Transcript Slide 1

WSC Guidelines for a Healthy WebSphere Application Server Runtime on z/OS

Techdoc TD104172, May 2009


John Hutchinson, [email protected]

IBM Americas Advanced Technical Support -- Washington Systems Center Gaithersburg, MD, USA © 2008, 2009 IBM Corporation


a Catalog of Information for WAS on z/OS…

High-level guide to documents will help you Configure & Manage WAS on z/OS, based on Washington Systems Center (WSC) experiences Techdoc


Click on


to access documents on the web at the following sites: • • • •


at – – –


(White Papers)


(Hints, Tips, and Technotes)


(Presentations and Downloads)

Redbooks (SG24-xxxx)





at Don’t forget: the primary information source for WAS: the Information Center: .

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Healthy Topics

A. Introduction & Education B. Installation Setup & Configuration C. Administration & Operations D. Availability & Recovery E. Security F. Application Deployment & Management G. Performance H. Problem Determination © 2008, 2009 IBM Corporation

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A. Introduction

Before you start…



Real Stg

2 Gb Real, several DASD volumes (min) 


Requirements:  “ Program Directory ” or “ Target System Requirements ” in the InfoCenter.  Start with the latest version ( or server.

) if you’re setting up a new SDK 

Configuration options:

Understand the functions & options available.  Use an ND (Network Deployment) configuration for availability, performance, and management qualities.  1st time: Start with a standalone server to master the fundamentals, but federate it into an ND configuration for practical use.

Web Information Sources:

Navigating the IBM Web in search of WebSphere Application Server for z/OS – TD102724  Saving time with WebSphere Application Server documentation – PRS3546

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Education Resources

• Best way to learn about WebSphere is a workshop with hands-on lab exercises, such as:

Wildfire Classes

– PRS1778 • –

WebSphere for z/OS Version 7 for z/OS Workshop

(WBSR7) PRS3422 –

Security Workshop: WebSphere App. Server for z/OS

(WSW07) PRS1438 –

WebSphere Process Server V6.1 for z/OS Workshop

(ZWPS6) PRS3421 – Enroll via your IBM Rep. who can contact Judith Ramage ([email protected]) or call 301.240.3966

IBM Training courses

– ‘Maximizing WebSphere Performance on z/OS’ (OZ850)

IBM Education Assistant

(educational modules designed to help you gain a better understanding of WebSphere products) –

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B. WAS Installation

• Product code loaded and applied using


. – See the

‘Program Directory’

available in the InfoCenter.

• See Preventive Service Planning (


) site for Service Recommendations and Cross Product Dependencies:

– WAS V6.1: upgrade ‘WASAS610’ and subset ‘H28W610’ – WAS V7.0: upgrade ‘WASAS700’ and subset ‘H28W700’ • The latest


can also be found at – click on ‘

Fixes by version

’ under the ‘


’ section.

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Set up z/OS Components for WAS

Several components & services need to be configured for a robust z/OS environment before you can configure WAS: - plus the

necessary skills

to use them: –


Systems Services (USS) with HFS & zFS.


, including DNS, Resolver, INETD, TN3270 –


(Resource Recovery Services), Logger –


(or equivalent) –


– Optionally,


– System Programmer productivity tools (e.g., MXI from Rocket Software .) See “Preparing the base operating system” in the InfoCenter

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Workstation Tools

• • • • • • •

3270 Emulator

( IBM Personal Communications )

Telnet client

( PuTTY , TeraTerm )


clients ( WS_FTP LE )

Web browser

( Internet Explorer , Firefox )

PDF Reader

( Adobe )

Text File Editor

( PFE , Notepad, or SlickEdit )


( Application Server Toolkit ) &


(z/OS Profile Management Tool) •


( Rational Application Developer ) or

WID Each of the hot links above take to you the tool’s download site or home page.


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Configuring WAS – 1st Steps

• For your first application server (if you didn’t attend a workshop), start with a standalone server:

Using zPMT and Spreadsheet to build a Quick Standalone

WP100999 • Next build an ND (Network Deployment) cell, which is covered in

A 'Top Down' Configuration Approach to WebSphere on Z

WP101030 – Based on more comprehensive white paper:

WebSphere z/OS V6 - WSC Sample ND Configuration


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Important HFS Configuration Tips

• The ‘smpe_HFS’ should be mounted read-only.

