Transcript Slide 1

Student Admin Data Reporting from PeopleSoft SA

DePaul University:

Three years, three (concurrent) approaches!

Jim Janossy


Russ Patterson

DePaul Information Services

Ed Schaefer

, Enrollment Management Research

Presenters and Panel

Jim Janossy - DePaul Information Services

– Student datamart development and popularization •

Ed Schaefer - Enrollment Management and Marketing, Reporting and Research

– Informatica ETL and BI decision and future DW •

Russ Patterson - DePaul Information Services

– Informatica ETL and BI decision and future DW

Cutting to the chase...

Start simple and stay focused

Establish a naming convention early

Prototype and pilot first

Keep security simple (ACAD_GROUP)

Roll out useful things as you go

“Market” to users, do ongoing training

Get your documentation onto the web!

Three level of approach

Student datamart

– PS table extracts packaged for easy use by 160 casual users – Aim: day-to-day meat-and-potatoes selection and contact data for the enrolled and active student population – Not intended for statistical reporting •

Enrollment Management Research databases

– Current statistical reporting and census captures – Admission reporting and day-to-day college admin stats – Marketing measures and EM decisionmaking •

OIPR databases

– Moderate to long term statistics and trends – IPEDS reporting

Leads to...

Cadre of willing users

Increased user self-service willingness and capability

Ability to integrate SA, HR, Finance

Staged replacement of initial products

Justification for a higher level ETL and BI

Leads to...

Credits acquired with EPM Need for administration via web

Student datamart Access, SQR EMR databases Perl, SQL-Server, Access OIPR databases ODBC, SQL-Server, DTS Cognos

Need for portal delivery

Decision: Acquire a standard ETL and BI

Need for dashboards

Common base: Reporting instance is a full copy of the on-line system Reporting instance PeopleSoft Student Admin system

Three level of approach

Student datamart

– –

PS table extracts packaged for easy use 160 casual users Aim: day-to-day meat and potatoes selection and contact data for the enrolled and active student population

Not intended for statistical reporting

Enrollment Management Research databases

– Current statistical reporting and census captures – Admission reporting and day-to-day college admin stats – Marketing measures and EM decisionmaking •

OIPR databases

– Moderate to long term statistics and trends – IPEDS reporting

Limitations PS-Query 338 users


spreadsheet maximum 65K rows

hard to learn data structures!

awkward outer joins



Low hanging fruit!

What users did PS-Query 338 users




Datamart approach PS-Query 338 users


Datamart Access


You can combine!

PS-Query 338 users



Links to tables


Local tables Data Links to spreadsheets Data


Why datamart?

spreadsheet maximum 65K rows

hard to learn data structures!

awkward outer joins

Datamart Access


Student datamart



22 tables

Enrolled student data

Assemble data for convenient use

Focus on 20% to meet 80% needs

Row control by ACAD_GROUP


DP701A_BestContactData DP701B_DePaulDegrees DP701C_Enrolled DP701D_AbleReg DP701E_StudentPlans DP701F_GPA DP701G_Advisees DP701H_VisaData DP701I_CourseSched DP701J_CreditHoursSummary DP701K_FirstLatestTerm DP701L_AdmissionStatus DP701M_StudentHist DP701N_PotentialGrads DP701P_PersonalDemog DP701Q_BestEmail DP701R_Roster DP701S_AllStudents DP701T_StuGroups DP701X_GroupProgPlanRef DP701Y_PSids_SSN DP701Z_TermRef


445534 10/16/03 10:13 AM 73159 10/16/03 98940 10/16/03 79141 10/16/03 09:29 AM 09:37 AM 09:19 AM 104131 10/16/03 195673 10/16/03 38593 10/16/03 22422 10/16/03 93816 10/16/03 09:53 AM 09:43 AM 09:09 AM 09:01 AM 09:15 AM 36279 10/16/03 195673 10/16/03 60767 10/16/03 30681 10/01/03 6570 08/04/03 429880 10/16/03 165774 10/16/03 90116 10/16/03 205821 10/16/03 98235 10/16/03 503 10/16/03 438503 10/16/03 374 05/20/03 09:28 AM 09:24 AM 09:09 AM 11:01 AM 2:00 PM 09:26 AM 09:05 AM 09:05 AM 09:04 AM 09:31 AM 09:01 AM 09:26 AM 03:00 PM

