October 2012 CAG Presentation

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Transcript October 2012 CAG Presentation

California Department of Education
California School Information Services
Advisory Group Meeting
October 16, 2012
This presentation may be downloaded from:
October 2012 CAG, Slide 1
 Agenda Review
 CDE Update
 CALPADS Support Update
 Update on FCMAT/CSIS Services
 Ed-Data Services
 Next Meeting
October 2012 CAG, Slide 2
CDE Update
Randy Bonnell, Administrator
CALPADS/CBEDS Operations Office, CDE
October 2012 CAG, Slide 3
CDE Update
 CDE Organizational Changes
 2011-12 EOY Submissions
 2011-12 Accountability Progress Reporting
(APR) System Update
 2012-13 Submissions
 CALPADS Fall 1 and 2
 Assessments and Accountability Update
 Additional Functionality
October 2012 CAG, Slide 4
CDE Organizational Changes
 With the growing use of CALPADS data, CDE
is reorganizing around “Data In” & “Data Out”
 Keric Ashley will be moving to direct the
Analysis, Measurement, & Accountability
Reporting Division (“Data Out”), responsible
• API and AYP calculations
• School Accountability Report Card (SARC)
• School Quality Snapshots (SQS) – recently released
• DataQuest
• Ad Hoc Data Requests – which are growing!
October 2012 CAG, Slide 5
CDE Organizational Changes
 CDE will be filling the Educational Data
Management Division position which
includes the CALPADS Operations Office
 The CALPADS Operations Office, renamed
the CALPADS/CBEDS Operations Office,
will now also be responsible for:
• The County District School (CDS) system
• California Basic Educational Data System
Online Reporting Application (CBEDS-ORA)
October 2012 CAG, Slide 6
CDE Organizational Changes
 Both divisions will remain under the District,
School, & Innovation Branch under Deputy
Superintendent Deb Sigman
 The realignment of responsibilities within
the two divisions, and the leadership of
Keric Ashley, will foster better
communications both internally and
externally to the field with regard to:
• Use of CALPADS data
• Coordination of CDE data collections
October 2012 CAG, Slide 7
2011-12 EOY Submissions
 Congratulations on the End-of-Year
 CDE recognizes that it was a challenge
due to many defects, but despite that:
• Over 95% of LEAs certified EOY 2, 3, and 4
• Over 60% of LEAs certified the optional EOY 1
October 2012 CAG, Slide 8
2011-12 EOY Submissions
 The CDE is currently analyzing the EOY
data and preparing it for federal reporting
 Federal Title I, Part D (Neglected or
Delinquent) program participation data –
LEAs (county offices and districts operating
juvenile court schools) have been notified to
submit aggregate participation data in the
Consolidated Application Reporting System
October 2012 CAG, Slide 9
2011-12 EOY Submissions
 Discipline Data - DataQuest reports will be
modified to reflect data from EOY 3 to show:
• Suspensions (including whether it was an inschool suspension) and expulsions by
race/ethnicity and federal reporting categories
• Suspensions and expulsions as a rate of
cumulative enrollment
• LEAs will be provided a preview of these
DataQuest reports
 In the future new DataQuest reports may be
developed to display additional EOY data
October 2012 CAG, Slide 10
2011-12 APR System Update
 The Accountability Progress Reporting
(APR) system includes:
• The 2012 Growth Academic Performance Index
(API) Report
• The 2012 Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP)
Report, and
• The 2012-13 Program Improvement Report
 CALPADS data is used in the APR
October 2012 CAG, Slide 11
2011-12 APR System Update
 CALPADS enrollment and exit data from
the Operational Data Store (ODS) is used
to determine:
• The students continuously enrolled for
inclusion of their STAR and CAHSEE scores in
the API and AYP
• Whether the scores of students enrolled at an
Alternative Education Program should be
“rolled back” to the school the students
transferred from to calculate the API
• The four year cohort graduation rate used in
the AYP
October 2012 CAG, Slide 12
2011-12 APR System Update
 The recently released APR reflects
API and AYP calculated based on:
• Enrollment and exit data certified by the
February 22, 2012 certification deadline to
determine the 4-year cohort graduation rate
used in the AYP
• Enrollment and exit data pulled from the
CALPADS ODS on August 15, 2012 to
determine continuous enrollment
October 2012 CAG, Slide 13
2011-12 APR System Update
 Enrollment and exit data will be pulled from the
CALPADS ODS to update the API and AYP on the
following dates:
• November 1, 2012 to recalculate the 4-year
cohort graduation rate that will be used in a
revised AYP released in January 2013
• December 20, 2012 to recalculate continuous
enrollment that will be used in a revised 2012
Growth API and AYP released in January 2013
• February 26, 2013 to recalculate continuous
enrollment that will be used in a final 2012
Growth API and AYP released in May 2013
October 2012 CAG, Slide 14