• Configure separate HFS/zFS file systems for each node.

– Must be owned by the same system as the node is running.

– Mounted with “no Automove” attribute.

– List in Parmlib BPXPRMxx member, so mounted correctly after IPL.

• See SHARE presentation “

Avoiding the Potholes on the WebSphere Application Server On Ramp”


– Contains many pointers along with supporting tools (REXX execs, sample JCL, spread-sheets, and examples.)

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More Configuration Papers

• •

Planning & General Guidance:

Planning Test, Production and Maintenance Problem Avoidance for WAS for z/OS

(Ch. 1) WP100396 REDP6003 •


(z/OS Profile Management Tool)


zPMT Introduction

WP100871 • Using zPMT & Spreadsheet to Build Quick Standalone WP100999 • Introducing the WCT for z/OS PRS3357 •

31-bit considerations:

SHRLIBRGNSIZE and Effect on 31-Bit JVM Storage Needs

– WP101320 – Space in Pvt Reg. for shared objects may affect LE storage available for a JVM to acquire for the heap or other uses.

• • •

64-bit considerations:

64-bit Addressing Support in WAS for z/OS V6.1

C/C++ Considerations with 64-bit WAS for z/OS

WP100920 WP101095

64-bit Effect: 5 different ways to look at Applications

WP101121 4/25/2020

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Introducing the WebSphere Configuration Tool (WCT) for z/OS

PRS3357 • Workstation based graphical tool

– Create customized jobs to build & migrate a WebSphere Application Server for z/OS environment.

– Replaces the ISPF Dialogues & AST.

• Eclipse based tool – much “leaner” than the AST.

– PMT - Profile Management Tool • Supports WebSphere V 6.1 and V 7 – MMT - Migration Management Tool • See WP101329 – Use with

"WebSphere V7 Planning Spreadsheet”

• • • 3 Spreadsheets create input to the WCT:

Network Deployment Cell Standalone Agent, Job Manager & Server DMZ

(Secure Proxy) PRS3341

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Hidden Gems: Little Known Features of WAS on z/OS -


(includes a script to clean up common variables- message routing)

• Sticking with the script – cleaning up common variable settings • To GMT or not to GMT - using ras_time_local • Keeping track when your applications don't • Putting trace output in its place • Managing your message output • What’s going on? The DISPLAY command – SERVERS and SERVANTS – LISTENERS and CONNECTIONS – TRACE and ERRLOG – JVMHEAP and MODE (31 or 64-bits) – WORK, CLINFO and MDBSTATS • Spreading the work around - stateful session placement • Please stand by - pause/resume listeners • Are your enclaves propagating? Should you care? • Handling large IIOP messages in 64-bit mode • Servant survivor - staying up during a timeout flurry • Throttle up - scaling up to a lot of connected clients 4/25/2020

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Hidden Gems 2: More great but Little Known Features in WebSphere z/OS -


In Version 6.1:

– Making controller ASIDs reusable – Allowing servants to connect to WLM early – SMF record changes for IBM Getting Started Sub-Capacity Pricing (GSSP) •

In Version 7.0:

– Starting multiple servants in parallel, and setting minimum and maximum numbers for servants. – Controlling the number of dispatch threads in a servant – Improved tools and diagnostics for troubleshooting. – Ability to dynamically update the dispatch timeout delay – Spinning server output by volume instead of by time – Improved WLM classification wildcarding 4/25/2020

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Other Configuration Options

Sysplex Distributor

to increase availability & workload balancing WP100312 • • • •

HTTP Server

for session affinity and routing.

Understanding the HTTP Web Server Plugin


IBM HTTP Server for z/OS Powered by Apache

– WP101170

Extending IHS powered by Apache with Custom Modules –


Introducing WebSphere V7 Secure Proxy Server –

WP101423 •

Job Manager

Introducing The WebSphere V7 Job Manager for z/OS

WP101341 •

Heterogeneous Cells

spanning different operating system platforms WP100644


Configuring the Cloudscape Network Server for WAS for z/OS

TD102368 Shows how to set up Cloudscape in a generic WebSphere Server.

