Transcript Document

Blue Ocean Strategy
How to Create Uncontested Market Space
and Make the Competition Irrelevant
W. Chan Kim & Renee Mauborgne
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Creating Uncontested Market Space and
Making the Competition Irrelevant
Cirque du Soleil
Blue Ocean Strategy
Red Ocean Strategy
Blue Ocean Strategy
Summary of Blue Ocean Strategy
 New Market Space
 Continuing Creation of Blue Oceans
 Impact of Creating Blue Oceans
 Rising Imperative of Creating Blue Oceans
 From Company and Industry to Strategic Move
 Value Innovation
 Formulating and Executing Blue Oceans
New Market Space
Creating Blue Oceans Is Consistent Across Time
Regardless of Industry
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Ford’s 1908 Model T
1970 The First Mouse
Qu ickT ime ™ a nd a
TIF F (U nco mpre sse d) de com pres sor
are nee ded to s ee th is p ictur e.
CNN 1980
Real-Time News 24/7
2002 Apple’s ipod
Continuing Creation of Blue Oceans
Impact of Creating Blue Oceans
Rising Imperative of Creating Blue Oceans
Driving forces include:
 Technological advances & improved industrial productivity
 Unprecedented array of products and services available
 Supply exceeds demand
 Globalization, niche markets and monopolies disappear
 20th century strategy and management approach waning
Formulating and Executing Blue Oceans
From Company and Industry to Strategic Move
Value Innovation, Blue Oceans Cornerstone
3 Things I’ve Learned
1. Blue Oceans aren’t always accepted at first
2. Strategic Framework: The Engelbart Connection
3. Blue Oceans can be profitable
What I Disagree With
That there exists a strategic framework for Blue
Oceans. By nature they do not conform to one framework
How Relate to MSMIT
Business environment is changing
 20th century strategy & management approach is changing
“As red oceans become increasingly bloody,
management will need to be more concerned with
blue oceans than the current cohort of managers is
accustomed to.”