Transcript Slide 1

Future of Work
Chris Whitaker
KCOM Group
KCOM Group is a leading provider of communications services to consumer
and business markets across the UK.
Our Vision ‘together we are committed to delivering inspiring customer
experiences and passionately pursuing better ways to connect people’
We want to take a leading position in the markets we serve by 2015
People Strategy
• To create an environment that harnesses and rewards the potential of our
people to deliver our business strategy and flexibly support our brands in
driving growth and a customer experience we can be proud of. Creating
excellence together is our driving principle
• Our priority areas are
Creating a value driven culture
Leadership Development
Talent & Employer Brand
• Decided to include Future of Work as a workstream on it’s on, reflecting the
importance to our Strategy
Member organisations
• Generational Understanding
• Society changes & Demography
• Technology
• Leadership
• Talent
• Key trends
When we work, what we do, where we
do it & how we do it
Traditionalists, born prior to 1946
Baby Boomers, born between 1946 and 1964
Gen X, born between 1965 and 1976
Millennials (Gen Y) born between 1977 and 1997
Gen 2020, born after 1997
By 2020 there will be 5 generations at work for the first time – what does
this mean for HR & Communications Strategies?
Ascendance & needs of Gen Y
Typically described as those entering the labour market since 2000 representing the
largest segment of those in employment by 2020
These individuals will be at a critical time in their careers assuming key leadership roles
in Organisations, Education and Government
Status is new tech, not an office
Work is an activity – not a location
Speedy, relaxed, socially themed meetings
Happy to blend personal & private lives
Collaborate & innovate
Technology is something they have grown up with – it’s not new to them
More familiar with diversity and more accepting of differences
Accustomed to rapid change and expect flexibility
Society changes and demography
Declining trust in
Rise of Powerful
/ Mastery
Falling pensions
Life / Work flexibility
Eco systems
Micro entrepreneurs
• Technology will enable organisations to better see employee productivity –
the role of the middle manager is dead
• Five Billion people connected by 2025
• World’s knowledge becomes digitalised
• Avatars will be able to interact with other users on your behalf
• Cognitive assistants will act as a content buffer, prioritising what you see
and what doesn’t reach you. They will understand how you prefer to work
and will take decisions based on user preference
• Hollowing out jobs
Big Data
• Humans generated more data in 2009 than in the previous 5,000 years
Source: as cited by, July 2010
• In 2012, 20 households will generate more Internet traffic than the entire
Internet in 2008
Source: Cisco ISBG
• By 2015, 1 Zettabyte of Data will flow over the Internet
• One Zettabyte = stack of books from Earth to Pluto 20 times
(72 billion miles)
Source: Cisco Visual Networking Index, June 2011
Organisational Structures & Leadership
• Traditional approach – 2008
Command & control
Pyramid structure
Planned – structured
Internal workers
Device centric
Value created by processing data
• Emerging approach - 2020
Rectangular structure
Real time – adhocracy
Internal workers & communities
Cloud centric – BYOT
Value created by processing relevance
New business models
Sources: Cisco /Gartner / 2020 Work Place Book
Our organisational structure
Community Relations
• Global citizens
• Within 5 years each organisation will need a narrative on their role in
• Doing real corporate good will become a key function of the Employer
• Companies disappoint
• Future leadership challenges:
– Growing pace of collaborative and collective leadership
– Shortages in future talent pools
– Leadership Competency Gaps
– Developing Future Leaders
• Lack of privacy – rise of authenticity
• Adept with social media messaging and tools – digitally savvy
• Emotionally intelligent with an ability to inspire and engage all generations
Hotspots Movement 2012
Work 2020 Vision – Key Trends 1 – 10
Hired / Promoted based upon your Reputation
2. Mobile device will become your office /
3. Global Talent shortage will be acute
4. Recruiting will start on Social Networking sites &
first interview could be with your avatar
5. Web commuters will force companies to
reinvent corporate offices & their design
6. Companies will hire an entire team to tackle
business problems – sourcing of Intact team
7. Job requirements for CEO will include blogging
& twitter
8. Corporate training curriculum will use video
games, alternate reality & simulations to deliver
9. 2020 mindset required to thrive in a networked
10. HR focus will move from outsourcing to crowd
sourcing for innovation programs
Source: The 2020 Work Place Book
Work 2020 Vision – Key Trends 11 – 20
Corporate Social Networks will grow inside companies
You will elect your leader
Life long learning will be a business requirement)
Work / life flexibility will replace work / life balance
Companies will disclose their Corporate Social
Responsibility program and progress
Diversity will be a business not a HR issue
The lines covering marketing, communications and
learning will blur
Corporate App stores will enable employees to better
manage their work life flexibility
Social Media literacy will be a requirement for all
Building a portfolio of contract jobs will be a way of
sustaining full time employment
Source: The 2020 Work Place Book
• Finding, attracting & retaining Talent
• Talent Clusters
• Youth Unemployment
• Skills gaps
Our actions
• Reviewing our whole employment approach to 16-24 year olds, then other
• Participating in Balancing the Leadership scale mentoring group
• Trialling BYOD in parts of the organisation
• Investing in Next Generation Access to cope with additional demands
• Sharing research and understanding on this topic across the organisation
• Inviting people to leadership events based on contribution rather than
• Introducing social media strategy and principles for Leadership teams
• Committing to future participation in the Future of Work research program
• World of work is changing at an unprecedented speed
• Technology and demography are on the front line of these changes
• Work is an activity – not a place
• Speed of change is awesome, if your not agile – you will get left behind
And finally
• The first person to live to 200 years old
has already been born