Transcript Chapter 2

 Fair and Equitable
 Governed by rules that apply to everyone, taking into
account individual needs and circumstances
 Justice
 Applying laws
 Justice System
 The institution and procedures for applying laws in a
Class Discussion
 Why is Justice often portrayed as blind?
Pg 57
 Read Beverly Mclauchlin’s remarks
 What challenges is she referring to?
 Do you agree with her statement “nothing is more
important then justice”? Why or why not?
What's to come- pg 60
 What are we hoping to learn this chapter?
 What questions do I need to be able to answer?
 Read “inside the Justice System” comic
 What factors had the biggest impact on this young
offenders change of attitude?
 What life lessons can we learn from her story?
How are Youth and Adult Justice
Different in Canada?
 Canada has different legislation for youth and adults
who break the law
Youth Criminal
Justice Act
Criminal Code of
Young Offenders
Adult Offenders
Youth Criminal Justice Act
 Deals with 12-17 year olds in trouble with the law
 Allows some young offenders to face consequences
such as counseling and community service
 Prohibits adult sentencing for 12-14 year olds. Allows
adult sentencing for young people 14 and up who have
committed serious crimes
 Protects the privacy of young offenders
 News media cannot publish names unless they receive
and adult sentence
 Allows most young offenders to avoid a criminal record
Criminal Code of Canada
 Deals with adults in trouble with the law
 Makes going to court the usual consequence
 Defines adult sentences, which can include periods of
imprisonment for some crimes
 Allows the publication of the offenders name
 Creates a criminal record
Time to think…..
How might a criminal record
affect your quality of life?
Flow Chart- Pg 66
 What are the consequences if you break the law as a
young offender?
 Before the YCJA, every young person who broke the
law charged and went to court. This meant that often:
 Young offenders did not face consequences for a long
time as courts are very busy
 The consequences did not always connect back to the
communities affected
Factors that Determine
Consequences for Young Offenders
 Lets read and summarize pg. 68
Objectives of the YCJA
 1. Prevent crime by addressing the
circumstances underlying young persons
offending behavior
 Ex. ?????
 2. Rehabilitate young offenders and
reintegrate them into society
 Ex. ??
 3. ensure that the young person is subject to
meaningful consequences for the offence in order to
promote long term protection of society
 Ex. ?????
 4. The YCJA must recognize that young people are
separate from adults and have reduced levels of
 Ex. ????
Is it Working?
 Analyze the graph on pg 71
 Based on your knowledge and the graph, do you think
that the number of crimes committed by youth in this
country has been reduced because of the YCJA?
 Complete objectives of the YCJA worksheet
Political Cartoons
 Political cartoons convey an opinion about a topic.
 They are a type of persuasive communication
 Cartoons have to be analyzed to understand their message.
 Political Cartoon worksheet
What Role do Citizens and
Organizations Play in the fairness
and equity of Canada's Justice
System for Youth?
Responsibilities of a Juror
 Under the YCJA, a person under the age of 14 may choose to
tried by a judge and jury for certain serious crimes
 For these offences, juries must have 12 people and all 12 must
agree on a verdict
 Anyone 18 yrs of age and older and is a Canadian citizen is
eligible for jury duty with some exceptions
 what might these exceptions be?
 Jury duty is considered a duty 0f Canadian citizens
 If you are summoned, you must make any and all
arrangement to be at the courthouse
 Employers must give you time off
 You can be excused if you can prove it will cause you
 Its important to remember that a jury does not have to
come to a verdict that the judge or members of the
public must agree with
 They must remain impartial, regardless of the issue
 Jury selection is a very important part of the justice
process. Both sides of a case must agree on who will part
of the jury.
Ex. Member of KKK as a member of the OJ Simpson trial
Juror terms
These terms can be found on pg 79. read, summarize,
and put into your notes
 Defense
 Prosecution
 Sequester
Justice Advocacy Groups
 These organizations work independently from the
government. They try to solve the underlying reasons
for crime
 They Provide public education about the YCJA and the
Criminal Code of Canada
 They help people who have broken the law return to
their communities
 They stand up for the rights of youths and adults
accused of crimes
John Howard Society
 Works with men, women, boys, and girls in trouble
with the law
 What does Brad Olsen have to say about the
importance of the John Howard Society?- pg 82
 Read handout and answer questions
Elizabeth Fry Society
 Focuses on justice issues for women and girls
 What does Jacqueline Biollo have to say about the
society and its role?
 To what extent do both societies agree on what goals
the justice system should have?
The Role of Elders
 Sometimes the fate of a youth can be decided by a
committee of elders- people in the community who are
older and respected. An elder is someone that the
youth in that community should look up to and strive
to be like.
Chapter 2 Assignment
 YCJA Multimedia Presentation