2012-13 CDE Data Submissions
certification deadlines and amendment
windows have been communicated in a letter to
Superintendents which is posted on the
CALPADS Web page
 A new calendar page on the CDE Web site at
• Certification and amendment window
• Dates that data will be pulled from the
CALPADS ODS for accountability purposes
October 2012 CAG, Slide 15
2012-13 CDE Data Submissions
 As described earlier, in addition to the
certifications, keeping enrollment and
exit data up to date continues to be
critical, as data from the CALPADS
ODS is used throughout the year to
• Continuous enrollment for use in the API and
• The 4-year cohort graduation rate used in the
October 2012 CAG, Slide 16
2012-13 CDE Data Submissions
 The CALPADS File Specifications
(CFS) Update Schedule
• As reported at the last CAG, major updates to
the CFS will occur twice a year, in the spring
and winter
• The next major update will be published
December 2012 and will include changes for
the Spring and End of Year submissions
• Currently there are no major changes
anticipated for the December 2012 CFS
• The focus for EOY will be to address defects
October 2012 CAG, Slide 17
CALPADS Fall 1 and 2
 LEAs that certify CALPADS Fall 1 by
the December 19 certification deadline:
• Will be able to preview their 2012-13
enrollment, and 2011-12 graduate and dropout
counts in time to make changes in CALPADS
before the February 6, 2013 final deadline
• LEAs that fail to certify will have no official
enrollment counts
• High School districts that fail to certify will have
no official graduate or dropout counts and will
fail AYP
October 2012 CAG, Slide 18
CALPADS Fall 1 and 2
 Fall 1 includes a new certification
report 5.1a Free or Reduced Price
Meal Eligibility (FRPM)
• The report displays FRPM counts used for funding
• In addition to students with FRPM program records, the
report counts students “automatically” eligible for free
meals based on:
- Direct Certification (as of November)
- Migrant (based on program record)
- Homeless & Foster (based on Primary Residency
October 2012 CAG, Slide 19
CALPADS Fall 1 and 2
 Fall 2 certification dates
• January 16, 2013 initial certification deadline
• February 20, 2013 end of amendment window
October 2012 CAG, Slide 20
Assessments and Accountability Update
 Assessments and Accountability (A&A)
functionality is currently scheduled to
be available in November 2012
• The A&A functionality release is awaiting
vendor to:
- Address certain identified issues
- Complete functionality requested by LEAs
(student level extracts)
October 2012 CAG, Slide 21
Assessments and Accountability Update
 Assessment Functionality
• Test results from 2008-09, 2009-10, 2010-11,
and 2011-12 for STAR, CAHSEE, and CELDT
will be in CALPADS and viewable in reports
• Extracts are available that will allow LEAs to
download data on students that did not test
with the LEA
October 2012 CAG, Slide 22
Assessments and Accountability Update
 Accountability Functionality
• CALPADS will provide API and AYP summary
and detail reports that show which students
were included and excluded from API and AYP
calculations and for what reasons
• LEAs will be able to extract these data for
October 2012 CAG, Slide 23
Assessments and Accountability Update
 How to Prioritize Workload
• LEAs are encouraged to view/use reports to
enhance local work
• LEAs are not required to resolve students in
suspense this year
• LEAs should continue to prioritize the
submission of data for certification
• As time permits, LEAs are encouraged to
resolve students in suspense because it will
link students with their assessment results
October 2012 CAG, Slide 24
Assessments and Accountability Update
 Use of CALPADS Demographic and
Program Participation data in API/AYP
• CALPADS assessment reports will reflect CALPADS
demographic and program data, HOWEVER,
accountability calculations (API/AYP) will be made
using the demographic and program participation data
from the Pre-ID or answer document
• When the transition is made to using CALPADS data in
accountability, changes to student demographic and
program participation data will made through CALPADS
and not the assessment vendor
• The use of CALPADS data for accountability
emphasizes the importance of resolving unmatched
students who are in suspense
October 2012 CAG, Slide 25
Additional Functionality
 IBM is working on implementing remaining
requirements, which include:
• County Level Reports – includes current
certification reports aggregated at the LEA and
school levels for each county
• Printable error reports for certifications
 Other planned changes
• View-only screens module to provide easy
access for site users to look up data on
students (e.g. last EL status) – implementing
this functionality was delayed due to EOY and
assessment delays
October 2012 CAG, Slide 26
CALPADS Support Update
Angela Ratty
Services Architect, FCMAT/CSIS
October 2012 CAG, Slide 27
