Transcript Slide 1

ICCS e-newsletter CSI
Spring 2012
Weina Chen, MD, PhD
Medical Director, Hematopathology
Ameripath/Quest Diagnostics
Dallas, Texas
Case History
The patient is a 70-year old female presented with mild
leukocytosis. She has no prior history of any significant
diseases and is asymptomatic.
Complete blood count
WBC 10.70
NE 50%
LY 39.4%
MO 9.3%
EO 0.7%
BASO 0.6%
RBC 4.41
HGB 12.7
HCT 37.7%
MCV 85.5
MCHC 33.70
RDW 12.6
PLT 211.0
Work-up and evaluation
Bone marrow (BM) aspirate and biopsy were procured.
Flow cytometric analysis was performed on marrow
aspirate and results from selected 4-color tubes are
provided for review.
Flow cytometric analysis
• Acquisition Beckman Coulter Epics XL (FCS2.0, System II)
• Analyzed by Paint-A-Gate software (adapted to Coulter)
• Tubes (FITC/PE/ECD/PC5)
– Tube 1: Kappa/lambda/45/19+20
– Tube 2: 5/19/45/10
– Tube 3 : 8/4/45/38
– Tube 4: 15/117/45/34
– Tube 5: 20/10/19/38
– Tube 6: FMC-7/23/5/19
– Tube 7: Kappa/Lambda/5/19
Tube 1: Kappa/lambda/45/19+20
A population of (CD19/20)+ B cells divided into
3 subsets based on intensity of CD45
• Blue (strong CD45)
(intermediate CD45)
(dim CD45)
Tube 1: Kappa/lambda/45/19+20
CD(19/20)+ B cells showing variable, polytypic light
chain expression
• Blue (strong CD45): polytypic surface Ig expression
(intermediate CD45): a subset polytypic sIg
(dim CD45): no surface Ig
Tube 2: 5/19/45/10
Differential expression of CD5 and CD10 on 3 subsets of B cells
• Blue (subset CD5+, CD10-)
(CD5-, CD10+)
(CD5-, CD10bright+)
Tube 3 : 8/4/45/38
Differential expression of CD38 on 3 subsets of B cells
• Blue (CD38variable/partial +)
(CD38uniform strong +)
Tube 4: 15/117/45/34
Differential expression of CD34 on 3 subsets of B cells
• Blue (CD34-)
Of note, myeloblasts in red express CD117 and CD34
Tube 5: 20/10/19/38
Differential expression of CD10, 20 and CD38 on 3 subsets of
CD19(+) B cells
• Blue (CD10-, CD20+, CD38variably/partial+)
(CD10+, CD20variably+, CD38uniform +)
(CD10bright+, CD20-, CD38+)
Tube 6: FMC-7/23/5/19
Differential expression of CD5, CD23 and FMC7 on 3 subsets of
CD19(+) B cells
• Blue (CD5subset+, CD23partial +, FMC7+)
(CD5subset+, CD23-, FMC7-)
(CD5-, CD23-, FMC7-)
Tube 7: Kappa/Lambda/5/19
Differential expression of surface Ig and CD5 on subsets of
CD19(+) B cells
• Blue (CD5+, sIgpolytypic)
(CD5predominantly -, sIg-)
[In addition, CD13-, CD33- (data not shown); Tdt not tested]
Key flow plots in this case
CD19(+)/CD20(+) B cells overall exhibiting a pattern
of sequential maturation
Morphologic evaluation
Marrow infiltrated by abundant small to medium-sized lymphoid cells with
mature morphologic features although nuclear irregularity/convolution and
small cytoplasmic vacuoles observed in a few scattered lymphoid cells.
Immunohistochemical evaluation
A prominent CD79a(+) B-lymphoid hyperplasia of mostly CD10(+) B lymphocytes
with increased Tdt(+) cells, some in clusters exceeding 3 or 4 cells
• There is an expansion of B cells overall
exhibiting a spectrum of maturation.
• Are these normal maturing B-cell precursors
(hematogones) or B-lymphoblasts?