PeopleSoft operator id and password


Student datamart



Separate Oracle database

Oracle define, create, security

Extract data with Access or SQR

Load with SQR or SQL*Loader

Pilot first, engage users, perfect it

Example: Best Contact Data Table

ADDRESSES NAMES PERSONAL_PHONE EMAIL_ADDRESSES HR: employees CBORD: dorm assigns Barat dorm assigns DP701A Best Contact Data

PS_ NAMES 370,000 rows Adhoc_ Get_Best_Name .mdb

PS_ ADDRESSES 359,000 rows Adhoc_ Get_Best_Address .mdb

PS_ PERSONAL_ PHONE 366,000 rows Adhoc_ Get_Phones .mdb

PS_ EMAIL_ ADDRESSES 182,000 rows Adhoc_ Get_Best_Email .mdb

DP150_Best Name 305,000 rows DP100_Best Address 294,000 rows DP170_ Phones 274,000 rows DP160_Best Email 76,000 rows

From Human Resources Query

Counts of rows in tables are as of 11/26/01 and are approximate, to establish a perspective only

One datamart table!




3,902 rows

Adhoc_ DP701A_ Get_BestContact Data From CBORD Query ROOM_ ASSIGNS .XLS

Adhoc_ Get_DormRooms .mdb

DP180_ DormRooms 2,560 rows

Formation of the DP701A_BestContactData Table DePaul SA Adhoc Datamart

DP701A_ BestContact Data

305,000 rows n:\IAS_ADHOC_GROUP\SA_Datamart_Feeder_Backups\DP701A_Formation_colors.vsd J.Janossy 11/28/01 Rev.3 2/21/02

Clear documentation

Clear naming convention

Create simple data structures

Interpret coded values for use

Use common tools, common skills


For table building . . .

Common tools Common skills Common cents ODBC MS-Access SQR SQL*Loader Oracle roles

For users . . .

Common tools Common skills Common cents Existing skills MS-Access Excel Basic PC training Views by college

For DePaul . . .

Common tools Common skills Common cents Low cost Short lead time Low overhead Meets 80% need In place now

For more info . . .

See the DePaul datamart web site at

Data access blossoms with DePaul’s datamart!

The DePaul University Student Datamart contains data about currently enrolled students extracted from the PeopleSoft student administration system and staged for quick retrieval to meet adhoc information reporting needs. The datamart is provided for use as a regular resource to administrative personnel in the university community. This web site provides background information, instructions for gaining access to the mart, and documentation for the 23 datamart tables. Overview Access Examples Training Documentation


If the information at the selection buttons above still leaves you with questions or you need additional help, please e-mail Jim Janossy, Russ Patterson, or Gino Kao.

To Table of Contents

Overview: How the Datamart grows!

DePaul Information Services began analysis and construction of the student datamart in 2001 after implementation of the PeopleSoft student administration system. The datamart is housed as a special collection of data tables in an Oracle database. Users gain access to the datamart via ODBC connection and typically use Microsoft Access as their data extraction and reporting tool. The core of datamart users is 50 administrative personnel in all nine college of the university. Follow the flowers to see how the datamart grows!

Intent Scope User reaction Table list Extraction Table loading


If the information at the selection buttons above still leaves you with questions or you need additional help, please e-mail Jim Janossy, Russ Patterson, or Gino Kao.

To Home Page

Access to the Datamart

Access to the student datamart is provided to administrative personnel whose job responsibilities require the ability to acquire and use student information in their daily work. All datamart users must be authorized PeopleSoft system users, and in addition must file a request for mart access. Datamart users in college offices receive access to data for students enrolled in their respective colleges, while executive department users can access student data across the university.

Tom Paetsch, Data Administrator Enrollment Management

Details View control Access policy Request form


If the information at the selection buttons above still leaves you with questions or you need additional help, please e-mail Jim Janossy, Russ Patterson, or Gino Kao.

To Home Page

Information Extraction Examples

“Since gaining access to the student datamart, I have been able to do information extractions I previously had to depend on programmers to do. Using the mart has made it much faster and easier for me to get data I need!” says Cheryl Barkby of DePaul’s ID Card Services Division. “I typically need to identify the enrolled student population that meets requirements for the U-Pass program, and obtain their addresses and process interface files to the CTA. The datamart really helps me do my work!”