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Runtime Migration

Migrate your Version 5 or 6.0.2 WAS to V.6.1 or V.7 with the automation scripts detailed in these papers:

From V. 5

Sample Migration from WAS V.5 to V.6 on z/OS

WP100559 •

To V. 6.1

Migrating to WAS V.6.1 on z/OS

WP100771 . •

To V. 7

Migrating to WAS V.7 on z/OS


(See Next foil.)


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Migrating to WAS z/OS V.7

• No need to stop servers during migration in most cases.

– Leave existing runtime running, shutting down only at the very end when the new V7 servers are to come up.

• Break the main migration job into three smaller jobs

– BBOWPRO*, BBOWPRE* and BBOWPOS*. – Advantages: Each job takes less time and less resource – Failure isolation more granular, easier recovery/cleanup steps

• Not migrating applications when doing DMGR migration

– With many apps the migration could take too long. – Decouples the runtime migration from application migration.

• Techdoc:

WP101329 – MMT (z/OS Migration management Tool) - Panels – Customized Jobs, Examples, Problems/Solutions, Planning

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Configuring WAS with other Resource Managers

Techdocs to help set up connections to resource managers: •


Enabling WAS for z/OS to use DB2 Universal JDBC Driver

TD101663 • •


Connecting CICS Transaction Server from WAS for z/OS V 6


Using JMS & WAS to Interact with CICS - MQ/CICS Bridge

WP100682 • •


IMS Connectivity in an On Demand Environment


IMS Java Guide & Reference



WebSphere for z/OS JMS and MDB IVP


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WP100424 18

Extensions to WAS

Products configured on top of WAS:


(Extended Deployment) PRS1856 • Mixed Workloads in WebSphere XD V6.0 on z/OS SG247267 • Scaling for High Availability: XD & WAS for z/OS REDP3968 –

Feature Pack for Web Services

WP101084 –

Feature Pack for EJB3 -

WP101142 –

WAS V7 Feature Pack for SCA -

WP101394 –

WebSphere Portal Server

TD104289 , WP101249 , SG24-7459 –


V6.1 on WebSphere for z/OS WP101206 , SG24-7151 –


(see next foil) XD FPs Portal ITCAM WebSphere Application Server

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WPS 4/25/2020 19

More product extensions to WAS

Process Server – the Flagship of SOA…


(WebSphere Process Server) &


(WebSphere ESB): – WPS Wildfire Workshop Material: PRS3421 – WPS ND Deployment: WP101209 – WPS "Easy" ND Deployment: WP101253 – Performing Installation Verification for WPS on z/OS V6.1: WP101218 – WPS & WESB V.6.0 for z/OS Configuration Tools & Samples: PRS2520 – z/OS Getting Started: WPS & WESB V6 SG24-7378 – z/OS: WebSphere Business Process Management • V6.1.2 Production Topologies” RedBook SG24-7703 • V6.2 Production Topologies” RedBook SG24-7733 4/25/2020 XD FP


Portal WebSphere Application Server

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C. Operations & System Administration

Day-to-day operation of WebSphere can be administered through various

Operator Interfaces :

• WebSphere administrative console (using a web browser) • wsadmin scripts or command-line tools in a USS environment, • MVS Console (usually under TSO and SDSF), • Ant tools, or JMX programs. • See InfoCenter article Where to perform WebSphere Operations 4/25/2020

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Operations: MVS (TSO / SDSF) Consoles

• • • •

Managing Operator Message Routing


SDSF system displays and MVS commands

TD100589 .

Managing LE Options in WebSphere Servers


Creating Dynamic 3270 Screen Size in PCOM

TD102151 to increase the number of rows & columns on your 3270 displays: 4/25/2020

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Administration Use the wsadmin tool to automate Configuration Tasks:

WSADMIN Primer (with Jython)

– Replaces WP101014 – Includes several sample hands-on exercises.

WSADMIN Primer (with JACL)

WP100421 •

Using Jython Scripting Language with WSADMIN

WP100963 – Includes several sample scripts to do common administrative tasks.

