Occupation and lifestyle

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Occupation and lifestyle

Chapter 8 Culture Unit

A.H. Maslow’s Pyramid of Human Needs

We Have To Work

      Gives us a sense of who we are Provides income for the necessities of life Part of our


, the way we live within our culture.

Resource based jobs….fishing, farming, forestry and mining.

Other elements of lifestyle include school, housing, entertainment, leisure activities, clothing, transportation.

Occupations change as a result of changes in the natural environment, historical events and changes in technology.

Chapter 9 – Culture and Politics

 We live in a democracy! This means government by the people!

Federal government

is based in Ottawa and deals with concerns that affect the whole country.

Provincial and territorial governments

deal with concerns on a provincial and regional level.

 Municipal governments deal with local matters of a town or city. They get their authority from the provincial government.


Representative Democracy

    We elect representatives to make political decisions for us.

Canada is divided into 308 ridings or constituencies, 1 MP or

Member of Parliament

for each riding. The conservatives have 165 seats, the NDP 99 and the Liberals 35. The Bloc Quebecois has 4, the Green Party 1, with 3 sitting as independents and 5 seats vacant.

People who live in a riding are called



Nova Scotia has 51 ridings, with Liberal 33; PC 11; NDP 7 Stephen McNeil Premier


     You must be a Canadian citizen, 18 years of age and reside in your area for 1 year to vote.

In each riding you have a slate of candidates to choose from, usually one from each party. The Liberals, Conservatives and New Democrats are the three main partys in Canada.


political party

is a group formed by individuals who have similar views on public issues. Its purpose is to get elected and form the government.

The party with the most seats usually forms the government, second most the official opposition.

All elected members of a party are referred to as the

party caucus


The PM and Cabinet

 The

Prime Minister

leads the government with his C


, elected members of government appointed to positions of responsibility such as finance or foreign affairs.

 Provincial governments also have Cabinets, led by the Premier.

Democracy in Action

 Political Activists  Media 


– Trying to persuade politicians to support their cause. Lobby Group – people who support the same cause, such as MADD.

 Unions  Court System