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The American Nation
Chapter 17
The Civil War, 1861–1865
Copyright © 2003 by Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
The American Nation
Chapter 17: The Civil War, 1861–1865
Section 1:
The Conflict Takes Shape
Section 2:
No Easy Victory
Section 3:
A Promise of Freedom
Section 4:
Hardships of War
Section 5:
The War Ends
Copyright © 2003 by Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
The Conflict Takes Shape
Chapter 17, Section 1
• What issues divided the nation when the war
• What were the primary strengths and
weaknesses of the North and the South at the
beginning of the war?
• Who were the leaders of each side in the war?
Issues That Divided the Nation
Chapter 17, Section 1
• Southerners believed that they had the right to leave the Union.
They called the conflict the War for Southern Independence.
• Southerners wanted to keep their traditional way of life—
including slavery.
• Northerners believed that they had to fight to save the Union.
• Some northerners wanted to abolish slavery. Others approved
of slavery.
Border States
• Slave states that were still in the Union in 1861 had to decide
what to do. Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Arkansas
joined the Confederacy.
• Four slave states remained with the Union. These border
states were Kentucky, Missouri, Maryland, and Delaware.
• Some people who lived in the border states supported the
South. Pro-Confederate mobs attacked Union troops in
Maryland. President Lincoln declared martial law, or rule by the
army instead of the elected government.
Dividing the Nation
Chapter 17, Section 1
Strengths and Weaknesses of the North and the South
Chapter 17, Section 1
Northern Strengths
• The North had a large
population to call on for
food production and
military service.
• The North had most of the
nation’s factories. Before
the war, they produced
more than 90 percent of
the nation’s manufactured
• The North had a strong
navy and a large fleet of
merchant ships.
Southern Strengths
• Defending their homeland
and way of life gave white
southerners a strong
reason to fight.
• Confederate soldiers knew
the southern countryside.
• Southern civilians helped
the Confederate forces.
Strengths and Weaknesses of the North and the South
Chapter 17, Section 1
Northern Weaknesses
• Northern soldiers had to conquer a huge area. Instead of
defending their homes, they were invading unfamiliar land.
• Union supply lines had to stretch out much farther than
Confederate ones.
Southern Weaknesses
• The South had few factories to produce weapons and other
• The South had few railroads to move troops and supplies. Many
rail lines did not connect to a railroad network.
• The Confederate constitution favored states’ rights and limited the
central government. Sometimes, this made it difficult to get things
• The South had a small population compared to the North. As a
result, the South did not have enough people to support the war
• The South had few ships.
Strengths and Weaknesses of the North and the South
Chapter 17, Section 1
The War’s Leaders
Chapter 17, Section 1
Confederate President
Jefferson Davis:
• attended the United
States Military
Academy at West
• was an officer in the
Mexican War
• was Secretary of War
under President
Franklin Pierce
• was respected for
his honesty and
Union President
Abraham Lincoln:
• did not have much
experience in
national politics
• did not have military
• turned out to be a
strong leader and
fine war planner
• had a sense of
• could accept
Commander Robert E.
• Lincoln had asked
him to command the
Union army
• was loyal to his state
of Virginia
Section 1 Assessment
Chapter 17, Section 1
When the war began, most northerners believed they were fighting in order to
a) abolish slavery.
b) save the Union.
c) influence the border states.
d) become independent from the Union.
One important advantage of the North was that
a) it produced more cotton than the South.
b) its soldiers knew the countryside better than the Confederates.
c) its people were fighting to save their homes.
d) it had most of the nation’s industry.
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Section 1 Assessment
Chapter 17, Section 1
When the war began, most northerners believed they were fighting in order to
a) abolish slavery.
b) save the Union.
c) influence the border states.
d) become independent from the Union.
One important advantage of the North was that
a) it produced more cotton than the South.
b) its soldiers knew the countryside better than the Confederates.
c) its people were fighting to save their homes.
d) it had most of the nation’s industry.
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No Easy Victory
Chapter 17, Section 2
• What strategies did each side adopt to win
the war?
• How did early encounters dispel hopes for a
quick end to the war?
• What victories did the Confederates achieve?
• What victories did the Union achieve?
Strategies for Winning the War
Chapter 17, Section 2
Union plans
• Use the navy to blockade
southern ports.
• In the East, seize the
Confederate capital—
Richmond, Virginia.
• In the West, seize control of
the Mississippi River. This
would keep the Confederates
from using the river to supply
troops, and it would also
separate Arkansas, Texas,
and Louisiana from the rest of
the Confederacy.
Confederate plans
• Fight a defensive war until
northerners tired of fighting
and gave up.
