Effects of urbanization on the hydrologic cycle

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Jon Luevano
Growth and development of cities
 Large population density
 Highly industrialized
Comparing city to city
 Size (area)
 Population density
 Percentage of urban coverage
Hydrological impacts
Key Hydrological Impacts
Urban runoff hydrology
 River channelization
 Climatic changes
 Water quality
 Snow melt
Urban Runoff Hydrology
Impermeable surfaces change surface
runoff patterns
 Lower percolation rates
 Higher overland flow rates
 Reduction in peak discharge time/size
○ Cherkauer (1975)
○ Rose and Peters (2001)
 Potential for flooding
 Pollution
River Channelization
Human intervention on flow body of water
 Resource management
 Navigation and resource/power production
Flood control
 Controlling runoff paths
 Increase discharge rates
 Biological
 Vast increase in stream flow
○ Simon and Senturk (1977)
Water Quality
Sources for pollution
 Higher surface runoff
 Higher concentrations of contaminants
○ Davis (2001)
○ Gromaire-Mertz (1999)
 Pinpoint and reduce use of specific sources
of contamination
 Water treatment methods
Snow Melt
Surface water created from melting
 Factors
 Air temperature
 Solar radiation at surface
○ Ferguson (1999)
Urban snow melt
 Timing/intensity of melt
○ Semandi-Davis (1998)
○ Jones (1997)
Climatic Changes
Climatic factors control hydrologic cycle
 Rural vs. Urban
 Warmer temperatures
○ Heat island effect
 Evaporation rates
○ Lowry (1967)
 Precipitation rates
○ Atkinson (1979)
Concluding Remarks
Importance of urban water management
 Keys
 Control of urban runoff pathways and
 Limit contamination
 Improve treatment processes
 Increase knowledge and awareness
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