Comanche - Belton Independent School District

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Transcript Comanche - Belton Independent School District

Michael Tovar and Cade
Location and
• They were located in the plains of west
• They shared part of the land with Kiowa
there allies.
• The Comanche wasn’t really a Tribe.
• Comancheria was the largest area and
controlled cross timbers to the staked
plains of north Texas.
• The chiefs were chosen by members of the
• A war chief was only chosen by warriors
and used for Campaign.
II. Homes
• The Comanche were great hunters and
traveled by horse.
• The Comanche homes had to be moveable.
• There homes were made of tanned buffalo
• They had flaps at the top of there teepees
that allowed smoke to escape from there
• They turned skins from animals as seats
and beds.
III Dress
• Unlike many Texas natives the
Comanche did not wear tatoos.
• Men wore breechcloths and
moccasins in the hot times.
• If it got cold they would wear
leggings made of buffalo.
• The men liked to grow out their hair.
• The woman wore buckskin skirts
and blouses.
IV How they lived
• Horses were the most important
possession of the Comanche.
• The Comanche had the most horses out of
every tribe.
• The Comanche controlled the land of the
wild mustangs.
• Comanche were taught at a very early age
and they were tide to their first horse.
• After the boys first kill the Comanche
celebrated by a dance called the eagle
• Buffalo was not the only animal they
hunted they also hunt elk.
• This is some of the food they ate grapes,
currents ,persimmon and tubers.
V. Weapons And Warfare
• The weapon used the most is the bow and arrow
and it is made out of Bois d’ Arc.
• Used hickory when it was not available.
• Their arrows were made out of dog wood and iron
• Their shields were decorated to show they were
good warriors, hunters and raiders.
• The Comanche were great fierce warriors.
• There were great rivalry among them selves
VI Beliefs
• Each Comanche had to get his own medicine.
• They also went on something called the vision
• They only got to bring these things buffalo robe
,pipe ,tobacco and something to lite the pipe.
• He or she were prepared by the shaman and then
sent off on his quest.
VII. Summary
• Comanche were the horseman of Native Texans
and lived in bands made up of related families.
• All their possessions were made of buffalo.
• Comanche were nomadic because they had to
follow the herds.
• They also fought to survive and protect their lands.
• Comanche were feared because they were fierce