• Use European money and
supplies to help fight the war.
Southerners expected
Europeans to recognize the
Confederacy as an
independent nation.
Early Encounters End Hopes for A Quick End to War
Chapter 17, Section 2
What Happened
July 21, 1861
Battle of Bull Run
Lincoln sent troops to
attack the Confederate
capital. Union and
Confederate troops
clashed between
Washington, D.C., and
Richmond, Virginia.
Finally, the Union
troops retreated.
Lincoln appointed a
new commander of the
Union army of the East,
General George
McClellan. In the end,
he turned out to be too
McClellan’s troops
moved toward
Robert E. Lee attacked
McClellan’s troops. At
the same time, Lee
sent Stonewall
Jackson north to
threaten Washington,
With Washington, D.C.,
threatened, Lincoln
could not send the rest
of the Union army to
help McClellan.
McClellan retreated.
March 1862
Early Encounters End Hopes for A Quick End to War
Chapter 17, Section 2
What Happened
March 1862
Monitor and the
Merrimack, or
Confederates covered
a Union warship, the
Merrimack, with iron
plates and renamed it
the Virginia. The Union
also built an ironclad,
the Monitor. The two
vessels fought near
In this first battle of
ironclad ships, neither
vessel seriously
damaged the other, and
both withdrew.
However, ironclad
ships changed naval
Battle of Antietam
Hoping for a southern
victory on northern
soil, Lee marched into
Maryland. McClellan
learned of his plans,
but was slow to attack.
At last, the two sides
Both sides suffered
great losses. Neither
side won. Because Lee
withdrew, northern
morale was raised.
Lincoln replaced the
cautious McClellan
with Ambrose
Early Encounters End Hopes for A Quick End to War
Chapter 17, Section 2
Confederate Victories in the East
Chapter 17, Section 2
What Happened
Battle of Fredericksburg
Lee’s forces met
Burnside’s army. Lee’s
forces dug into the
crest of a hill. As wave
after wave of Union
troops charged,
Confederate guns
mowed them down.
This was one of the
Union’s worst defeats.
May 1863
Battle of
Lee, aided by
Stonewall Jackson,
outmaneuvered Union
forces in a thickly
wooded area. Lee and
Jackson defeated the
Union troops in a
three-day battle.
A southern sentry shot
Stonewall Jackson by
mistake. Jackson died
soon after.
Union Victories in the West
Chapter 17, Section 2
What Happened
February 1862
Fort Henry and Fort
Union troops under
Ulysses S. Grant
captured the two
Tennessee forts.
The Union gained
control of two
tributaries of the
April 6–7, 1862
Battle of Shiloh
Confederate forces
surprised Grant’s
Union forces and drove
them back toward the
river. With the aid of
fresh troops, Grant
beat back the
The Union won control
of the Tennessee River.
It was one of the
bloodiest battles of the
April 1862
New Orleans
Union gunboats
captured New Orleans.
Other ships captured
Memphis, Tennessee.
The Union now
controlled both ends of
the Mississippi.
Section 2 Assessment
Chapter 17, Section 2
When Lincoln sent Union troops to attack Confederate forces for the first
time, the battle that followed was called the
a) Battle of Antietam.
b) Battle of Chancellorsville.
c) Battle of Shiloh.
d) Battle of Bull Run.
One reason the Union wanted to seize control of the Mississippi River was
a) then the Confederacy would no longer be able to use the river to
supply its troops.
b) control of the river would help the Union seize the Confederate capital.
c) Union ships could use the river to blockade Confederate ports.
d) losing the river would cause the Confederates to give up.
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Section 2 Assessment
Chapter 17, Section 2
When Lincoln sent Union troops to attack Confederate forces for the first
time, the battle that followed was called the
a) Battle of Antietam.
b) Battle of Chancellorsville.
c) Battle of Shiloh.
d) Battle of Bull Run.
One reason the Union wanted to seize control of the Mississippi River was
a) then the Confederacy would no longer be able to use the river to
supply its troops.
b) control of the river would help the Union seize the Confederate capital.
c) Union ships could use the river to blockade Confederate ports.
d) losing the river would cause the Confederates to give up.
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A Promise of Freedom
Chapter 17, Section 3
• What was Lincoln’s primary goal in the war?
• What were the effects of the Emancipation
• How did African Americans contribute to the
war effort both in the Union army and behind
Confederate lines?
Lincoln’s Goal in the War
Chapter 17, Section 3
“If I could save the Union without freeing any slave,
I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing all the
slaves, I would do it; and if I could do it by freeing
some and leaving others alone, I would also do
—Abraham Lincoln, August 22, 1862,
quoted in Carl Sandburg, Abraham Lincoln
The Emancipation Proclamation
Chapter 17, Section 3
What was the Emancipation Proclamation?
