From 1m to the planet - the potential role of remote

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From 1m to the planet: mapping global population using Earth Observation: An Overview

Jan-Peter Muller

Professor of Image Understanding and Remote Sensing MODIS & MISR Science Team Member (NASA EOS Project) POLDER (ADEOSI/II), VEGETATION (SPOT4), GLI (ADEOSII)

Workshop on Gridding Population Data Columbia University, New York

Tuesday 2nd May 2000



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How can we use remote sensing to measure what is of relevance to global population mapping?

Current Space Earth Observation platforms of relevance Exemplar 1: MODIS & VEGETATION for land surface BRDF/albedo for mapping large-scale urban structures Exemplar 2: ERS SAR interferometry for mapping urban land use and land use change at the sub-hectare scale Exemplar 3: IRS-1C for mapping urban land use for European cities (EU MURBANDY) Exemplar 4: IKONOS-2 for automated building detection and extraction (including height) Exemplar 5: POLDER & MISR for mapping aerosol sources Exemplar 6: MOPITT for mapping CO CEOS-IGOS Project proposal: Global mapping of urban population


Current Space Earth Observation platforms a sample

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Moderate resolution (≥250m IFoV)

DMSP/OLS (1974- )

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CNES/EU VEGETATION (3/99-12/03) NASDA ADEOS-POLDER (11/96-6/97) & ADEOSII-POLDERII (12/01-12/05) NASA EOS/Terra+Aqua-MODIS (3/00-3/08) NASA EOS/Terra-MISR (3/00-3/06) High resolution (≥5m IFoV)

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LANDSAT-TM (5:1984-2000; 7:1999- ): 30(/15) m ERS-SAR (1:1991-2000; 2:1995- ) SPOT-XS/PA (1,2,3,4:1984- ): 20m/10m)

IRS-1C (1997- ): 5.8m

Very High resolution (≤5m IFoV)

IKONOS 2 (≥9/99 ->)


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How can we use remote sensing to measure what is of relevance to global population



the location of people so have to infer anthropogenic activity Land cover, land use and land use changes (including 3D)

Traditional remote sensing techniques employ classification of single or multiple (time series) of multi-spectral images


Problem is mixed signals from gardens & parks


Requires initial training sites to identify urban signals (very costly)

SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) interferometry (IfSAR) has strong reflection from “hard targets” such as buildings, roads or railways. However, visibility of objects is illumination angle dependent. IfSAR v. good for fragmentation.

BRDF/albedo related to land surface object geometry (e.g. urban, deforestation, desertification) and so exploit multi-angle RS signatures

Night-time lights only visible where and when cloud cover is absent and where signal sufficiently strong to be detectable & difficult to interpret

3D elevations with very high resolution images can be used to extract automatically individual 3D built settlement locations Anthropogenic activity - link to global change & human health

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Aerosol PM (Particulate Matter) sources and sinks

Exemplar 1: SPOT4 VEGETATION. Multi angle/date BRDF retrieval

Urban areas have high albedo due to man-made materials which enhance the “urban heat island” and pose the greatest threat to human health in the short-term

Albedo determined through BRDF (Bi-Directional Reflectance Distribution Function)

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Three band colour composite of Red channel for July 1999 using semi-empirical kernel BRDF model (courtesy of M. J. Barnsley, UWS)

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Nadir-equivalent (Red) Geometric kernel (Green) Volumetric kernel (Blue) Urban areas well identified at 1km Extension to global unlikely due to the high cost of the data


Exemplar 1 : MODIS BRDF-derived Nadir reflectance & Albedo. Global maps at 1km being produced every 16 days DEPARTMENT OF GEOMATIC ENGINEERING

Exemplar 2: Interferometric SAR for built environment area mapping: The UK LANDMAP Project to create a DEM and orthorectified LANDSAT, SPOT & ERS IfSAR

mapping of Built environment

Potential down to resolutions of 30m ~ 0.3 hectares

Initial test over the British Isles as by product of the LANDMAP project

Potential to map settlements where Night-light data is absent (developing world).

Can be done daytime and/or night time

Not dependent on cloud-free conditions

Urban areas are highly coherent especially over longer (inter seasonal) temporal baselines

Development can be tracked on an annual (or even shorter) timescale

Exemplar 2: False Colour composite and processed classified image of 3 band IfSAR data (Doll & Muller, ISPRS Congress 2000)


Exemplar 3: EU MURBANDY - application of traditional photo-interpretation to urban land use classification using IRS-1C for Vienna, AU. 20 EU cities selected for pilot project. DEPARTMENT OF GEOMATIC ENGINEERING

Exemplar 4: DSEM (Digital Surface Elevation Model) from simulated 1m spaceborne stereo-optical sensors with digital map data superimposed. Such DSEMs can be used to extract single buildings

St Albans, UK ≤30m AGL (Red) ≈ AGL (Green) ≤-3m AGL (Blue


Exemplar 4: IKONOS-2 off-nadir 79cm image over the London Millennium Wheel (January 2000) ©Lockheed Martin DEPARTMENT OF GEOMATIC ENGINEERING

Examplar 4: IKONOS-2 derived building top height map over central London (©NPA 2000). Accuracy expected to be ≈1m Zrms) DEPARTMENT OF GEOMATIC ENGINEERING

Exemplar 5: Aerosol Mapping and Monitoring from POLDER @6.7km example of DAILY air pollution (PM) maps over Mexico city


Example 5: MISR imaging geometry - multi-angular sampling for surface BRDF, aerosol retrieval and stereo Cloud-top heights & winds

9 pushbroom cameras 4 spectral bands 275m off-nadir, 250m nadir IFoV Swath≈380km Repeat time ≈3-9 days


Example of MISR 3-band multi-look (all 9 angles) imagery DEPARTMENT OF GEOMATIC ENGINEERING

Example MISR nadir vs 70ºf view of aerosols DEPARTMENT OF GEOMATIC ENGINEERING

Examplar 6: Examples of anthropogenic and natural urban atmosphere interactions from MODIS, CERES & MOPITT

QuickTime™ and a Cinepak decompressor are needed to see this picture.


CEOS-IGOS Project proposal: Global mapping of urban population

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At a recent CEOS (Committee on Earth Observing Systems) WGISS (Working Group on Information Systems) meeting held at UCL, UK it was suggested that a new IGOS (International Global Observing System) project should be initiated along the lines of either the global Carbon Inventory or the global Forest Map project. This idea is currently being debated by email.

IGOS are prototype very large-scale projects with active support from the space agencies who provide not only data but often funding for the generation of value-added products. It is not restricted to the academic community but includes government and the private sector Given the results of this workshop (and especially this session), should we push within CEOS to establish this project? Is there sufficient scientific justification even given the uncertainties?