Life on an Ocean Planet

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Transcript Life on an Ocean Planet

How does Marine Science Impact you?
70% of the Earth is covered in water.
More than half of the Oxygen you breathe
Is produced in the ocean.
Chapter 1 Page 1-3
Life on an Ocean Planet
Amniotic Fluid has the same salinity
As seawater.
If you like Ice Cream….you most likely
Ate it with some Seaweed
You may have brushed your teeth with marine skeletons this
How do we Impact it?
 The oceans produce two influences vital to life on Earth.
Chapter 1 Pages 1-3 to 1-5
Life on an Ocean Planet
 Weather and world climate patterns dictate how warm, cold, wet, or dry it will be. This
largely determines where humans live on land.
 In addition, the oceans provide three important marine resources:
Food • Oxygen • Natural Resources (such as oil)
 Humans have seen all of the Earth’s surface, but there’s far more to discover
below than on it.
 Humans increasingly change the oceans; pollution
and overfishing have caused serious damage, coral
reefs are dying off, and there’s more.
 What you learn here about the science of investigation
and problem-solving, regardless of your final career
choice, benefits you by making you a more capable
person who contributes to society.
Marine Science
 Marine Science – the process of discovering the facts,
processes, and unifying principles that explain the
nature of the oceans and their associated life forms.
 Oceanography – the science of recording and
describing the ocean’s contents and processes.
 There are four main branches of oceanography.
Chapter 1 Pages 1-8 to 1-10
Defining Your Study
Biological oceanography – studies life in the ocean.
Chemical oceanography – studies the chemistry of seawater.
Geological oceanography – studies the geology of the ocean.
Physical oceanography – studies the physics within the
marine environment.
 Technology has made marine exploration and
its associated careers possible. It is through
technology that true marine exploration has
become possible.
OK so its really Oceanography??
Chapter 1 Pages 1-11 to 1-14
Defining Your Study
 How will we study it?
 Marine science involves four study areas beyond traditional
science disciplines:
 1. Science as Inquiry – applying science as a way of
solving problems, answering questions.
 2. Science and Technology – learning how science
advances technology and vice-versa.
 3. Science in Personal and Social Perspectives – how
science affects you and society.
 4. Historical Nature of Science – understanding how
science evolved as a discipline.
I thought this was Marine Science?
Chapter 1 Pages 1-15 & 1-16
Defining Your Study
This course will include cross discipline content….integrating with many other disciplines
Cross-discipline areas of study include:
 Math - Mathematics is the universal “language” that helps you explain
the physical nature of the oceans.
 History – A historical review provides insight to the past, present, and
future of our oceans. A historical background provides a context of how
and why the study of oceanography has changed over time.
 Technology - Some say technology causes problems, some say it
increases our knowledge. It is really the advances in technology that
has made modern oceanography possible.
 Social Sciences - Decisions about the environment may affect the
life of others on the planet.
 Literature - Announcing scientific findings to others requires using
literary and artistic forms.
 Arts - The method of experimentation may be in the form of videography
or ethnography rather than the typical experiment.
Course Objectives
MY goals as a teacher
Make this course interesting
Hold you accountable and self reliant as a student
Increase your literacy in science
Help you Enjoy Science as a subject
Make you aware of the fragile nature of the Ocean
Make you aware of Human dependence on the Ocean
Make you aware of Careers related to this expanding field
How can I hope to do this?
 R…..O…….V’s
 Field Trips
 Video which are directly related to the material
 Response cards
 Fish Tanks
 Fish as Food Fest
 Availability of Notes and Grades
 Joke of the day
The Division of our Textbook and Course
Chapter 1 Pages 1-34 to 1-36
How to Learn Marine Science Most Efficiently
 Our Textbook Life on an Ocean Planet will divide marine science into
meaningful segments. These units are:
 Unit 1: Importance of Ocean Exploration
 Unit 2: The Foundation of Life in the Ocean
 Unit 3: A Water World
 Unit 4: The Motion of the Ocean
 Unit 5: Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea
 Unit 6: The Present and Future of the Marine
Chapter 1 Pages 1-35 & 1-36
How to Learn Marine Science Most Effectively
How to use your textbook to Focus Study
Headings (black) and subheadings (blue) divide each chapter.
Paying attention to these helps to organize the materials.
Learning Objectives are green: found under subheadings.
IMPORTANT: as you read, find the answers
to each of the learning objective questions.
Relevant supplement information: found
in the purple-boxed sidebars.
Photos and illustrations are red. These provide important
visual information to illustrate what you’re reading.
Quick Quiz is found at the end of a main
subject division. IMPORTANT: Review
the materials until you understand any
questions missed before moving on.
Review questions are found at the end of each chapter.
1 - 10
Learning Effectively with Life on an Ocean Planet
 First, read the table of contents; note chapter titles and subheadings.
 Next, go through from cover to cover. Pay attention to style and how it’s
laid out. Look for the pattern in identifying elements; the marine scientist profiles,
quizzes, and reviews. Skim the glossary, index, and references.
 Surveying before reading makes learning more efficient and effective.
It does this by establishing your mental framework about marine science.
Chapter 1 Pages 1-36 to 1-38
How to Learn Marine Science Most Efficiently
 The first thing to do is survey this book. You do this by:
 After surveying the book
there are five study steps to
follow as you learn.
1 - 11
Our Course Overview
 First and Second Quarter
 Oceanography
 History of Marine Science
 Tools of Oceanography
 Ocean Topography
 Water
 Waves, Tides and Tsunamis
1 - 12
Course Overview
 Second and Third Quarter
 Marine Biology
 Organisms in the Ocean – through the
 Focus on popular species such as Sharks
and Marine Mammals
 Relationships in the Ocean
 Ocean Habitats
 Human Impact on the Ocean
1 - 13
Learning Style Assignment
 In order to tailor the course to the best way we learn please take the learning
style survey
 Folllow the link and answer the questions.
write in the learning style on your Expectation sheet
Learning Style Survey
1 - 14