Health Class Day # 2 - Bellefonte Area School District

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Transcript Health Class Day # 2 - Bellefonte Area School District

Health Class Day # 2
I hope you all had a great first
day of school!
Glad to see you all came back
for more!!
see who is
here today!
Class Roll.
Get your homework out.
I will collect it in a minute.
Warm Up
 Each
of you will need a notebook for
Health class. This should be brought
to class each day.
 Write down all the important notes
that I give you.
 Write down and do the daily warm
 Questions??
Warm Up Continued
 Brainstorm
on your own
what some good rules for
our team should be while
we are in Health class.
 Share your ideas with a
Class Rules
BAMS 4 School wide rules
Be respectful
Be Kind
Be Safe
Be here and be ready
Arrive to class on time
Do not talk while myself or someone else
is talking
Health class rules
Raise your hand to talk in class
Be prepared for class. I do not lend out
pencils for class. Have your notebook.
Turn your HW in on time
You MUST sign out to leave the class for
any reason. Go to the potty before class!
Stay away from the dividing wall
Do not write on the desks or the floor
Health Class Rules Cont….
 Sit
in your chair the correct way
 Check with myself, or another
student to get make-up work.
 If you are absent, it is your
responsibility to get the work
you missed!
 Do your own work in class
Health class rules continued
An accumulation of points over the 9
week period
Grades for Health Class
We will split up into different elementary
schools that we attended.
 Once we are split up, we will get a partner
that we DO NOT know that well.
 You will now interview your partner to find
out as much as you can about him or her.
 You will want to write down your
Who am I assignment
How old are you?
Brothers and or sisters
Where do you live
Favorite color
Favorite food
Favorite subject
Who Am I Assignment cont.
We Are… A team
We will work together
We will get along in class and hopefully
outside of class
We can work with anyone!!
We will ask for help if needed
There are no dumb questions
We will get better each and every day by
working together!!
Who am I assignment cont..
Take a quiz.
Read our partner interviews to the class
Next time we will…