• Abraham Lincoln decided to emancipate, or free, enslaved
African Americans living in the Confederacy. On January 1,
1863, he issued the Emancipation Proclamation, the formal
declaration that freed slaves in the Confederacy, but not in
slave states that remained with the Union or in Confederate
lands that had been captured by the Union.
Why did Lincoln issue the Emancipation Proclamation?
• Emancipation would weaken the Confederacy’s ability to
carry on the war.
• He hoped to introduce the idea of emancipation slowly, by
limiting it to territory controlled by the Confederacy. He
expected to introduce the idea of emancipation in other
areas later.
The Emancipation Proclamation
Chapter 17, Section 3
What impact did the Emancipation Proclamation have?
• The declaration changed the purpose of the war. Now,
Union troops were fighting to end slavery as well as to save
the Union.
• Southerners were angered. They saw the declaration as a
“fiend’s act” to destroy their property.
• Europeans were sympathetic to the proclamation. Now they
were less likely to side with the South.
African American Contributions in the War
Chapter 17, Section 3
Free African Americans and escaped slaves enlisted in the Union
At first black troops served only as laborers, building roads and
guarding supplies.
By 1863, African American troops were fighting in major battles. One
of the most famous African American units was the 54th
Massachusetts Regiment. In 1863, this regiment led an attack on Fort
Wagner near Charleston, South Carolina. Under heavy fire, they
fought their way into the fort before they were forced to retreat. The
bravery of these soldiers helped win respect for African American
Behind Confederate lines, many enslaved African Americans slowed
down work or refused to work at all.
Wherever a Union army appeared, slaves from all over the area would
cross the Union lines to freedom. By the end of the war, about one
fourth of the South’s enslaved population had escaped.
Section 3 Assessment
Chapter 17, Section 3
At the start of the Civil War, President Lincoln’s goal in the war was to
a) free enslaved African Americans in all the slave states.
b) free enslaved African Americans in the Confederate states.
c) restore the Union.
d) convince Britain to join the Union side in the war.
The impact of the Emancipation Proclamation was that
a) most slaves on southern plantations gained their freedom.
b) now Union troops were fighting to end slavery as well as to save the
c) slaves in Missouri, Kentucky, West Virginia, and Maryland gained
d) now Union troops were fighting for a new line between slave and free
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Section 3 Assessment
Chapter 17, Section 3
At the start of the Civil War, President Lincoln’s goal in the war was to
a) free enslaved African Americans in all the slave states.
b) free enslaved African Americans in the Confederate states.
c) restore the Union.
d) convince Britain to join the Union side in the war.
The impact of the Emancipation Proclamation was that
a) most slaves on southern plantations gained their freedom.
b) now Union troops were fighting to end slavery as well as to save the
c) slaves in Missouri, Kentucky, West Virginia, and Maryland gained
d) now Union troops were fighting for a new line between slave and free
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Hardships of War
Chapter 17, Section 4
• What was life like for Confederate and Union
• What problems did each side face at home?
• How did the war affect the economy of the
North and the South?
• What role did women play in the war?
The Hard Life of Soldiers
Chapter 17, Section 4
• Most soldiers were under the age of 21. As the death toll
rose, the South drafted boys as young as 17 and men as
old as 50.
• New technology added to the horror of war. In most battles,
one fourth or more of the soldiers were killed or wounded.
• Medical care on the battlefield was crude. Surgeons
routinely amputated injured arms and legs. Sanitary
conditions were poor, and nothing was known about germs
or how wounds became infected.
• Diseases like pneumonia and malaria killed more men than
guns or cannons.
Problems at Home in the North
Chapter 17, Section 4
• Some northerners opposed using force to keep the South
in the Union. Supporters of the war called these people
Copperheads, after the poisonous snake.
• There was a shortage of volunteers to serve in the army.
Some men took money to enlist in the army, then deserted.
• In 1863, Congress passed a draft law, a law requiring all
able-bodied males between ages 20 and 45 to serve in the
military if they were called. Opposition to the draft law led
to riots.
• President Lincoln moved to stop the riots and other
“disloyal practices.” Several times, he suspended habeas
corpus, the right to be charged or have a hearing before
being jailed. The President also said that those arrested
could be tried under the stricter rules of a military court.
Problems at Home in the South
Chapter 17, Section 4
• Many southerners firmly believed in states’
rights. They resisted paying taxes to a central
government, so the government could not collect
enough money to pay for the war.
