Health Results Team for Information Management

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Transcript Health Results Team for Information Management

Health Results Team for Information Management
Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
Coding Quality Task Force Workshop
September 22, 2006
Structure for Phase 1 of the Local Data Management
Partnerships: Health Information Management
Health Information
Advisory Committee
CCAC Health Information Management
Physician Documentation
Expert Panel
Local Data
Local Data
Data Consistency Working Group
Local Data
Local Data
Local Data
To support the above committees, five Data Management Coordinators have been
hired to facilitate coordination and implementation of the partnerships’ objectives.
Who are the Data Management Coordinators?
The Data Management Coordinators (DMCs) are five
individuals across the province who function as a team
Left to Right: Sandra Lariviere, Teresa Adair, Kyra Wager, Kathy
Gilmore and Deb Tetreault
What is the role of the DMC’s?
 Ensure objectives of MoHLTC in relation to provincial and
national data quality initiatives are achieved in an
effective, efficient and timely manner
 Ensure consistent provincial approaches to data quality
 Implement data quality initiatives within the Local Health
Integration Network structure
 Develop standards and processes for data quality
 Develop products and tools to support data quality
 Facilitate communication between individuals responsible
for Health Information Management within hospitals,
Community Care Access Centres (CCACs), and Local
Data Management Partnerships (LDMPs)
Resource and Support to the LDMPs
Data Management Coordinator
LDMPs of Responsibility
Contact Info
Sandra Lariviere
Erie St. Clair LDMP
South West LDMP
Waterloo Wellington LDMP
[email protected]
1-866-231-5446 Ext 228
Deb Tetreault
Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant LDMP
Mississauga Halton LDMP
Toronto Central LDMP
Central West LDMP
[email protected]
1-866-294-5446 Ext 225
Kathy Gilmore
Central East LDMP
North Simcoe Muskoka LDMP
Central LDMP
[email protected]
1-866-294-5446 Ext 219
Kyra Wager
Champlain LDMP
South East LDMP
[email protected]
1-866-902-5446 Ext 2016
Teresa Adair
North West LDMP
North East LDMP
[email protected]
1-866-907-5446 Ext 2023
DMCs act as a support to the partnerships, including the role of a
resource, investigation and resolution of issues, and assisting in LDMP
initiatives. The DMCs work together to promote standardization, and
facilitate information sharing across the province.
Status Update on Projects Underway
Professional Practice E-learning and Assessment Tool
Modules online, to be completed by all coders in the province
Available until October 31st, 2006
Reports due in late November/early December
Data Issues and Actions Management System (DIAMS):
Up and running; accessible at
Encourage everyone to use this tool to report data issues
Physician Documentation Expert Panel:
“A Guide to Better Physician Documentation” release planned for
Healthcare Improvement Practices Registry
Other DMC Activities
Data Quality Reports:
Will be compiled and distributed through DMCs
Input and feedback has been taken into consideration in development of the
new reports and distribution process for this current fiscal year
Any input should be directed to your DMC
Data Blitzes will continue in the spring
NACRS Re-abstraction Study:
Six weeks of data collection and re-abstraction of Emergency Charts
15 facilities: at least one facility from each LHIN, and ranging from small
rural hospitals to the large city hospitals
500 charts were re-abstracted from each facility
11 re-abstractors
Re-abstraction complete; awaiting results
Administrative Support for Provincial Committees:
Planning and organization of Health Information Management Advisory
Committee and Data Consistency Working Group meetings
Initiatives In Progress
The work currently underway by the DMCs:
Compendium of HIM Resources and Guidelines
Workload Standards
Database Enhancement Proposals
Health Records Documentation Assessment Project
Registration Standards
Health Information Management Communities of Practice (CoP)
Compendium of HIM Resources & Guidelines
This tool for HIM professionals will include or provide direction to a
number of resources and guidelines; including but not limited to:
The profession
Coding and abstracting
Policies and procedures
Data quality
Record processing
Will be completed in hard copy by December 2006; conversion into
electronic format will follow.