Creating new Application Servers in WAS V6

TD104066 – Includes sample jython script to automatically correct the port assignments to the WSC standard numbering scheme.

• Plus many InfoCenter articles…

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D. Availability

High Availability requires:

– Planning – Robust Parallel Sysplex – Reliable parts – Fully tested in a QA server – Redundant components – • Network Deployment (ND) • Clusters on Multiple LPARs – Frequent back-ups (& reliable restore procedures)

• Techdocs:

Architecting High Availability Using WAS on z/OS

SG24-6850 –

Planning Test, Production and Maintenance

WP100396 –

Handling Application Dispatch Timeouts

WP101233 –

WAS V7 - Dispatch Timeout Improvements


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Recovery . . .

Rapid Recovery involves many aspects:

– Quick diagnosis (automation alerts) – Fix/Restore & Restart damaged parts – “Disaster Recovery” sites – Fully tested Fail-over scenarios • • •

Planning for Disaster Recovery


Starting DMGR on Another MVS Image

WP100585 •

Moving WebSphere Nodes Between MVS Images

and WP100542 .

PRS1536 ,

Changing the host names and system names


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E. Security

• • Global Security enabled by default when you configure WebSphere for z/OS V6.1. • • Recommend you use LocalOS to simplify the security setup.

– ISPF dialogs & zPMT produce RACF commands to define protection for your WebSphere environment.

WebSphere for z/OS Security class handouts

(WSW07) PRS3422

Configuring Fine-Grained Security

TD103324 • • •

RACF tips & tools for WebSphere Application Servers


Using SERVAUTH to Protect TCP Port Usage

WP100673 •

Enhanced form-based authentication

TD101255 • Sample J2EE App using Form Based Authentication & Style Sheet PRS3417

Generic RACF Profiles with WebSphere on z/OS V7

– WP10427 4/25/2020

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Security Techdocs, cont’d

• • • • • • • •

SSL, Certificates & Crypto:

Introduction to SSL for z/OS users


Importing RACF Certificates in WAS 6.1 Distributed Using Multiple Certificates with WebSphere for z/OS

WP100386 -

Activating z890/z990 Cryptographic Services for WAS

PRS2854 TD104044 -

Enabling Web Services H/W Encryption with WAS Resolving the iKeyman Corrupted Database Message SSL Options in WebSphere for z/OS V6.1 –

WP100808 -



Renewing expiring RACF certificates WAS on z/OS

– PRS3584

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More Security Documents

Security-related RedBooks:

• • •

WAS for z/OS and Security Integration J2C Security on z/OS

REDP-4202 REDP-4161

Java Messaging Service Security on z/OS

REDP-4203 •

z/OS WebSphere and J2EE Security Handbook

SG24-6846 • Java Security and z/OS – The Complete View – SG24-7610 28 4/25/2020

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F. Application Deployment

• • •

Sample Applications

to help you practice and learn the deployment processes:

SuperSnoop Servlet


PolicyIVP J2EE Application for WAS using DB2 WebSphere for z/OS JMS and MDB IVP

TD101348 WP100424 •

Deployment Tips:

64-bit Addressing Support in WebSphere for z/OS

WP100920 •

Temp Space Shortage Installing Large Apps

TD102662 • Java & System z - DeveloperWorks White Papers WP101291

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Application Tuning, Management & Debugging

Moving Applications to WebSphere on z/OS

WP101093 •

Enabling the WSAD Distributed Debugger

TD101198 •

Enabling the WSAD Application Profiler

TD101199 •

Log4j Enhancements for J2EE Applications

TD102335 •

JinsightLive for IBM System z – Available on AlphaWorks


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G. Performance

Many Configuration options, Topologies, & Tuning Parms:

• Hardware resources and configuration.

• Software Levels: z/OS, WAS, & Java (latest releases are best) • Placement, size, & # of servers, plus threading considerations. • Environmental properties and WebSphere variables • Using the IBM HTTP servers • Workload classification • Security settings, and SSL options • SMF, RMF, Performance monitoring & workload simulation • Java tuning, JVM heap size, and garbage collection.