CALPADS Support Update
 New / Revised Functionality
 CDE Data Evaluation
 Fall Submission Strategies
 Assessment
 General Tips and Tricks
 Support Tips
October 2012 CAG, Slide 28
New / Revised Functionality
 Code Sets
• Retired
- Education Program
• 131 - NCLB Title X Homeless
• 175 - Free or Reduced Price Meal Program
• Added
- Education Program
• 181 - Free Meal Program
• 182 - Reduced Price Meal Program
- Non-Classroom based or Support Assignment
• 6018 - Employee on Leave (Employment End Date can
now be left blank)
October 2012 CAG, Slide 29
New / Revised Functionality
 Reports
• Modified 1.5 report to include entire LEA
summary enrollment by grade (similar to legacy
• New 5.1a Free or Reduced Price Meal (FRPM)
reports to show school level counts of Free or
Reduced Price Meal Eligibility (distinct from
SED counts)
• New 1.0a Expected Schools report
October 2012 CAG, Slide 30
New / Revised Functionality
 Validation
• New GERR0008 – Fatal error checks that first two
digits of Migrant Student ID is 06
• New SINF0255 – “Invalid change in English Language
Acquisition Status Code” warning to encourage
appropriate classification and reclassification of English
• New SASS0256 – Fatal error to prevent duplicate staff
assignment records (Year, SEID, School, Job Class)
• New CERT101 – Warning message if missing Primary
Residence Category Code
• Disabled SINF0166 – Missing Student Initial Ninth
Grade Entry Year
October 2012 CAG, Slide 31
New / Revised Functionality
 Expected Schools
• Revised Expected Schools table in CFS
• Required (Y) = Schools are expected to submit data
and will receive validation errors if data are not
• Not Allowed (N) = Schools are NOT allowed to
submit data and will receive validation warnings if
data are submitted.
• Permitted (P) = Schools are permitted, but not
expected to submit data, but if SSIDs are obtained
for students enrolled within those schools, then the
data required to maintain those SSIDs must be
submitted, and will receive validation errors if data
are not submitted.
October 2012 CAG, Slide 32
CDE Data Evaluations
 Staff Job Classification FTE Percentage
• 1 vs. 100
 Educator Years of Service (LEA and Total)
• 64 % of educators show an increase of exactly one year in
total years of service
• 25% of educators show no change in total years of service
• 2% of educators show a decrease in total years of service
• 10% of educators show an increase of more than one year in
total years of service
 Completer (E230/480) vs Transfer (T160)
• No longer required to populate Initial 9th Grade Entry
• Adhere to the definition of Student School Start Date
October 2012 CAG, Slide 33
Submission Strategies
Fall 1
Fall 2
Fall 1
Fall 2
October 2012 CAG, Slide 34
Submission Strategies
Set Up
Submit Data
Submit Data
Site Review
Data Processor
– Level 1
– Level 2
October 2012 CAG, Slide 35
Submission Strategies
 Fall Certification Errors and Reports
• Resolve fatal errors first
• Review and reconcile aggregate reports
• Use supporting reports to assist in reconciliation
• Use warnings for trend analysis
• Fix local data and re-upload as needed
October 2012 CAG, Slide 36
Submission Strategies
 Fall 1 Suggested Milestones
• 10/31 – Complete SIS Data Population
• Verify NSLP eligibility and participation
• Determine No Show exits for grades 7 to 12
• 10/10-11/19 – Upload SENR, SINF and SPRG
• Review validation errors, reconcile as needed
• Resolve CCE and MID anomalies to 2%
• 11/20-12/18 – Review reports & Reconcile as needed
• 12/19 – Certify
October 2012 CAG, Slide 37
Submission Strategies
 Fall 1 Certification Strategy
• Obtain SSIDs before October
• Update enrollments for October
• Determine No Show exits for grade 7 to 12
• Submit SINF and SPRG for all students
enrolled on information day
• Allow several weeks to evaluate certification
(snapshot) reports and revise data
• Know your local data
October 2012 CAG, Slide 38
Submission Strategies
 Fall 2 Suggested Milestones
• 11/30 – Complete Data Population
- Staff Demographics/Assignments
- Course attributes
• 11/30-12/21 – Upload Staff and Course files
- Review validation errors, reconcile as needed
• 01/04 – Post Staff and Course files
• 01/07-01/15 – Review reports & Reconcile as needed
• 01/16 – Certify
October 2012 CAG, Slide 39
Submission Strategies
 Fall 2 Certification Strategies
• Update 12-13 records
• Add employment end dates for staff no longer
• Post a SDEM for currently employed certificated staff
• Update Years of Service
• Update Effective Start Date (7/1/2012-10/3/2012)
• Update Staff Assignments (even if no change from
• Update Course sections occurring on Census Day
October 2012 CAG, Slide 40
Submission Strategies
 Fall 2 Certification Strategies
1. Complete Fall 1
2. Submit and post Staff Demographics
3. Submit and post Staff Assignments
4. Submit and post Course Section
5. Submit and post
Student Course Section
October 2012 CAG, Slide 41
Submission Strategies
 Why meet the deadline?
