Transcript Slide 1

New Parents’ Curriculum Meeting
September 2014
1 in 3 children do not
own a book.
Girls have
outperformed boys in
reading at KS1, KS2
and KS3 every year
since 1998
I in 3 children
never have a
bedtime story.
1 in 6 people in the UK
have the literacy level
expected of an 11 year
By the age of 6,
the average British
child has spent one
complete year in
front of a screen,
mostly the TV.
The role of parents
during a child’s
earliest years is the
single biggest
influence on their
Children who like reading
are 5 times more likely to
be above average
Reading for pleasure
has been identified as
the single most
important factor for
future success at
Prime area of learning:
Personal, Social & Emotional Development
Making relationships – with friends and adults in school.
Self-confidence and self- awareness.
Managing feelings and behaviour.
Prime area of learning: Physical development
• Large movements and co-ordination – managing yourself in space.
• Small movements to develop fine motor control e.g. sorting using
fingers or plastic tweezers, using scissors, scrunching up paper.
• Doing and undoing buttons, managing zips, putting on and taking
off shoes and coats.
• Health and self-care.
Prime area of learning:
Communication and Language
• Listening and attention.
• Understanding.
• Speaking.
Specific Areas: Literacy
How we support mark making and early writing
Any mark on paper is an important first step. Can be squiggles, lines and
The next stage is to say what these marks mean to them. “This says ‘To
Initial letters come next, to denote words as they write, at this stage you’ll
spot a ‘m’ for mummy. As the children learn more about sounds they start
to fill in some of the middle sounds and end sounds.
• This gradually develops into short words, phrases and then simple
• We give children opportunities inside and outside to
develop this skill in a range of different ways – writing on
whiteboards, paper, mini books, chalk boards and in sand.
• We encourage children to “have a go” rather than
worry about every single sound in a word.
How we teach PHONICS
• Children are put into groups which suit their ability.
• We teach phonics for 15 minutes Mon-Thur with consolidation
throughout the week and a handwriting session linked to phonics
on a Friday.
• Activities are varied and ensure children are active learners we try
to take phonics outside from time to time.
• Children will be taught letter sounds in a particular way, it is not
• Textless texts! Children sometimes start with books with no words as this
develops their speaking and listening skills – they should use the pictures to re-tell
the story. You can ask them questions or tell them what you think might be
• First words. As children are introduced to letters in phonics they can begin to
say the letter sounds and blend these sounds to make words e.g. c-a-t cat!
• Making sense. We encourage children to use a range of strategies when
reading – using picture clues, memory, repetition, sounding out words where
possible and using the context of the sentence.
What should I say?
• When you are sharing a story with your child see if they
can answer questions about what is happening and
more probing questions about the characters feelings
and actions
e.g. How would he feel when he lost his teddy?
Why does it say that Mum shouted?
What was your favourite part of the story?
How to help your child become a writer
• Writing their name
- Holding their pencil correctly and comfortably so they can control their
- Forming letters in the correct way.
- Using a capital letter and then lower case letters.
- Being able to say the letter sounds for the letters in their names.
- Write to them! Notes, messages, warning signs, letters, cards, invitations,
secrets and magic! Get them to write to the tooth fairy and Father
Christmas. They always write back!
Mathematical language
Basic calculation ( + and -)
2D and 3D shape recognition
Problem solving
How to help your child at home with maths
• Count anything and everything!!! Number of cups needed, number
of apples in a bowl, number of smarties left!
• Practise writing numbers – number formation is tricky!
• Look for shapes in your house, on the way to school or at the park
– packaging is particularly good for 3D shapes.
How to help your child at home
• Talk about maths all around you everyday, measure,
weigh, estimate, count, sort, group, divide and
• You could… sort socks into pairs, count the stairs or
compare teddy bears….. bake a cake or measure a
long toy snake….guess ‘how many’ or learn the value
of a penny…break a Kit-Kat into two, that’s one for me
and one for you!
Other ‘Specific’ areas of learning:
Understanding of the World
Exploring outside – the world
People and communities -talking about their lives and the lives of
their families
Expressive Arts and Design
Singing songs
Exploring instruments and creating sounds
Listening to music
Being imaginative -role play
Drawing & painting, designing and making
Junk modelling
Communication and sharing information…
• Guess what I did at home
• Popcorn Cinema
• Busy Bees
Topics and themes
Dinosaurs, mud, water, worms, castles,
dragons, princesses, monsters, aliens,
cakes, sweets, diggers, paint, animals,
holes, weather, noise, police, houses,
superheroes, maps, spaghetti, flags, pets,
hairdressers, space, farms, babies, bodies,
words, books, flowers, journeys, bugs,
words, pirates, more words, books, germs,
books, countries and more books…..
Thank you and remember…
• Any questions?
Good quality home
learning contributes
more to children’s
intellectual and social
development than
parental occupation,
education or income.