A Day in the Life of a MProWeb or ManagePro User

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Transcript A Day in the Life of a MProWeb or ManagePro User

A Day in the Life
of a ManagePro
Easy Steps to Ensure You
Get the Best Results
Performance Solutions Technology, LLC
An Overview of:
“How to work Effectively with ManagePro”
We have found that the following “3 Steps” consistently generate a better
quality of work and less stress while helping you reach your desired
outcomes. Moving from a tactical perspective to a more focused and
outcome oriented work process, ManagePro helps you take advantage of a
technology that supports everyday excellence and agility. We like to
describe today’s work environment as similar to a basketball game, where
preparation and planning only go so far, after that you need to play in a
head’s up, organized response to daily demands while still keeping the
ultimate score and time clock in view. Toward that end, we suggest the
following “3 steps”:
 1. Head’s Up - Scan & Plan! Open ManagePro and Outlook (or your
favorite email carrier). Review goals, action plans, events, and to-dos in
MPro, review the email in the In Box, and drag & drop email into
ManagePro). Prioritize and plan your day based upon your goals, to-dos
and meetings.
 2. Work the Plan with an Eye on Time & Priorities: Make your
decisions throughout the day, including how you manage meetings with a
clear, full context of the priority and plan. Keep ManagePro running in the
background to be available at a click, so you leverage information and
your decisions effectively.
 3. Documentation - the Key to Coordinating People & Leveraging
Information! Document each key activity with progress updates and
attached documents as required. Enter new to-dos, events and goals and
their supporting action plans as needed throughout the day. Remember,
you’re not finished until you document.
1.1 –Head’s Up - Scan & Plan! Start by Reviewing & Prioritizing what’s currently active.
Whether you’re an executive, project manager or front line person, start by reviewing and
prioritizing current tasks and projects. Be alert; be agile; be prepared by creating a plan before
launching into action. Planning starts with reviewing existing goals, action plans and tasks and
assigning a priority of 1 to those items you will be working on today, paying special attention to
those items with a status of Behind/Critical or a Start or Due date on today’s date.
 1. First review existing goals and projects, and
their supporting action plans and tasks in the
Main Workspace View of ManagePro.
 2. Check the color coded status indicators of
active projects (yellow = Behind). Tag records
needing a progress update. Add new goals,
action steps and/or tasks as needed.
 3. Using the Main Workspace view, set any
items you (or your direct reports) will work on
that day to priority 1.
1.2 – Review Your Email - Drag and Drop into ManagePro
Manage your email, using Drag & Drop to convert it into easily accessible documents or action items
with no details slipping through the cracks. Add to your plan for the day while keeping all the critical
information at your finger-tips.
 1. Check your email (ex. Outlook); dragand-drop into ManagePro
 2. If primarily informational, convert the
email into a Progress Update. If an action
or response is required, convert the email
into a To-Do, a scheduled Event or Task
right then.
1.3 – Next Review To-dos and Upcoming Events/Appointments
Review outstanding to-dos, upcoming events within the User Data view or Calendar.
Also add new to-dos or events within the Calendar with a right click option.
 1. Review outstanding to-dos, and
upcoming events in the User Data
View by clicking the User Data view,
and then navigating to the correlating
 2. Add new to-dos or events within
the User Data window or Calendar
with right click options
The User Data view gives you access to
Todos, Events and Progress Updates for
yourself and others if you have been granted
appropriate visibility. Adding new items is a
simple right-click menu option
1.4 – Complete Plan by Assigning to Daily Plan
Within ManagePro, records can be assigned to the Daily Plan using the right click
option of “Show in Calendar”.
 1 Within ManagePro, highlight records
and push them directly to your calendar
1a. Be sure to first check your calendar preferences
“Show Goal Calendar Items”. Do this by rightclicking in your calendar>preferences
 2. Once in the Calendar, add new
Events/Appointments, or Todos and
drag records within the plan to fit your
schedule, stretching the time duration
to match your day.
1.5 – Managers Only: Review Direct Reports’ Plans to Ensure Alignment
As an executive/manager, you’ll want to review daily plans. You can view the Calendar
of your direct reports and/or review projects and progress updates (see next slide)to
ensure that priorities are aligned and work effort coordinated.
 1 When operating from ManagePro,
click the Business Group dropdown
found just above “Manage Groups” on
the Ribbon and select “Direct Reports”
and then to view a list of your Direct
Reports click the User List to display
their records
1.5 – Managers Only: Review Current Projects & Progress Updates
Goals and projects are supported by completing a logical action plan, defining
requirements and identifying issues to be addressed… and regular progress updates.
Executives/Managers can review the completeness of action plans supporting projects
and goals, details, project status and the currency of progress updates by person.