• Tracing and other performance trouble-shooting tools.

• Application design considerations.

• TCP/IP, DB2, CICS, IMS, MQ subsystems.

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Performance Tuning Papers

• • • •

Performance Engineering & Tuning for WAS on z/OS Performance and tuning tips for WAS on z/OS Optimizing WebSphere for z/OS Performance

PRS2494 TD103036 WP100558

Application Debugging and Profiling

WP100250 • •

Diagnosing Performance Problems on WAS for z/OS

• Large Memory Performance Studies – WP101157

Classify WAS Control Region in WLM OMVS rules

WP100678 TD102730 •

Finding CPU Usage in your applications

TD102454 • SMF Servlet Filter for WebSphere V6.1 on z/OS WP101301 •

Summarizing SMF 120 records

PRS752 • SMF 120 browser for WAS V7 WP101342 • Threads and excessive CPU Consumption in WebSphere on z/OS WP101474

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WLM Advanced Topics for WAS on z/OS PRS3317

WLM & WAS Interaction & Dependencies

 Control Region / Servant Region Structure  Managing Threads, Servants, Servers & Clusters   Server Failover & Continuous System Operation Work Classification – Transaction Classes & WLM Rules 

Tuning Recommendations & Best Practices

 WLM Settings: Service Classes, Report Classes & Resource Groups  SMF Settings and RMF Tools 

Monitoring the Health of WebSphere & WLM

   RMF Workload Activity Reports & Monitor III SDSF & MVS Operator Commands for WebSphere & WLM WLM Commands, Monitors & Tools 

Misc. Topics

  Capping & Controlling WebSphere Workload License Charges WLM/WAS Start-up & Routing Options

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New SMF 120 Records •

WebSphere for z/OS creates SMF 120 records.

– Issues with prior versions of WebSphere for z/OS: • Insufficient user/request information for Chargeback • Not extendable, Not dynamically controlled • Costly to record

WebSphere Version 7 introduces new subtype-9

– Dynamically enabled/disabled – More information for chargeback – Bytes transferred, Elapsed Times, CP, zAAP, zIIP times – Low overhead – Extendable with User inserted sections

• “Overview of the WAS SMF Record 120-9”–


• WAS V7 SMF Summary Browser available from:


source=zosos390 (Select “SMF Browser for WAS for z/OS V5 and V6”) 4/25/2020

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Performance & Capacity Planning

Education Available:

• IBM Training course ‘Maximizing WebSphere Performance on z/OS’ (OZ850 ).

Capacity Planning

• Contact your IBM Rep to use the


, zSeries processor sizing for new applications.

• • For


capacity projections, see

Obtaining the zAAP Usage Estimation Information zAAP Estimation w/ Java5 & WAS for z/OS V6.1

WP100431 TD103460

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H. Problem Determination

Good “PD” isn’t an exact science;

• It’s based on a thorough understanding of WebSphere & z/OS, experiences (usually unsuccessful), pattern recognition, contacts & ability to use many tools. • Your best “tools” are your brain, ability to search many information sources, and communication with other subject matter “experts.” Tools: • Browsers, Editors, FTP clients, telnet clients, • ISPF, SDSF, MXI, Commands, SPUFI, Skills: • UNIX, vi, shell scripting, jython, jacl, • MVS, TSO, ISPF, SDSF

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PD Documentation

• •

InfoCenter: Troubleshooting and support

• Overview and new features • How do I?... Troubleshooting • Debugging applications • Adding logging and tracing to your application • Diagnosing problems (using diagnosis tools) • Accessing the Support site • • •

Redbooks & Redpapers:

Problem Determination for WebSphere for z/OS


Problem Determination Methodology for WebSphere


Problem Symptoms in WebSphere for z/OS


Problem Avoidance for WebSphere App. Server


WAS for z/OS Problem Determination Means & Tools



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There is a great deal of information available.

– Trick is to find the right document quickly!

Become familiar with the information sources.



– Take the time to READ!

Experiment with your own system.

Know whom to call ;-)

Turn this


into This


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Questions ?

Suggestions for future Techdocs?

• Send an e-mail to: [email protected]

or [email protected]


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