• Like the North, the South was forced to pass a
draft law to fill its army.
• Near the end of the war, the South no longer had
enough white men to fill the ranks.
• The Confederate congress reluctantly agrees to
let enslaved African Americans serve. The war
ends before this can take place.
How the War Affected the Southern Economy
Chapter 17, Section 4
Income tax—To pay for the war, Congress established the nation’s
first income tax, or tax on people’s earnings, in 1861. A new agency,
the Internal Revenue Bureau, oversaw the collection of taxes.
Inflation—The Union issued millions of dollars worth of bonds. When
taxes and bonds did not raise enough money, the North printed more
than $400 million in paper money. As the money supply increased,
each dollar became worth less. In response, businesses raised their
prices. The North experienced inflation, a rise in prices and a
decrease in the value of money.
Increased farm production—With so many farmers going off to war,
the demand rose for farm machines to plant and harvest crops. Farm
production actually went up.
Increased industrial profits—Wartime demand for clothing, shoes,
guns, and other goods helped many northern industries. Some
manufacturers made fortunes by profiteering. Profiteers charged
excessive prices for desperately needed war goods.
How the War Affected the Northern Economy
Chapter 17, Section 4
Income tax—To raise money, the Confederacy imposed an income
tax and a tax-in-kind. The tax-in-kind required farmers to turn over
one tenth of their crops to the government.
Inflation—The South printed so much paper money that wild
inflation set in.
Loss of the cotton trade—The war damaged the cotton trade.
President Davis stopped the South’s cotton trade with Britain. He
was hoping to force Britain to side with the South in return for
cotton. Britain, however, just bought its cotton from Egypt and
India instead.
Severe shortages—The Union blockade created severe shortages
of goods from overseas. The South began to build and run its own
factories. The blockade also brought food shortages. Many
plantations switched from growing cotton to raising grain and
Women in the War
Chapter 17, Section 4
• With so many men gone to war, women took jobs
in industry and on farms.
• Women’s aid societies helped supply the troops
with food, bedding, clothing, and medicine.
Women held fundraisers to pay for war supplies.
• Women worked as nurses. Dorothea Dix and
Clara Barton became nurses for the Union army.
Sojourner Truth worked in Union hospitals. Sally
Tompkins set up a Confederate hospital.
Section 4 Assessment
Chapter 17, Section 4
The nation’s first income tax came about in order to
a) pay for the Union war effort.
b) punish men who deserted the Union army.
c) tax the men who paid to get out of serving in the army.
d) get money for more factories.
One reason the Civil War caused economic ruin in the South was that
a) prices of all kinds fell dramatically.
b) many plantations switched from wheat to cotton.
c) the war damaged the cotton trade, the South’s main source of income.
d) southern markets were flooded with goods from sympathetic
European countries.
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Section 4 Assessment
Chapter 17, Section 4
The nation’s first income tax came about in order to
a) pay for the Union war effort.
b) punish men who deserted the Union army.
c) tax the men who paid to get out of serving in the army.
d) get money for more factories.
One reason the Civil War caused economic ruin in the South was that
a) prices of all kinds fell dramatically.
b) many plantations switched from wheat to cotton.
c) the war damaged the cotton trade, the South’s main source of income.
d) southern markets were flooded with goods from sympathetic
European countries.
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The War Ends
Chapter 17, Section 5
• Why were the Union victories at Vicksburg
and Gettysburg important?
• What plan did Grant have for ending the war
with the South?
• After his reelection, what hopes did Lincoln
have for the Union?
• Why was the Civil War a major turning point
in American history?
The Union Victory at Vicksburg
Chapter 17, Section 5
May 22 to July
4, 1863
Battle of Vicksburg
What Happened
Again and again,
Grant’s forces tried to
seize Vicksburg, a city
on a cliff above the
Mississippi River.
Finally, Grant marched
inland and attacked
Vicksburg from the
rear. Grant’s forces lay
siege to the city,
encircling it and
blockading or
bombarding it, in order
to force it to surrender.
Finally, the
surrendered the city,
giving the Union forces
complete control of the
Mississippi River.
The Union Victory at Gettysburg
Chapter 17, Section 5
What Happened
June 30 to July
2, 1863
Battle of
Lee surprised Union forces at
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. On
the first day of battle, the
Confederates drove the Union
forces out of Gettysburg. On the
second day, Lee’s forces
attacked the ends of the Union
line, but the line held. On the
third day, Lee ordered General
George Pickett to lead 15,000
men in a daring charge against
the center of the Union line. The
last attack led by Pickett is
known as Pickett’s Charge. Row
after row of Confederate soldiers
were shot down.