Workload Standards
Assessment of measurement systems currently in use, followed by the
development of:
Steps to incorporate coding workload standards into the Health Records
Productivity tracking sheet
Steps and tracking sheet being piloted in Champlain LHIN:
3 facilities: multi-site teaching facility, community and small hospital
After 2 months of data collection, all aspects of the project will be reviewed
Next steps include:
Expanding pilot to include all facilities in the Champlain LHIN
Rolling the workload project out to all LHINs
Developing tools to capture workload in: chart assembly, loose filing,
microfilming, transcription, and release of information
Pilots on above tools will be done in Champlain LHIN prior to province-wide
Database Enhancement Proposals
Proposals are submitted through:
Data Consistency Working Group
HIM Professionals
Tracking of proposal status:
Active – under investigation
Inactive – denied
Complete – implemented
DMC Involvement:
Creation of a database to capture all submissions, and their status
Maintenance of database, tracking of status, and quarterly reporting
Health Records Documentation Assessment Project
Came as a result of the Physician Document Expert Panel
Ongoing struggle with physician documentation
Health Records Assessment at the William Osler Health Center
Headed primarily by a team of physicians, with representation
Central West LHIN
MoHLTC Health Results Team for Information Management
Data Management Coordinator
Staff at William Osler Health Center
Guide for improvement of health record documentation and
processes to positively impact hospital compliance to standards,
patient care and risk mitigation
Registration Standards
Need for registration standards has been identified through many
activities and forums. A number of initiatives are underway,
nationally and provincially.
Work to date:
CIHI: National online education package
SSHA: Ontario Health Client Identification Data Dictionary
CCO: client registry as part of Wait Times Strategy
Regional EMPI activities
Next steps include:
Consolidation and comparison of work to date
Solicit recommendations from HIMAC
Creation and approval of provincial registration standards
Online education for registration staff
Under Investigation
Data Quality Audit Tool:
Tool which will compare previously coded data, with re-coded data
identifying discrepancies
DMCs will use the tool in analyzing identified data quality issues,
and highlighting areas for education and action
Hospitals may use it for their own data quality studies, or for
training new staff
The options for this tool are under investigation at this time
HIM Communities of Practice (CoP)
Imagine a place where you can communicate with your
peers and share information, discuss issues, exchange
ideas without the inconvenience of arranging conference
calls, traveling to meetings, preparing minutes,
scheduling yet another meeting in your day....
Welcome to the HIM Communities of Practice
What is a CoP?
A virtual environment where HIM professionals can share documents,
ask questions, compare policies/procedures, and network
Who can join?
Hospital and Community Care Access Centre (CCAC) HIM
professionals involved in Health Records, Registration, Decision
Support, and Performance
HIM students and faculty
What communities are available?
There are several communities; some are public (for anyone to
join) and some are private (reserved for members only)
Public Communities – target membership listed, but anyone can join
Community Name
Ontario Health Information Management
All members of the CoP
Hospital Health Information Management
All coders in the province
Community Care Access Centre (CCAC)
Health Information Management
All CCAC staff involved in health
information management functions
Anyone from each LHIN: directors,
coders, CCAC staff, etc.
Private Communities – reserved for their members only
(Health Information Management Advisory Committee, Data Consistency Working
Group, CCAC Health Information Management Council, Local Data Management
Joining the CoPs
How do I join?
Visit, click on the “Join” link beside Frequently Asked
Questions in the top left of the screen, and follow the instructions
* Note that screen shots may not be identical to live website, due to the changing nature of the CoP
Logging In
Log-in at once you receive your username and password
Forgot your username or password?
Enter your email address and have it sent to you!
My profile
Managing your profile and changing your password:
Click on Change Password, enter your current password and then
enter and confirm your new one
Recommend filling in rest of profile and displaying your information
My Profile
Your CoP Homepage
Features of the CoP Homepage:
Listing of the communities that you are a member of, and the
latest community news
Features of Homepage
Ability to create links to your favourite sites
Features of Homepage
“Just updated” – communities that were most recently updated
Features of Homepage
Announcements on what’s new
Featured Community
Features of Homepage
Events that are happening
Poll – site wide poll
Features within each community
The modules that are within:
Frequently Asked Questions
Photo album
Community events
Community poll
Setting Notifications
What are notifications?
An email that notifies you of activity on the site
How Do Notifications Work?
How do they work?
Settings are customizable for each user
Settings per community
Notifications can occur immediately, hourly, daily, weekly or monthly
CoP Mail
Highlights of CoP mail:
Internal message system just amongst CoP members
Communicate without filling up your regular inbox
See if you have new mail right from your CoP homepage
Joining a New Community
Click on “Join/Visit Communities”
Member Search
Search to see all the other members on the CoP
Send a message from your search results
Why YOU should participate on CoPs
Benefits of the CoP include:
Participate in member-driven discussions
Keep up to date on the latest news on Health
Information Management and upcoming events
Access publications and reference resources all from a
central portal
Links to relevant websites
The more people who use the tool,
the more effective it will be!
Health Results Team
for Information Management
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monthly newsletter for HRT-IM updates.
To subscribe, send an email to
[email protected]
Comments and Questions
Contact your Data Management Coordinator
for your area as indicated on slide 5