A few words on hematogones…
• Hematogones always express consistent, reproducible, complex
spectrum of sequential antigen expression and lack aberrant antigen
• This defines hematogones into three stages of maturation
– Stage 1 hematogones express CD34, high levels of CD10 and CD38, a
moderate level of CD22, and absence of CD20.
– Intermediate stage 2 hematogones downregulate CD34 completely and
CD10 partially, while increasing expression of CD22 and CD20.
– Stage 3 hematogones upregulate CD20 expression reaching the intensity of
mature B cells, and CD10 and CD38 are slightly down-regulated with
increasing expression of polytypic surface immunoglobulin light chains.
– Subsequently, these cells mature into CD20(+), CD10(-) mature B cells.
– CD5 is expressed on normal, polytypic B cells in a continuum, predominantly
at later stages of maturation, specifically on stage 3 hematogones and
mature B cells.
Comparison to a case with hematogone hyperplasia
A case with hematogone (HG) hyperplasia case (bottom plots):
Blue, mature B cells; Green, stage 2+3 HG; yellow, stage I HG
Comparison to a case with hematogone hyperplasia
A case with hematogone (HG) hyperplasia case (bottom plots):
Blue, mature B cells; Green, stage 2+3 HG; yellow, stage I HG
• These B cells exhibit a spectrum of
maturation reminiscent of hematogones and
unusual for neoplastic lymphoblasts.
• Are these hematogones???
• No
• These are B-lymphoblasts.
• The key finding in this case (on BM sample)
– Cytogenetics: 46, XX, t(9;22)(q34;q11.2)[17]/46, XX [3]
– Positive FISH for t(9;22)/BCR-ABL1 in 79% of
interphase cells
• Differential diagnosis
– An early chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) with
background hematogone hyperplasia (but the usual
morphologic features of CML not apparent)
– Lymphoid blast crisis of CML (but no history of CML)
– An early B-lymphoblastic leukemia with
Favored Diagnosis
B-lymphoblastic leukemia with
Based on the high percent of t(9;22) positive cells
(~70%), the entire B-cell population or the majority of B
cells including polytypic B cells seems neoplastic.
A few words on B-lymphoblastic leukemia
with t(9;22)(q34;q11.2);BCR-ABL1
• The most frequently observed chromosomal abnormality in adult BALL (25% vs. 3-5% in children)
• Involving the ABL1 oncogene on chromosome 9 and the guanosine
triphosphate–binding protein BCR on chromosome 22
• The resultant fusion protein having abnormal tyrosine kinase activity,
leading to disturbances in proliferation, survival, and adhesion
• In about 70% of cases of BCR-ABL1+ B-ALL, the expressed protein
being 190 kDa, rather than the 210 kDa typically seen in CML
• Associated with a poor prognosis in both children and adults
Unusual features in this case
• Unusual presentation: close to normal CBC with differential
at presentation
• Unusual morphology: mature morphologic features with mild
cytological atypia
• Unusual immunophenotype: maturation spectrum
reminiscent of hematogones (with only subtle deviation)
• Unusual, indolent clinical course
– Follow-up BM in 5 months (with only imatinib mesylate tx)
• Close to normal CBC, asymptomatic
• Persistent, but decreased B-lymphoblasts (similar
• RT-PCR: positive BCR-ABL1, p190, further supporting BALL
What are the clues to avoid misdiagnosis?
• No apparent causes for hematogone hyperplasia
• Common causes for hematogone hyperplasia:
• Reactive conditions: AIDS, immune dysregulation,
copper deficiency), BM involved by metastatic tumors
• Regenerative conditions: post-chemotherapy and stemcell transplant
• Relatively high number of hematogones in children
• Subtle immunophenotypic deviation from hematogones
• Less distinct “ladder” of CD45 on subsets of B cells
• Tdt positive cells, some in clusters exceeding 3 or 4 cells
• The need to add new markers to distinguish hematogones
from lymphoblasts
• CD81, CD123
Take home messages
• The immunophenotype of B-lymphoblasts is variable.
• While the majority of cases having distinct immunophenotypic
aberration deviated from hematogones, rare cases with
immunophenotypic feature reminiscent of hematogones do exist.
• Careful immunophenotypic analysis, clinical correlation for
(cytogenetics, FISH/molecular studies) are the key elements to
reach a correct diagnosis.
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