Cheryl Barkby, Analyst ID Card Services

Samples How to...

Linking to PS-Query spreadsheets Frequently asked questions Reports


If the information at the selection buttons above still leaves you with questions or you need additional help, please e-mail Jim Janossy, Russ Patterson, or Gino Kao.


To Home Page

Datamart Training Happy campers in classroom training!

The student datamart was designed specifically to ease the burden of data access to a complex student administration system. A major effort in the design was directed toward extracting and staging the data that experience has shown most college offices need to conduct their day-to-day work effectively. In order to help college office administrative personnel use the datamart effectively, we’re providing a number of training resources in collaboration with ongoing Human Resources office software skills training.

Suggested preparation ODBC connection Links to training sites Schedule


If the information at the selection buttons above still leaves you with questions or you need additional help, please e-mail Jim Janossy, Russ Patterson, or Gino Kao.

To Home Page

Datamart Documentation

The content of each datamart table is documented in a spreadsheet that shows the column name, format of the column, and the PeopleSoft table and column from which the data is drawn. You’ll also find access here to explanations of certain data columns as well as the SQL used to extract and form the datamart tables. Review, comments, and suggestions concerning this documentation and table formation logic is welcome.

Gino Kao Programmer, Infrastructure Group

Table definitions Data explanations Table formation SQL


If the information at the selection buttons above still leaves you with questions or you need additional help, please e-mail Jim Janossy, Russ Patterson, or Gino Kao.

To Home Page

Datamart Documentation Gino Kao Programmer, Infrastructure Group

The content of each datamart table is documented in a spreadsheet that shows the column name, format of the column, and the PeopleSoft table and column from which the data is drawn. You’ll also find access here to explanations of certain data columns as well as the SQL used to extract and form the datamart tables. Review, comments, and suggestions concerning this documentation and table formation logic is welcome.

Data origin documentation

Table definitions Data explanations Table formation SQL


If the information at the selection buttons above still leaves you with questions or you need additional help, please e-mail Jim Janossy, Russ Patterson, or Gino Kao.

To Home Page


Datamart Documentation Gino Kao Programmer, Infrastructure Group

The content of each datamart table is documented in a spreadsheet that shows the column name, format of the column, and the PeopleSoft table and column from which the data is drawn. You’ll also find access here to explanations of certain data columns as well as the SQL used to extract and form the datamart tables. Review, comments, and suggestions concerning this documentation and table formation logic is welcome.

SQR source code download

Table definitions Data explanations Table formation SQL


If the information at the selection buttons above still leaves you with questions or you need additional help, please e-mail Jim Janossy, Russ Patterson, or Gino Kao.

To Home Page

What do users say about the student datamart ?

“We’ve found that while we can look up students one at a time online using PeopleSoft, we can use the datamart to access data to get lists of enrolled students and related information, without having to ask for special programming in each case!”

Tanicha Hart

College of Liberal Arts and Science “We’re using the student datamart to identify incoming freshmen and prepare mailings to them. We have conducted in-house datamart training sessions and find that getting people up to speed on datamart access is easy and quick to accomplish!”

DePaul University

Copyright 2003 DePaul University Chicago, Illinois USA

Mike Medin

ID Card Services Office

DePaul University

Copyright 2003 DePaul University Chicago, Illinois USA

“The datamart lets us retrieve student information to meet adhoc requests from many users quickly and efficiently. We handle over 300 requests a year using the mart, and this is only a small part of what we do in this area of information services.”

Marcelo Lanzarotti

Information Services Division

Charles Moore

School for New Learning “The datamart lets us get data for operational reporting and analysis that we just couldn’t get before! And it has given me new opportunities to learn modern data access techniques and presentation. My new skills have allowed me to grow in areas that are also essential for higher education achievement. Everyone can benefit from the Datamart's user friendly interface!”

Jennifer Hoover

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences “As a frequent user of the Student Datamart tables for nearly a year, I find it a highly reliable, integral and overall indispensable resource for generating a diverse collection of student reports. Moreover, the datamart immensely reduces turnaround time for my report requests. Reports that formerly required three or four separate queries in PeopleSoft Query can now be completed right in Access by way of the datamart tables, often from only one query! Within the College of LA&S departments now receive more detailed and accurate quarterly reports about their students. Usage of the student datamart played a large part in these reporting improvements.”

