not with
Jack and Ralph are having an argument.
They are arguing because Jack thinks they should hunt for meat instead of
focusing on the fire to be rescued, when Ralph thinks that the fire is more
Jack decides to break off from the group and start his own “tribe.”
This quote shows how the boys are losing their grip on civilization.
It also shows how Jack is taking anything serious and he thinks that it all a
game and doesn’t want to “play” with the other boys.
Brady Perrine, Chris Johnson
“He licked his lips and remained
standing.” (102)
Ralph had gathered everybody to have a meeting
to discuss some of the issues on the island.
Jack decided to not follow the rules of the
conch. This is a sign of jack revolting and
breaking the rules of civilization. Following the
rules kept civilization together, so when jack
decided to not follow the rules, everybody else
did too. This caused the island to fall apart.
Jo Ann & Seth
The War is a Game
“I’m not going to play any longer. Not with you.”(127)
At this point in the book Jack is leaving the tribe, after trying to over through
❖ This quote is important because it symbolizes the the immaturity of the
children to the immaturity for how WW2 started.
➢ The war could have been prevented if the nations of the world were
more stern and forceful with their rules. The League of Nations
should have had more support against what Germany and Japan
were doing.
Garrett Shearer,
Marshall Sheets, Logan Jones, Johnathen Roach
“He discovered with a little fall of heart that these were the conditions he took as normal
now.” PG 110
The hunters were returning from their hunt and Ralph was surveying the group’s state of
filth and disorganization.
This quotation shows how they’ve accepted their primal nature, letting go of the
cleanliness of society and the organization of civilization. This foreshadows the fall of
their little community and the slow rise of savagery, as well as the change in the boys’
character from wanting to be clean and proper to accepting this filthy, savage,
unhealthy lifestyle as their normal everyday life.
Most Important Quotation
“‘Fancy thinking the Beast was something you could hunt
and kill.’” (143)
Kylie Shumate
Nate Schneider
What is happening….Jack and his tribe of hunters had just brutally killed the sow,
Simon was hiding in the bushes and saw the whole thing. They put the sow’s head
on a stick and it started “talking” to Simon.
Analysis… The pig head is saying that the beast is not a physical object they can
kill. Simon figures out that the beast is really the evil inside of them and it is getting
worse. This is foreshadowing that their savagery is going to become more obvious
and brutal.
It is important that Simon is realizing this because he already had thought that
the beast was something inside of them (refer to page 89) and the dead pig’s
head is confirming his thoughts on it. Simon was one of the least savage and
he represented being “good”, he could more clearly see the evil that was taking
Kylie Schumate & Nate Schneider
“the desire to squeeze and hurt was over
mastering” page 115
Ralph joining in a hunt for the first time and
wants to kill the pig as much as the other
This quote shows that the theme of the book
is that everyone has a little of the beast inside
Nathanael Ellerbrock, Zachery Fathbruckner, Austin Margraff
Our Quotation
Kennedy Wood and Katie Knoechel
Page #152
“Piggy and Ralph, under the threat of the sky,
found themselves eager to take a place in
this demented but partly secure society.”
Kennedy Wood and Katie Knoechel
What Happens at this point in the text?
They were all dancing in a circle repeating,
“Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood!”
and pretending to kill a pig.
Kennedy Wood and Katie Knoechel
Explain why this quote is important!
It is important because it shows the boys are
turning to savagery and will do anything in
order to stay alive. This is an example of the
theme of the book.
Kennedy Wood and Katie Knoechel
“ I’m not going to play
any longer. Not with
you.” pg127
Bree and Brooklyn
What is Happening…
Jack has called an assembly
Wants to revote for chief
Decides he is going to leave group
Bree and Brooklyn
Foreshadowing- A larger split between tribes
Allegory- The formation of two separate societies;
savagery and civilization
Theme- If humans are left to instinct, then they will
naturally set up different types of government.
Irony- Life or death situation, should not be fun
and games
Mentioned several other times in book.
Bree and Brooklyn
Lord of the flies quote
“ ‘who is boss here?’ ‘I am,’ said ralph loudly.” Pg.
The officer has arrived to the island, he looks around
and begins talking to ralph.
This is important because it shows that ralph believes
that he is still chief even after all that has happen.
This characterizes Ralph by showing that he is
strong willed and that he never gives up like how he
never gave up on being rescued.
Brendan Mercier
Beginning of Civilization
“Seems to me we ought to have a chief to
decide things.” (p. 22)
They just crashed on the island. Ralph blows conch shell to
regroup everyone. Then they decide to vote for a leader.
This is the beginning of civilization on the island. They have
a leader to help make decisions and lead them to help
Irony- They try to act civilized but they are on an island
so there isn’t any civilization.
Trevor Scheeler
“Daddy… a commander in the navy. When he
gets leave he’ll come and rescue us.”
They just crashed and ralph and piggy are talking about
what they are going to do
It foreshadows the boys being rescued by a naval officer.
Theme statement: “the theme is an attempt to trace the
defects of society back to the defects of human nature.”
Josh Upchurch