Networking for the New Professional and the Shy But Talented

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Networking for the New
Professional and
the Shy But Talented
Zina Haywood
Gateway Technical College
Michael White
University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
What is Networking?
• The process of developing and
maintaining quality relationships that are
mutually beneficial.
– On-going (non-stop)
– Personal and Practical Purposes
– Any place, any time
• How did you find out about your current
• How did you choose your neighborhood?
• How did you find your doctor, dentist,
day care provider, health club, restaurant?
Have you Ever . . .
• Sought advice from
someone you know?
• Been introduced to a
person who could
help you?
• Had someone
champion your
• Have you done any
of these things for
“It’s not what you know
but who you know.”
What problems or issues do
you have with Networking?
Building Relationships
(There is no magic formula)
1. Meet people
2. Listen and Learn
3. Make
4. Follow up
5. Stay in Touch
• Develop a 30 second infomercial about
• Get in Line
• Start a conversation at dinner
• Look People in the Eye
– It shows Respect & Interest
• Be Confident
• Be Appreciative
• Remember Names
“ . . . A person’s name is to him or her the
sweetest and most important sound in any
language.” (Dale Carnegie)
– Remember something physical
– Repeat the person’s name
– Make up a visual story
• Be respectful of Other’s Boundaries
• Give Genuine Compliments
• Be Enthusiastic & Energetic
The Shy, But Talented
Advantages of the Shy,
But Talented
Usually good listeners
Usually passionate
Usually well prepared
and thorough
Techniques for the Shy . . .
• Networking on the Internet
– Helps you to become known
• Use the third eye approach
• Join a state association committee
• Take Baby steps
Your Current Network
Current Co-workers
Past Co-Workers
Professional Association
Health Club
Church, Synagogue, Mosque
Doctor, Attorney, Accountant
Current and Former Classmates
• I’m expecting an important call. Do I leave my
cell phone on during a networking meeting?
• I’m going to a networking event and have been
advised to hand out at least 25 business cards.
Is this a good goal?
A better goal is to make a certain number of
QUALITY contacts. Just handing out your card
does not mean you have made a connection.
• I’m looking for a new job. Should I send a
mass email to my contact list asking for
No. Thoughtfully go through your list and send a
personal message or make a phone call only to
those who may have an appropriate
• I’m trying to get a job at XYZ College. I know
that a friend of a contact of mine knows the
director. Should I use that person as a
Only if you have permission of both parties – your
contact and his/her friend.
“Every person you meet is a
chance to learn something
Andrea R. Nierenberg
Nonstop Networking
• Nonstop Networking: How to Improve Your Life, Luck, and
Career by Andrea R. Nierenberg
• Power Networking Second Edition : 59 Secrets for Personal &
Professional Success by Donna Fisher
• Professional Networking for Dummies by Donna Fisher
• The Networking Survival Guide: Get the Success You Want By
Tapping Into the People You Know by Diane Darling
Internet Articles
What Dogs Can Teach Us about Networking By Diane Darling
How to Craft an Effective Elevator Speech by Chris King