• Preview DataQuest
• Avoid CDE letter to Superintendent
• Poised to succeed with Fall 2
• Be a kind and courteous neighbor
October 2012 CAG, Slide 42
 Limited Training Opportunities
 Fall 1 and 2 are priorities
 Self-Paced Trainings availability TBD
 Develop a plan to learn/implement new
October 2012 CAG, Slide 43
General Tips and Tricks
 Open two browser windows side by side
• In CALPADS, hover over a menu item>right
click>choose “Open in New Window”
 Export detail reports to .csv (not Excel) for
easy analysis
 Save certification reports in PDF
• Aggregate (not detail) reports save nicely in this
 Reset password prior to expiration
October 2012 CAG, Slide 44
Support Tips
 Expedite Support Response Time
• Reference Known Issues
• Advise site users to contact LEA Admin
• Configure Security Questions
• Use email or web form
• Include Job ID, SSID, SEID, Error Number
October 2012 CAG, Slide 45
Support Tips
October 2012 CAG, Slide 46
Support Tips
 Help Yourself First
• Reference key documents before contacting support:
- Quick Reference Guides (Help function of
- System documentation on CDE website:
• Check the Upcoming Events on the main CALPADS
• Subscribe to the CALPADS one-way listserv
• Attend Training or Use Self Paced Trainings
• Attend Q & As
• Join SIS user group and/or listserv
October 2012 CAG, Slide 47
Support Tips
 Training Opportunities
• http://csis.fcmat.org/Pages/Trainings.aspx
• http://csis.fcmat.org/Pages/Self-PacedTraining.aspx
- Basic courses
- Advanced courses
- Self-Paced Training Modules
• CSIS Training Opportunities
- Data Management Overview
- State Reporting Overview for Administrators
October 2012 CAG, Slide 48
Support Tips
 Training Supplement
• Job Aides
- Fall 1 Report Mapping
October 2012 CAG, Slide 49
Support Tips
 Resources
• IBM Release Updates and Known Issues
• Error List
• Flash Updates
• Data Guide
• Self-Paced Training Modules
• Glossary (User Guide)
• FAQs
October 2012 CAG, Slide 50
Facilitated by:
Nancy Sullivan
Deputy Operations Officer, FCMAT/CSIS
October 2012 CAG, Slide 51
Update on CSIS Services
Nancy Sullivan
Deputy Operations Officer, FCMAT/CSIS
October 2010 CAG, Slide 52
Address Validation
 Available via the Periodic Enrollment Update
Data Submission throughout the year
 Improves quality of address for Direct
Certification and postal mailings
October 2010 CAG, Slide 53
Ed-Data SARC Service
Nancy Sullivan
Deputy Operations Officer, FCMAT/CSIS
October 2012 CAG, Slide 54
Ed-Data Overview
• Ed-Data is a 15-year-old collaboration
• EdSource
• The goal is to enable better-informed decisions
for California's schools
• http://www.ed-data.org
October 2012 CAG, Slide 55
Ed-Data Overview
• Ed-Data provides:
• Data over multiple years and pop trends at
the state, county, district and school level
• Student demographics and performance
• Staffing and teacher salaries,
• Financial reports
• Powerful comparison tools that allow you to
compare a variety of data categories
• Pre-populated SARC templates
October 2012 CAG, Slide 56
October 2012 CAG, Slide 57
SARC Templates
• Ed-Data now provides a School Accountability
Report Card (SARC) service
• Secure site that allows SARC coordinators
access to downloadable SARC templates:
• Pre-populated with all the data the state
has available
• Approved as meeting the reporting
requirements specified by the State Board
of Education once local data has been
• Available in multiple languages
October 2012 CAG, Slide 58
October 2012 CAG, Slide 59
Resource Links
For more information about…
 Ed-Data or Ed-Data SARC services visit:
 SARC requirements visit:
October 2012 CAG, Slide 60
Next Meeting
Nancy Sullivan
Deputy Operations Officer, FCMAT/CSIS
October 2012 CAG, Slide 61
Next Meeting
April 23, 2013
from 9:30 – 12:00
 Video Conference from Sacramento
• Remote locations throughout the state
• Registration available by February 15th
October 2012 CAG, Slide 62