DePaul University

Copyright 2003 DePaul University Chicago, Illinois USA

“The datamart is very useful to SNL in our day-to-day operation since it provides a fast and convenient way to extract data we need for decision-making. We look forward to using the datamart even more to meet many of our needs for information about our classes and students!”

DePaul University

Copyright 2003 DePaul University Chicago, Illinois USA

Doug Murphy

Senior Assistant Dean School for New Learning

Mark McMurray

School of Computer Science, Telecommunication, and Information Systems “The student datamart is a great tool for our information gathering needs. The aggregated data allows for the creation of much simpler queries than can be written in PeopleSoft Query. We can create easy-to-access queries and reports that are much simpler to understand, change and run for users of different skill levels. Whether it is targeted mailings or analyzing student history, we are continually finding new uses for the datamart that allow us to better serve our student population!”

Three level of approach

Student datamart

– PS table extracts packaged for easy use 160 casual users – Aim: day-to-day meat and potatoes selection and contact data for the enrolled and active student population – Not intended for statistical reporting •

Enrollment Management Research databases

– Current statistical reporting and census captures – Admission reporting and day-to-day college admin stats – Marketing measures and EM decisionmaking •

OIPR databases

– Moderate to long term statistics and trends – IPEDS reporting

Enrollment & Marketing Research

Department in Enrollment Management (EM)

– Integrates traditional enrollment services (admission and financial aid, for example) with our university’s marketing and communication activities, as well as alumni and career networks – EM’s Goal: Improve and enhance DePaul’s competitive market position and prominence in Chicago, the nation, and the international community •

EMR’s Goal: Provide timely information that is valuable to understanding and enhancing DePaul's market position and prominence

– Reporting – Research

• • • • •

EMR Information Needs


– Admissions • Yield Reports • Prospect Reports • Mailing Lists – Enrollment • Weekly Enrollment Comparisons • Daily Enrollment Reports


– Prospect Analysis (prospects to enrolled) – Market Analysis (program success)

Enrollment Data Capture began in 1990 Admission Data Capture began in 2000 Some Research/Reports required data from both captures

– Trick was getting the two to


– And




to the requestor



Data Stores Enr Reports TEAMS Elite SQL Server Housing DB SQL Server ETL Daily Enrollment SQL Server Specialized Research DBs PeopleSoft Oracle PERL, T-SQL, Stored Procs Daily Admissions SQL Server Specialized Adm DBs Adm Reports Enrollment & Marketing Research Enrollment Management DePaul University Specialized Reports ETL T-SQL & Stored Procs


Research & Report Oriented EMR Data Warehouse SQL Server

Three level of approach

Student datamart

– PS table extracts packaged for easy use 160 casual users – Aim: day-to-day meat and potatoes selection and contact data for the enrolled and active student population – Not intended for statistical reporting •

Enrollment Management Research databases

– Current statistical reporting and census captures – Admission reporting and day-to-day college admin stats – Marketing measures and EM decisionmaking •

OIPR databases

– Moderate to long term statistics and trends – IPEDS reporting

Office of Institutional Planning and Research (OIPR)

• • • •

Census Files created from Oracle via ODBC and SQL-Server DTS

Integrated Finance, Student, Instruction, and Faculty data serves as official stats Student data set is consistent with historical categories at aggregate level Student census files coordinated with EMR Reports developed in varying degrees of sophistication (reports to OLAP cubes)

Office of Institutional Planning and Research (OIPR)

• •

Cognos is used against SQL-Server Reports have 3 levels:

OLAP driven static web reports with no interactivity (put up reports quickly)

OLAP driven web reports with drop downs. (customized web reports with interactivity)

OLAP interactive browser: fully analyze data from basic browsing to data mining


Data Warehouse PowerCenter/PowerAnalyzer + PS EPM

PowerAnalyzer Reporting Web Server PowerCenter ETL

Multiple schemas PowerCenter Client Tools

PowerAnalyzer Meta Data Repository PowerCenter Meta Data Repository HR Finance SA Non-PS Warehouse


Portal delivery!

