Transcript Document

Chapter 3
Sport Books Publisher
Learning Objectives
To describe muscle’s macro and micro structures
To explain the sliding-filament action of muscular
To differentiate among types of muscle fibres
To describe group action of muscles
Sport Books Publisher
Types of Muscle
The human body is comprised of 324 muscles
Muscle makes up 30-35% (in women) and 42-47% (in men) of
body mass.
Three types of muscle:
Skeletal muscle
Cardiac muscle
Smooth muscle
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A. Skeletal (Striated) Muscle
Connects the various parts of the skeleton through one or more
connective tissue tendons
During muscle contraction, skeletal muscle shortens and moves
various parts of the skeleton
Through graded activation of the muscles, the speed and smoothness
of the movement can be gradated
Activated through signals carried to the muscles via nerves (voluntary
Repeated activation of a skeletal muscle can lead to fatigue
Biomechanics: assessment of movement and the sequential pattern of
muscle activation that move body segments
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B. Smooth Muscle
Located in the blood vessels, the respiratory
tract, the iris of the eye, the gastro-intestinal
The contractions are slow and uniform
Functions to alter the activity of various
body parts to meet the needs of the body at
that time
Is fatigue resistant
Activation is involuntary
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C. Cardiac Muscle
Has characteristics of both skeletal and
smooth muscle
Functions to provide the contractile
activity of the heart
Contractile activity can be gradated
(like skeletal muscle)
Is very fatigue resistant
Activation of cardiac muscle is
involuntary (like smooth muscle)
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Components of skeletal muscle
d) myofibril
c) muscle fibre
b) muscle fibre bundle a) Muscle belly
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Muscle Fibres
Cylinder-shaped cells that make up skeletal muscle
Each fibre is made up of a number of myofilaments
Diameter of fibre (0.05-0.10 mm)
Length of fibre (appr. 15 cm)
Surrounded by a connective tissue sheath called Sarcolemma
Many fibres are enclosed by connective tissue sheath Perimycium to
form bundle of fibres
Each fibre contains contractile machinery and cell organelles
Activated through impulses via motor end plate
Group of fibres activated via same nerve: motor unit
Each fibre has capillaries that supply nutrients and eliminate waste
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Muscle Teamwork
Agonist (prime mover):
- the muscle or group of muscles producing a desired effect
- the muscle or group of muscles opposing the action
- the muscles surrounding the joint being moved
- the muscle or group of muscles that steady joints closer to the body axis so
that the desired action can occur
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Bending or straightening of elbow requires the coordinated
interplay of the biceps and triceps muscles
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Contractile Machinery:
Contractile units
Organized in series ( attached
end to end)
Two types of protein
- Actin:
thin filament
- Myosin: thick filament
Each myosin is surrounded by
six actin filaments
Projecting from each myosin
are tiny contractile myosin
Longitudinal section of myofibril
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(a) At rest
High microscope magnification of sarcomeres
within a myofibril
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Contractile Machinery:
Crossbridge formation and movement
Cross bridge movement:
- similar to the stroking of the oars and
 Cross bridge formation:
movement of rowing shell
- a signal comes from the motor
- movement of myosin filaments in relation
nerve activating the fibre
- the heads of the myosin filaments to actin filaments
- shortening of the sarcomere
temporarily attach themselves to
- shortening of each sarcomere is additive
the actin filaments
Longitudinal section of myofibril
b) Contraction
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Contractile Machinery:
Optimal Crossbridge formation
Longitudinal section of myofibril
Sarcomeres should be optimal
distance apart
For muscle contraction: optimal
distance is (0.0019-0.0022 mm)
At this distance an optimal number
of cross bridges is formed
If the sarcomeres are stretched
farther apart than optimal distance:
- fewer cross bridges can form 
less force produced
If the sarcomeres are too close
- cross bridges interfere with one
another as they form  less force
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c) Powerful stretching
d) Powerful contraction