Lee’s forces had to
retreat. The
Confederates would
never invade the North
The Gettysburg Address
Chapter 17, Section 5
“We here highly resolve that these dead shall not
have died in vain—that this nation, under God, shall
have a new birth of freedom—and that government
of the people, by the people, for the people, shall
not perish from the earth.”
—Abraham Lincoln,
Gettysburg Address, November 19, 1863
Grant’s Plan for Ending the War
Chapter 17, Section 5
• Destroy the South’s ability to fight by waging total war, a
kind of warfare in which an army destroys everything that
might be useful to the enemy, such as food and equipment.
• Grant sent General Philip Sheridan and his cavalry into the
rich farmland of Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley. Sheridan
destroyed farms, livestock, and barns filled with grain.
• Grant ordered General William Tecumseh Sherman to
capture Atlanta, Georgia, then march to the Atlantic coast.
Sherman burned a large part of Atlanta. Then, Sherman’s
army began its “march to the sea,” destroying everything in
its path—railroad tracks, livestock, fields, barns, homes,
bridges, and factories.
Grant’s Plan for Ending the War
Chapter 17, Section 5
Lincoln’s Hopes for the Union
Chapter 17, Section 5
“With malice toward none, with charity for all . . . let
us strive . . . to bind up the nation’s wounds . . . to
do all which may achieve a just and a lasting peace
among ourselves and with all nations.”
—Abraham Lincoln,
Second Inaugural Address
The Civil War Ends
Chapter 17, Section 5
The Civil War Ends
Chapter 17, Section 5
Lee and his army were trapped by Union troops at the small
Virginia town of Appomattox Court House. He knew his
troops would be slaughtered if he kept fighting. On April 9,
1865, Lee surrendered to Grant.
Grant offered generous terms of surrender.
• Soldiers were required to turn over their rifles, but
officers were allowed to keep their pistols.
• Soldiers who had horses could keep them.
• Grant ordered that “each officer and man will be allowed
to return to his home, not to be disturbed by the United
States authorities.”
The Civil War—A Turning Point in American History
Chapter 17, Section 5
The toll of the Civil War was immense. To this day no war has
resulted in more American deaths. The economic cost of the Civil
War was huge—more than 11 times the entire amount spent by the
federal government between 1789 and 1861.
The balance of power was changed. The Democratic party lost its
influence. The Republican party grew stronger.
No longer would Americans speak of the nation as a confederation
of states. People began to think of the United States as one
nation, instead of many states.
The power of the federal government grew.
The war put an end to slavery in the United States. Millions of
African Americans gained their freedom.
Other Americans began to think about what it meant to be free and
The Civil War
• Lincoln issues the
• Northern economy
• South loses its
cotton trade with
• Total war destroys
the South’s
• Hundreds of
thousands of
Americans killed
Effects Today
• Issue of slavery in
the territories
divides the North
and South
• Abolitionists want
slavery to end
• South fears it will
lose power in the
national government
• Southern states
secede after
Lincoln’s election
• Confederates
bombard Fort
The Civil War
Chapter 17, Section 5
• Disagreements over
states’ rights persist
• African Americans
have equal
protection under the
• Millions of
Americans visit Civil
War battlefields
each year
Section 5 Assessment
Chapter 17, Section 5
Lincoln finally found a general in Ulysses S. Grant. His plan for total war meant
a) the Union would try to surround the Confederacy with British and French forces.
b) the Union would blockade southern ports and wait until the South gave up.
c) Union forces would destroy all food, equipment, and anything else in their path
that might help the enemy.
d) Union forces would use the hit-and-run tactics of guerrilla warfare against the
One reason the Civil War is considered a turning point in the nation’s history is that
a) the South became a much less important part of the Union than the North.
b) the war cost so much less than anyone expected it to.
c) the war raised the issue of secession, which many states have tried to do since
that time.
d) after the war, people thought of the United States as one nation rather than a
confederation of states.
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Section 5 Assessment
Chapter 17, Section 5
Lincoln finally found a general in Ulysses S. Grant. His plan for total war meant
a) the Union would try to surround the Confederacy with British and French forces.
b) the Union would blockade southern ports and wait until the South gave up.
c) Union forces would destroy all food, equipment, and anything else in their path
that might help the enemy.
d) Union forces would use the hit-and-run tactics of guerrilla warfare against the
One reason the Civil War is considered a turning point in the nation’s history is that
a) the South became a much less important part of the Union than the North.
b) the war cost so much less than anyone expected it to.
c) the war raised the issue of secession, which many states have tried to do since
that time.
d) after the war, people thought of the United States as one nation rather than a
confederation of states.
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