United States Government

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United States Government
Miss Garrido’s 5th Grade
Pocantico Hills School
Sleepy Hollow, NY
What is Government?
• The organization
people set up to
protect the community
and enforce its rules
Powers of Government
• Legislative: Power to
make laws
• Executive: Power to
carry out laws
• Judicial: Power to
interpret laws
What is a Law?
• Official rules and
regulations, generally
found in the constitution
• Used to govern a society
and control the behavior
of its members
Kinds of Government
• Monarchy: kings and queens are rulers
– King George III
• Dictatorship: government with one ruler
– Cuba
• Democracy: people have power
– U.S. Government
• Political system
• Rule by the people
• People have basic
• Representative
The Mayflower Compact
• Mayflower carried Pilgrims
from England to
• Before they left the ship, the
passengers wrote a
document called the
Mayflower Compact
• Promised to pass only laws
that were fair to everyone
and good for the whole
The Declaration of Independence
• British raised colonists
• Colonist protested
• Fighting began
• Committee chosen to write
the document
– Benjamin Franklin
– John Adams
– Thomas Jefferson
• Laid the foundation
for the nation’s future
system of government
• Approved on July 4,
• 56 people signed
• John Hancock signed
Articles of Confederation
• First Constitution of the
United States
• Adopted November 15, 1777
• A preamble and 13 articles
• State governments had most
of the power
• Little power given to the
central government
The Constitution of
the United States
• Document that tells
basic rules and explain
rights of a US citizen
• Written 200 years ago
• Written to unite all the
13 colonies
• 57 men helped write it
in 1787
• Ratified by the states
in 1788
• It has 7 sections called
Articles telling how
the government works
Three Separate Branches
• Each branch has
power to check the
• Legislative: Power to
make laws
• Executive: Power to
carry out laws
• Judicial: Power to
interpret laws
The Bill of Rights
• First 10 amendments
• It guaranteed certain
freedoms and rights
• Added after the
• Freedom of Speech
• Freedom of Religion
• Freedom to Assemble
• Amendments change
the Constitution
• 2/3 of both the Senate
and House of
Representative must
• 3/4 of all states must
Federal Government
• Federal government
deals with matters that
affect the whole
Postal Delivery
Federal Taxes
Federal Government
Executive Branch
Executive Branch carries out national laws
The President is head of the Executive Branch
Commander in Chief of nation’s army
Elected to a four year term
Approves the laws that
congress makes
• Proposed national budget
• Can veto a bill
Federal Government
Legislative Branch
• Legislative branch
makes laws for the
• Two parts of the
Legislative Branch
– U.S. Senate
– U.S. House of
Federal Government
Legislative Branch
Each state has 2
Senators must live in
the state they
30 years or older
Citizen of the U.S.
for 9 years
Elected to 6 year
House of Representative
• Number according to
size of state’s
• Representative must
live in the state they
• 25 years or older
• US Citizen for 7 years
• Elected to 2 year term
Federal Government
Judicial Branch
• Judicial Branch interprets and applies national laws
• Make up of the court system
• Highest is the Supreme Court
- appointed for life terms
• Lowest levels are
Justice of Peace
• Gets its powers from
Article III of the Constitution
State Government
• State Government
deals with matters
within their own state
State Roads
State Taxes
State Police
State Government
Executive Branch
• Headed by the governor
• Elected to 4 year term
• Carries out laws of the
• Proposes state budget
• Commander of the state
• Can veto bills
State Government
Legislative Branch
• Makes state laws
• New York Senate has 61
members - 4 year terms
• New York assembly has
150 - 2 year terms
• Chief Officer assembly
• Legislature convenes in
State Government
Judicial Branch
• Interprets and applies
state laws
• New York Court of
Appeals - appointed
for 14 years
• State Supreme Court elected for a 14 year
Other Kinds of Government
• County Government
– NY has 62 counties
• City Government
– controls an area with
large population
• Town Government
• Village Government
The People
Protect the
Safety of their
Patrol state
Provide a
System of
Maintain state
prison system
Establish local
Build Roads
Provide Public
Purpose of
State & Local
Pass local fair
housing laws
Protect the
Rights of
Promote the
Well Being of
their Citizens
Provide state
funds for
What is a Citizen?
• Two kinds of citizens
• Native-born citizens
– Born here
– Children of American citizens born while visiting
other countries
• Naturalized citizens
Have to be at least 18
From other countries
Lived here 5 years to qualify
3 years if they’re married to an American citizen
Citizen’s Rights
• Countries protect their
citizens and give them rights
• Naturalized and Native-born
citizens have the same rights,
except one
• Naturalized citizens can’t run
for president
• Citizens can vote
• Freedom of Religion
• Freedom of Speech
• Freedom of the Press
Citizen’s Responsibilities
Duty to obey the law
Vote in elections
To pay taxes
If the country is at
war, citizens may be
called to serve in the
armed forces
• Serve on a jury if
Patrick Henry
• Born May 29, 1736 in
Hanover County, Va.
• Storekeeper and farmer
• Member of the
convention of Va.
• Died on June 6, 1799
• “Give me Liberty or
Give me Death”
Thomas Jefferson
• Third President of the
United States in 18011809
• Member of the second
Continental Congress
• Drafted the Declaration of
Independence in 1776
• Politician, Educator and an
Alexander Hamilton
• Helped secure New
York's ratification of the
• First Secretary of the
• Shot and killed in a duel
with former U.S. vicepresident Aaron Burr, a
long-time political rival
John Jay
• Continental Congress
• Commissioner Treaty of
Paris Continental
Congress 1774-1775
• First Chief Justice of the
Supreme Court
• Helped negotiate peace
with Great Britain
• Governor of N.Y.
Thomas Paine
• Wrote Common Sense, which
called for American
independence from Great
• Born in Thetford, England
• 1774-Moved to Philadelphia
• Influenced fighters in the
Revolutionary War
• Buried in New Rochelle, NY
George Washington
• Born February 22, 1732
• General in the French and
Indian War
• General in Revolutionary
• President of the
Constitutional Convention
• First President of the
United States
Sam Adams
• Adams was born in
Boston on September
27, 1722.
• After college was a
success law student.
• Adams was a delegate
to the Second
Continental Congress
• also subsequently
James Madison
From Virginia
Founding Father
Wrote Bill of Rights
Signed the Constitution
Married Dolly Madison
4th President of the
United States
Francis Scott Key
• Watched the bombardment of
Fort McHenry, in Baltimore
Harbor by the British in
September 1814
• The fort withstood the attack,
and the sight of the American
flag at dawn inspired Key's
verses, set to a popular English
drinking tune
National Anthem
• “O say can you see...”
• Hymn of loyalty to our country
• Designation as national anthem by
executive order in 1916 was
confirmed by an act of Congress in
• Written by Francis Scott Key, a
Washington D.C. lawyer
American Flag
• Symbol of our nation
• Original had 13
alternating red & white
stripes and 13 stars-one
for each colony
• Now one star for each
state (50)
• Legend is that Betsy Ross
sewed 1st flag for George
Pledge of Allegiance
• I pledge allegiance to
the flag of the United
States of America and
to the republic for
which it stands: one
nation, under God,
indivisible, with
liberty and justice for