ASPE Summer Board of Directors Meeting

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Transcript ASPE Summer Board of Directors Meeting

NSPE Future Directions
Task Force (FDTF)
Briefing & Discussion
April 23, 2005
FDTF Mission / Purpose
A joint-presidential initiative by Terri Helmlinger,
P.E., Bobby Price, P.E. and Kathryn Gray, P.E.
The “charge”: …reinvent or reaffirm the mission
and vision [of NSPE] to ensure that they provide a
basis for a relevant, marketable organization for
current and future members
Review [revise] the NSPE Vision and
Mission statements, revise the Goals, and
develop preliminary Objectives to meet the
proposed [new] Vision and Mission
Review best practices. Determine the
services NSPE is uniquely qualified to
offer… and that support the Goals.
Develop a plan of action that will move
NSPE toward a more flexible and action
based organization that centers on
establishing a closer working relationship
with state societies, chapters, and the
regions in order to better assist the states to
serve our members.
Mission Statement
NSPE, in partnership with State Societies, is
the organization of licensed Professional
Engineers (PEs) and Engineering
Interns/Engineers in Training (EIs/EITs).
Through education, licensure advocacy,
leadership training, multi-disciplinary
networking, and outreach, NSPE enhances the
image of its members and their ability to
ethically practice engineering.
This is how we will achieve our Vision.
Vision Statement
NSPE is the recognized voice and advocate of
licensed Professional Engineers.
This is a statement of what we will be in the
foreseeable future.
1. NSPE/State Partnership
2. Provide Value to Members
3. Membership Growth
Goal 1 - NSPE/State Partnership
State-Centric = Partnership between national
and the states
GOAL 1 - NSPE/State Partnership
Develop products and services (e.g., speakers,
educational courses, etc.) for delivery at all levels of
NSPE (chapter, state and national) to meet member
Share association management knowledge, resources,
and assistance
Share resources and expertise on legislative and
regulatory affairs affecting PE’s/EI’s
Foster national/state communication and relations
Goal 2 – Provide Value to Members
Seamless delivery system
Partnership at all levels (national, states,
chapters) necessary for success
What value will we provide to our members?
Goal 2 - Provide Value to Members
Promote and protect PE licensure and the
practice of professional engineering
Provide leadership, outreach, and management
training opportunities
Provide networking and mentoring
opportunities for PE/EI’s across disciplines
and within areas of interest
Provide various opportunities for continuing
GOAL 2 - Provide Value to Members
Provide assistance to EI members to acquire
the PE license
Serve as the information resource for
members on all PE issues
Promote ethical practice and provide ethical
training to our members
Goal 3 – Membership Growth
Growth is fundamental
Growth follows value to members
Narrowing our membership focus =
broadening our opportunities to provide value
GOAL 3 - Membership Growth
Market and promote membership through a
national/state/chapter partnership and
possible partnerships with other
Improve the visibility and importance of
membership in NSPE
Expand/improve the Enterprise Program for
GOAL 3 - Membership Growth
Offer a template to states and interest
groups on how to establish virtual chapters
Effectively communicate and promote the
benefits of membership
Create strategic alliances with other
national and state organizations
Develop strategies to attract young
Restoring State Society Voting Under a
Streamlined Governance Process
Guiding Principles
1. Create an integrated governance structure
and process that links the state societies
with the national organization.
2. Achieve streamlined, cost-efficient
decision-making for routine national
governance matters.
3. Directly involve state societies in major
national governance decisions and
activities, including the election of national
Guiding Principles… cont.
4. Reflect member representation of the state
societies in the national voting process.
5. Provide a development platform and
pipeline for engaging future top-quality
national leaders.
6. Avoid returning to the ineffective and
unwieldy governance structure of the
1980’s and 90’s.
The Proposed Governance Structure
69 (max)
Board of Directors
16 members – 15 voting
President-elect (elected by House of Delegates)
Past President
Treasurer (elected by House of Delegates)
SSEC Representative (elected by SSEC)
Ten at-large Directors (elected by House of
– Secretary (NSPE Executive Director; non-voting)
Sample At-Large Directors
1 Director from each region (6 total)
2 Directors from the practice divisions (2
1 Director from the YEAC (1 total)
1 Director to represent another constituency
in NSPE (1 total)
Brainstorming Session
from the Summit
Goal 1 - NSPE/State Partnerships.
Better integrate state and national web sites and
make more user friendly
Improve national/state relations through state
executives and eliminate competition
Provide products/services to the states including
speakers and education courses
Provide a clearinghouse to states on legislative
Realign NSPE staff and resources for state support
and provide customized support
Brainstorming Session
from the Summit
Goal 2 - Value to members.
Improve the visibility and image of NSPE members;
publicize accomplishments and provide spokespeople
Provide leadership training and leadership
Expand and improve networking and mentoring
Market NSPE services
Survey members, potential members and employers on
need for products and services
Brainstorming Session
from the Summit
Goal 3 - Membership growth.
Enable virtual chapters and market them
Expand and improve the Enterprise Partnership
Make more services member only
Develop a multi-faceted membership marketing plan
in cooperation with the states and jointly promote
Better promote products and services on the web site
Merge/associate/affiliate with compatible
After the Summit
1. Developed constitutional/By-law changes required
to create the new NSPE
2. Passed the “Academy” concept to a new TF
3. Created objectives to support the three goals (see
previous slides)
4. Designed new model for a single all member
convention; including governance activities
5. Developed metrics and time lines
After the Summit
6. Developed a budget allocation model
7. Established model for weighted voting in the House
of Delegates
8. Developed rules, procedures for interest groups
(PDs, forums,etc)
9. Reviewed products, services, activities for
continuation, modification or deletion to address
new goals
10. Created a “Jump Start”/Success Fund
Interest Groups
A Simple Model
Interest Groups might fit one of three levels:
Level I: Little or no resources required;
minimal approval process; fast response to
member interests. Could be as little as a list
Level II: Modest resource allocation and
administration process. Simple business plan
and in-year approval process may be
Interest Groups
Level III: Significant resource allocation. More
complex administrative structure required. More
sophisticated business plan and probably
requires specific inclusion in the annual
budgeting process. (Example: PEPP)
Whether the group is called a Committee, a
Special Interest Group (SIG). a Professional
Interest Group (PIG), a Product /Service
Development Group, a Practice Division, a
Forum, etc. is not the issue.
The Jump Start/ Success Fund
Establish a fund of $750,000 to support
implementation of the new NSPE
Could be a combination of reallocation of
resources and equity loan
Responsive to states in form of grants, loans,
shared costs
Support projects/tasks necessary for success
Our house is in a state of disrepair and suffers
from deferred maintenance
Now Working On
A. Refinement of previous actions
B. Communications plans
C. Value propositions
D. Identify and develop charges for committees
and TFs to implement the new NSPE
E. Prepare final report for July meeting of
NSPE Future Directions
Task Force (FDTF)
Briefing & Discussion
April 23, 2005