 1 When using ManagePro, select Direct Reports in
the Business Group List, or –All- (if you don’t have
Direct Report visibility), and then the Direct Report
from the User list to view a list of their projects and
tasks in the Main Workspace. Additionally, each of the
column headers allow sorting in ascending or
descending order and is useful when needing to sort
Priorities and Status.
 2. View Progress Updates by record (click on the
Progress Update mini-icon), or for the direct report’s
entire history, Click User data window>Progress
Click User Data view on the
Ribbon to Open Progress
(tab) History
Column Header
to Sort
2.2 – Manage Your Meetings as Simply an Extension of Working the Plan
Convert one of the biggest time consumers to a powerful driver of follow-up and follow-through.
Use your screen (a projector with teams) to create an effective environment for meetings that stay
on track, create great visibility and help people stay focused and accountable.
 1. Have the MPro Admin create a meeting
entity and assign it to people in the People &
Meetings view.
 2. Prior to each meeting, create the agenda by
working through projects or tasks in the Main
Workspace view, and add the meeting to the
Who field for each record you will review in the
 3. When conducting the meeting, filter the
User/Meeting dropdown to only display those
items assigned to the meeting.
 4. Work through each record, viewing and
adding to the most recent progress update.
Add to-dos when assigning follow-up, putting
both the person responsible and the meeting
in the Who field.
 5. When finished, all the data is captured in
the program to support the team going
forward. Print meeting minutes by select
items reviewed and choosing the Quick Print
option to include last progress update and todos. Email or save as an attached document.
3.1 – Documentation - the Key to Coordinating People & Leveraging Information!
Document each key activity with progress updates and attached documents as required.
Document follow through on to-dos and brief meetings in the Comments fields.
Document new to-dos, events and goals and their supporting action plans as needed
throughout the day. Remember, you’re not finished until you document.
 1. Progress updates are added by first selecting a
record and then clicking the Add icon on the
Ribbon. For best results, start with a summary
line, then enter a 25-50 word summary of status
to-date, followed by any outstanding issues and
next steps. Standardization of key words and
placing them in bold fonts helps provide visual
alerts. If the progress update includes action
items, they should be pasted into new To-dos.
 2. To-dos and Events should have both the
person responsible (lead) and the person
assigning in the Who field. Follow through should
be logged in the Comments field.
 3. Attaching documents via the Documents
button keeps the search for relevant information
and reports only a click away.
 4. Every goal, action step and task record needs
to have at a minimum the support of a
documented Requirement section for clarity.
In summary, we reviewed three key areas to ensure your success:
1. Head’s Up – Scan and Plan!
2. Work the Plan to stay on track and deliver
3. Documentation – the key to leveraging people and information
ManagePro offers many more tools (including the Help Files & Tutorials) to help you be a
success at work. Tools ranging from performance metrics and scorecards, to resource
allocation, timeline and time cards. Take advantage of the following resources to
support your growth.
ManagePro Basic Training Deck covering the following areas
1. Navigating ManagePro - Understanding your way around the program
Working with the four Views/Workspace; Referenced by User; Sub-tabs within views; Docking
2. Access
Who can see what; who can edit and which fields; who can customize; How to assign people to
records; how does the Private Checkbox work; what do the locks mean?
3. Updating & Managing Data
Details window; Progress Updates and Results field; Tasks vs To-dos; Events; Attaching
Documents and options
4. Email
IN- Drag and Drop and Import email in from Outlook; OUT- Right Click option and the value of
emailing out from ManagePro; Synchronization with Outlook
5. Managing your Calendar & To Do List
Entering directly into the Calendar and List; Push and Drag “show in calendar” from the GAPR
view as a priority setting; Sorts in the List;
6. Using Priority, Filters, Search and Understanding Roll-Ups
Getting to just the data you need to work with
ManagePro Basic Training Deck Continued…
7. Managing Meetings
Creating an agenda by assigning Meeting in the Who field; Where to find Meetings to assign to a
record; Where to put meeting summary reports
8. Reports and Exporting/Importing to/from Excel
Quick Report features; Printing in the Timeline and Dashboard Views; Exporting to Excel
9. Project Management
Building project plans and custom views, linked dependencies, calculated fields, resource
allocation and layered duration displays in the Timeline view
10. Performance Management
Setting up business and individual performance goals, scorecards and setting up a system that
makes yearly reviews very simple, plus ties into ReviewWriter for automatic reviews
11. Portfolio Management, Dashboard Analytics and Graphs
Working with the pivot tables and pick-lists to mine and analyze your data, plus how to push
graphs and composite dashboards into Excel
12. Strategic Planning and Execution
Setting up strategic goals, weighted scorecards and linking/aligning with projects and initiatives
Also see the ManagePro 2-Page Overview: