Transcript Unit 3

Unit 3
An eye for an eye?
Ⅰ. Grammar and Reading (3-32)
Ⅱ. Reading and Vocabulary(33-37)
Ⅲ. Text--- Laughter in Court(38-66)
Ⅳ. Grammar and Vocabulary(67-75)
Ⅴ. Vocabulary(76-77)
Ⅵ. Speaking and listening(78-91)
Ⅰ. Grammar and Reading(1)
Warm-up topics: Describe the photo and then answer the questions:
1. Where are the young people and what are
they doing?
2. This is their punishment for a crime.
What do you think they did?
a. destroyed a statue
b. insulted some police officers
c. stole a car
Ⅰ. Grammar and Reading(2)
• 1. They are in Ohio, and they are
walking with the donkey as a
2. a
Ⅰ. Grammar and Reading(3)
• Language notes:
• 1. an eye for an eye:
a punishment which hurts
the criminal in the same way as they hurt someone else
以眼还眼, 以牙还牙
例如:If the state punishes a murderer by death it’s an eye
for an eye. 如果国家对谋杀犯处以死刑,那就是
• 2. punishment for: 惩罚,
• 例如:She sent her son early as a punishment for
breaking the window. 她罚儿子早上床睡觉,因为他打破了窗户。
Ⅰ. Grammar and Reading(4)
• 3.This is their punishment for a crime.
What do you think they did?(这是对他们犯
罪的惩罚, 你认为他们曾做过什么?)
A. destroyed a statue (毁坏了一尊雕像)
B. insulted some police officers (侮辱,冒犯了一些警官)
C. stole a car
4. insult: v. offend 冒犯, 侮辱;n.侮辱,辱骂
例如:You will insult her if you don’t go to
her party.你要是不去参加她举办的聚会,就对她太无礼了。
Ⅰ. Grammar and Reading(5)
• 5. Newsletter from America
• 6. newsletter: n. a small sheet of printed
news sent regularly to a particular group
of people (给特定读者定期寄发的)通讯,简报
• 例如:the company newsletter 公司的业务通讯
Ⅰ. Grammar and Reading(6)
• 7. Rough Justice(这是此篇新闻报道的正标题)草草地
• 8. Liz Connery on what’s happening
across the Atlantic
• 这是此篇新闻报道的副标题,在副标题中提
到了作者Liz Connery和地点across the
from America,因此可以知道在这里指美国。
• 可译为:利兹·康纳利来自大西洋的报道
Ⅰ. Grammar and Reading(7)
• 9. Last weekend I was staying with some friends
in Ohio.
此句从was staying 可以看出使用得是past continuous
• 10. …someone had told me it was a nice,quiet
Ⅰ. Grammar and Reading(8)
• 11. I was running near the street when I saw a
crowd of people, a police car and a donkey!
• 此句主句使用了过去进行时past continuous tense ,
从句时用了过去时past simple tense。在陈述过去发
生的事情时, 某事件正在进行时突然发生了另一事件,
表示“正在那时, 突然发生了某事”。通常来说,
前者的动作持续的时间较长, 后者的动作持续的时间
较短。如:I was driving when my phone rang.我正
开车的时候, 手机响了。
• 此句译为:当我正沿着街道跑步时, 突然我看见了一群人,一
Ⅰ. Grammar and Reading(9)
• 12. When I reached the front, the police had stopped the
traffic and two teenagers were walking along the street with
the donkey and a sign that said, “Sorry for the jackass offence.”
• 此句语法涉及很多, 既有过去时reached, 还有过去完成时had
stopped ,还有过去进行时were walking。
• 在陈述过去发生的事情时,用一般过去时past simple tense ;另一
件事情已在此动作之前就已经发生了, 用过去完成时past perfect
tense; 而正在进行的又一件事情,则用过去进行时past
continuous tense 。
• 此句译为:当我跑到前面的时候,警察已经疏通了拥挤,两个十几
示上说: 为干的蠢事道歉。
Ⅰ. Grammar and Reading(10)
• 13. Sorry for the jackass offence.为干的蠢事道歉。
• 14. jackass: n. 1. infml a person who behave foolishly
【非正式】笨蛋, 傻瓜
• 例如:Don’t be a jackass--- come down off the roof!
别犯傻了, 快从房顶上下来 rare a male ass 【现罕】公驴
15. offence: BrE【英】offense AmE【美】n. an act of
wrongdoing, esp. of breaking the law; crime
过错, 罪过;(尤指)犯罪
例如:Driving while drunk is a serious offence. 醉酒驾车属严重
Ⅰ. Grammar and Reading(11)
• 16. It was a punishment,he said. They were doing it
because they had stolen a statue from a church
and destroyed it.
· 此句可译为:这是一种惩罚, 他说。他们之所以被惩罚牵着驴沿街
走,是因为他们 从教堂里偷了尊雕像,还把它毁坏了。
在这句话里面语法涉及很多, 既有过去时said, 还有过去完成时
had stolen ,还有过去进行时were doing。
• 在陈述过去发生的事情时,用一般过去时past simple tense ;另一
件事情已在此动作之前就已经发生了, 用过去完成时past perfect
tense; 而正在进行的又一件事情,则用过去进行时past
continuous tense 。
Ⅰ. Grammar and Reading(12)
• 偷东西的行为发生在受到惩罚的行为之前,是过
去的过去,因此steal用了过去完成时had stolen
表示。 They were doing it 中的it指前文提到过
的two teenagers were walking along the
street with the donkey 的行为。
• 17. steal sth. from somewhere:从某处偷东西
例如:A thief stole some books from that
Ⅰ. Grammar and Reading(13)
• 18. A judge, Michael Ciccnetti, had sentenced
them to 45 days in jail, ordered them to
pay for a new statue, and given them this
unusual punishment.
Ⅰ. Grammar and Reading(14)
• 19. sentence to: [often pass.] (of a
judge or court) to give a
punishment to 【常用被动
态】(法官, 法庭)宣判, 判决
例如:He was sentenced to 3 years in
Ⅰ. Grammar and Reading(15)
• 20. jail: n. 监狱
• 例如:put him in jail 把他关进监狱
• three years in jail 坐牢3年
• 21. order sb. to do sth.:吩咐, 命令某人做某事
• 例如:The doctor ordered her patients to take a month’s rest.
order …for: 点菜, 订制, 订购
• 例如:I have ordered some new clothes for you.我给你订购了
Ⅰ. Grammar and Reading(16)
• 22. pay :vi.
支付, 付款,缴纳,偿还,还债
• 例如:1)I have already paid for the book.
2) How much did you pay for the house?
3)You will have to pay for this foolish behavior.
pay a call on sb./pay sb. a visit :visit sb. 拜访
pay attention to :注意, 留心
Ⅰ. Grammar and Reading(17)
• 23. This was not the first time that
this judge had thought of original
way to punish continued P7.
continued P7.下转第7页,表示句子没有说完, 可能
由于报纸版面排不开, 转另一页了。
Ⅰ. Grammar and Reading(18)
• 24. think of sb./sth.:思考,考虑,对……有想
• 例如:1) We are think of going to France for our
holidays, but we haven’t decided for
certain yet.我们正考虑去法国度假, 但还没决定下来。
2) I often think of you. 我时常想起你。
think about sth.:考虑, 回想, 想起
例如:1)I sometimes think about the happy days we had by the
sea. 我不时想起我们在海滨度过的愉快日子。
2)She‘s thinking about emigrating to Canada. 她在考虑移
Ⅰ. Grammar and Reading(19)
• 25.original:first, earliest最初的, 最早的;
new and different新颖的,独特的
• 例如:1)The original owner of the house was a
Frenchman. 这房子最早的业主是一个法国人。
2)His essay was full of original ideas. 他的短
3)This is your most original work so far. 这
Ⅰ. Grammar and Reading(20)
• 6. Read the report again. Choose the best answer for
the blank or the question. P35
• 1) The two teenagers walked along the street
with the donkey for _____.
a. fun b. money c. help d. punishment
2)What did the judge order them to do?
a. To offer money to the donkey’s owner.
b. To buy a new statue for the church.
c. To return the donkey to the church.
d. To stay in jail for nearly three months.
Ⅰ. Grammar and Reading(21)
一般过去时(Past simple tense)的用法
• 1)常用于表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态。常和表
示过去的时间状语连用。如:last year, yesterday等;
例如:①I saw him in the street yesterday.
②Jim rang you just now.吉姆刚才给你打了电话。
• 2) 表示过去经常或反复发生的动作。
例如:①We often went out for a walk after supper.
②Li Mei always went to school on foot last year.
• 3)当谈到已故的人或历史已久的事时,多用过去时。
例如: ① Lao She was a great writer. 老舍是位伟大的作家。
② Lei Feng was a good soldier.
Ⅰ. Grammar and Reading(22)
• 过去进行时(past continuous tense)的用法:
• 1)主要表示过去某个时刻或某一阶段正在进行的动作;
例如:①What were you doing at nine last night?
② I was visiting a friend of mine most of the afternoon.
• 2)描述一件事发生的背景;表示过去的临时状态或暂时性习惯;
例如:①When I got to the top of the mountain, the sun was shining.
② I was staying with some friends in Ohio.
• 3) 与一般过去是搭配使用,主句常用进行时态,从句则用一般过去
例如: ① I was walking in the street when someone called me.
②When I saw him he was decorating his room.
Ⅰ. Grammar and Reading(23)
4.Look at sentences 1-3 in the Past Continuous.
Match them with descriptions a-c. P.35
1) I was staying with some friends in Ohio. □
2) It was 10 o’clock. I was jogging in the park. □
3) I was running near the road when I saw some people.
• B. 过去的临时状态或暂时性习惯。
• C. 某事件正在进行的时候突然发生了另一事件。
• Keys:
Ⅰ. Grammar and Reading(23)
• 过去进行时和一般过去时的区别:
• 一般过去时表示“在过去某个时间发生的动作或存
• 过去进行时则表示“在过去某个特定时间正
• 例如:I was reading an English novel last night.
I read an English novel last night.
Ⅰ. Grammar and Reading(24)
• Mind the trap!
• 当一个动作已经结束, 即使它在结束前持续了一
段时间或有过反复,也用一般过去时, 而不用过
• 例:1)They spend 45 days in jail.
不用were spending.
• 2)He planned the robbery for several years.
不用was planning.
Ⅰ. Grammar and Reading(25)
• 过去完成时past perfect tense的用法:
• 1)表示在过去某一时间或动作以前已经完成了的动作。
例如:①When we got to the cinema, the film had already begun.
②He told me that he had visited the Great Wall before.
• 2)表示动作在过去某一时间之前开始,一直延续到过去的这一时间,而且还
可能继续下去的动作,常和for, since构成的短语或引导的从句连用。
例如: ① By the time I left the school, he had taught the class for 3 years.
② He said he had made great progress since he came here.
• 3)表示与过去事实相反的虚拟条件从句或as if从句中。
例如: ① If he had seen you yesterday, he would have asked you about it.
② I should have called you if I had known your telephone number.
Ⅰ. Grammar and Reading(26)
8.Complete sentences a-e with the past Perfect. Then match the
crimes with punishments 1-5.( Ex.7) P.35
A. He had made (make) a false call to the fire station.
B. He had driven (drive) too fast near a school.
C. He had broken (break) into their house and he had stolen (steal)
their property.
D. He had run(run) away from the police after they had seen
(see) him drinking beer while driving.
E. He had insulted (insult) a woman and he had thrown (throw)
beer cans at her car.
Andy had to work as a school crossing guard.
Bill had to visit nine fire stations and apologise to the fire fighters.
Carl had to wear a dress, a wig and make-up in a busy shopping street.
Dan invited a family to his house and asked them to take anything they
5. Ed had to run a five-mile race.
Ⅰ. Grammar and Reading(27)
Language notes: (Ex.7,8,P35)
break into:闯入, 突然……起来
例如:Thieves broke into his house .盗贼闯入了他的家。
run away from:逃跑
例如:He ran away from home at the age of fourteen. 他十四岁时就离
make a call:打电话
make a false call:打错了电话
work as a school crossing guard. 担任学校十字交叉路口保安。
apologise: 【BrE英】, apologize 【美】
apologize to:道歉, 谢罪
例如:I apologized to her for stepping on her foot.我因踩了她的脚向她
Ⅰ. Grammar and Reading(28)
9. Complete the sentences, Use the Past Simple, the Past
Continuous and the Past Perfect. P.35
1) When he crashed the car,
a. he _was he _was driving__ (drive) at 160 kph.
b. he _had drunk_ (drink) six bottles of beer.
c. an ambulance _arrived (arrive) and _took_ (take) him to hospital.
2) When the judge returned to the courtroom,
a. everyone immediately stood (stand) up.
b. she had made (make ) her decision.
c. the journalists were still writing (still/write) their reports.
3) When she came out of the prison gate,
a.She had learned (learn) her lesson.
b. her husband was waiting (wait) for her.
c. she kissed (kiss) her husband and then they went (go) home.
Ⅰ. Grammar and Reading(28)
• 5. listen and check. Match questions 1-4 with answers
a-d. P.35
Where were you? □
What were you doing? □
What happened? □
What did you do? □
My neighbours started shouting at each other.
I got up and put on the TV really loud.
I was trying to get to sleep.
I was at home.
2-c 3-a
Look at the picture of a courtroom. Match people a–e with the
words below. Use a dictionary to help you.
keys: accused (a)(被告) judge
lawyer (c)
jury (e) (陪审团)
witness (d)
• 4 Complete the sentences with the highlighted words
in the text. P36
• 1) ‘A ______ consists of twelve persons chosen to
who has the best lawyer.’ – Robert Frost
• 2) After the witness had given his evidence, the ______
confessed to the crime.
• 3 ) Was this the first time that a teacher had ______ a
• 4 )The ______ shouted out, ‘Order in court!’
• 5 ) A football player took an opponent to court to ask for
______ for a broken leg.
• 6) The police are looking for ______ to the robbery
which took place at Murphy’s Jewellery late last night.
• Keys: 1)jury 2) accused 3 )sued 4) judge
5) compensation
6) witnesses
• Language notes: (Ex.4.P36)
• jury: a group of usu.12 people chosen to hear all the details of a
case in a court of law and give their decision on it.(通常由
• consists of:be made up of 由……组成
例如:The United Kingdom consists of Great Britain and Northern
Ireland. 联合王国由大不列颠和北爱尔兰组成。
• accused :n.
被告, 被指责的
例如:The accused was asked to give his name.
• confess to :坦白, 承认
例如:She confessed to leaving the cigarette on the chair.
sue: v. to make a legal claim.起诉, 控告,和……打官司
例如:If you don’t return our property, we’ll sue.
如果你不归还我们的财产, 我们就起诉。
sue for: 要求, 乞求,
• 例如:The other side realize they are beaten, and are suing for
shout out :大声喊叫
judge:v. 审判;判决;认为
n. 法官
compensation: n. 补偿,弥补;赔偿,赔偿金;补偿金
compensation for/on:赔偿,赔偿金
例如:1)Tom gave me a new knife as compensation for the one he
lost. 汤姆给了我一把新刀,算是赔偿那把被他丢失的刀。
2)Did you get any compensation when you were dismissed
from your job? 你被解雇时有没有拿到补助金?
• take place:发生,产生;进行,举行
• witness: n.目击者;见证人;证人;证物
Ⅲ. Text---Laughter in Court (1)
• Warm-up topics: Imagine you are the
jury and decide if these people should win
or lose their cases.
Kathleen Robertson
Wanita Young
Terrence Dickson
Kara Walton
Ⅲ. Text---Laughter in Court (2)
• Language notes:
• 1. Kathleen Robertson of Austin, Texas, took a
furniture store to court for medical costs and
physical and mental suffering.
• 此句可译为:得克萨斯州奥斯丁市的凯瑟
琳· 罗伯逊把一家家具店告上
Ⅲ. Text---Laughter in Court (3)
• take sb. to court for sth.: 因为某事而把某人告上法庭,也
可以用take sb. to court because of something 来表达。
• 例如,文中另一句话:line 12-14, P.37
• But two years later, she took him to court
because of the injuries she had suffered.
• 可译为:可是两年后,她因为遭受到的种种伤害而把他告
Ⅲ. Text---Laughter in Court (4)
• be surprised to do sth.:对干某事感到很惊讶
例如:1)I was surprised to learn that he was
taking drugs. 听说他在吸毒,我很吃惊。
2)I‘m surprised to hear you say that.
be surprised at sb./sth./doing sth.:对某人的
例如:1)I was surprised at your tone.
2)I was surprised at seeing/to see
him there.我真想不到在那里见到他。
Ⅲ. Text---Laughter in Court (5)
Knock over:把……撞倒 ;撞翻
例如:1)Judge , You may not knock
over the trash can !
2)knock over a cup of tea.
find out:找出;发现;查明
例如:1)The police found the murderer out.
2)Please find out when the train starts.
Ⅲ. Text---Laughter in Court (6)
• 2. Apparently, the Allens’ insurance company
had still not paid compensation for her
medical care and lost earnings.
• 此句可译为:显然,艾伦的保险公司仍然没
• pay compensation for sth.:表示“为某事而赔
• 例如:pay$500 compensation for the loss
of… 对……损失付500美金补偿金
Ⅲ. Text---Laughter in Court (7)
• 3. During the court case Daniel told the judge, ‘I’m
sorry I ran into her. It was an accident!’
此句可译为:在法庭审理案件过程中,丹尼尔对法 官说,
• run into:撞到; 偶遇; 陷入; 遭遇(困难等);
例如:1)The bus got out of control and ran
into a wall. 公共汽车失去控制,撞上了墙。
2)I ran into an old girlfriend yesterday.
It brought back memories.
3)We expect to run into a few snags before
the machine is ready for production .
Ⅲ. Text---Laughter in Court (8)
• 4. A Colorado woman has sued two teenagers
for giving her some cookies!
此句可译为:科罗拉多州一位女士因为两个青 少年
sue sb. for (doing) sth.:因为(做)某事起诉某人
例如:I’ll sue them for every penny they’ve got.
Ⅲ. Text---Laughter in Court (9)
• 5. Instead of going to a dance, Taylor Ostergaard, 17, and
Lindsey Jo Zellitti, 18, decided to stay home and bake
cookies for their neighbours.
此句可译为: 17岁的泰勒Ostergaard,和18岁的林赛乔zellitti,没
instead of: in place of代替……、而不是……
例如:1) Instead of lending a hand, he laughed at us.
2)They must make up their own minds instead of our
making up their minds for them.
decide to do sth.: 决定做某事
Ⅲ. Text---Laughter in Court (10)
6. she was afraid because there were suspicious people at her door.
be afraid to do sth.:害怕做某事
例如:I used to be afraid to walk alone at night.
be afraid of (doing) sth. 担心或忧虑某事发生。
例如: I am afraid of being caught.
be afraid for sb./sth. 为某人或某物而忧虑
例如:I was afraid for my classmates.
be afraid (that)…………(后面接宾语从句)
例如:I was afraid that my dog wanted to eat the wood up.
suspicious: 猜疑的,疑心的;多疑的[(+of)],可疑的,有蹊跷的
例如:1)I‘m suspicious of the government’s intentions.
2)There were suspicious circumstances about his death.
Ⅲ. Text---Laughter in Court (10)
• 7. Taylor explained that they hadn’t answered
because they had wanted the gift to be a surprise.
此句为主从复合句explained后引导一个宾语从句, 在
宾语从句中because 引导原因状语从句。
want to do sth.:想要做某事
want sb. to do sth.:想要某人做某事
例如:I can not even clearly see my monitor . They need help ,
our fellow people! I want to do sth for them .
Ⅲ. Text---Laughter in Court (11)
8. There were no witnesses, and the police decided that the girls
had not committed a crime.
commit: v. to do sth. wrong or illegal. 犯错误,干坏事
commit a crime: 犯罪。
• witness:n. 目击者;见证人,【律】证人;证物;连署人,证词
例如:1)I was a witness to the argument. 我是那场争论的见证人。
2)He was called as a defense witness. 他被传唤作被告的证人。
3)She was punished for giving false witness. 她因作伪证受到惩处。
decide: v. 使下决心;使决断决定;决意[+wh-][+to-v][+(that)]
例如:1)They decided that John must stay there.
2) She decided to live in London. 她决定住在伦敦。
3)What was it that finally decided you to give up your plan?
Ⅲ. Text---Laughter in Court (12)
• 9. However, the next day, Young went to hospital
suffering from anxiety.
• 此句可译为:然而,第二天,Young由于焦虑担忧去了
suffer from:患(某种病);受(某种病痛)折磨;
为……所苦,因... …而吃苦头
例如:1)We have suffered from our own errors.
2)I'm suffering from a real lack of time this
week. 我这周为时间不够用而苦。
3)Mrs. White's little boy is suffering from a
bad flu bug again.
Ⅲ. Text---Laughter in Court (13)
• 10. Terrence Dickson had just robbed
a house in Pennsylvania.
• rob: v. 抢劫,劫掠,盗取,非法剥夺
例如:They robbed the jewelry store in broad
• rob of: 使……丧失
例如: They robbed the people of their
liberty. 他们夺走了人民的自由。
Ⅲ. Text---Laughter in Court (14)
• 11. However, he discovered that he couldn’t get out
of the garage because the automatic door wasn’t
working correctly.
• 此句可译为:然而,因为车库的自动门出了故障,他发现自
• get out of somewhere:从某地出去
• work的原意是:工作
• something works correctly 指“某物运转正常”
例如: My computer doesn’t work correctly.
I’ll have it repaired.
Ⅲ. Text---Laughter in Court (15)
• 12. The family was on holiday, so Mr. Dickson
was stuck in the garage for eight days.
此句可译为:这家度假去了,所以Dickson先生 在车库里
• stick: v. to be fixed钉住,插牢,粘贴,张贴,被困住,停留,坚
例如:A fish-bone stuck in his throat.
Ⅲ. Text---Laughter in Court (16)
13. He survived on a case of Pepsi and a large
bag of dried dog food.
• 此句可译为:他靠一箱百事可乐和一大袋干狗食
• survive: vt. 在...之后仍然生存,从...中逃生
例如:Only two passengers survived the air crash.
vi. 活下来,幸存;残留[(+on)]
例如:Few survived after the flood.
Ⅲ. Text---Laughter in Court (17)
• case: n.事实,实情, 事例,实例,案件;诉讼
例如:1)He thought he had already solved the problem,
but that was not the case.
2)Here is a case in point. 这里有一个很好的例子。
3)The case was tried last Wednesday.
case在这里的意思是:大箱子, 大容器
例如:a case of whisky 一箱威士忌
• case的常用词组:
in any case: 无论如何,总之
in good case: 健康,生活富裕
in no case: 决不(位于句首时,主句应使用倒装语序)
as is often the case: 这是常有的事
Ⅲ. Text---Laughter in Court (18)
• 14. When he finally got out, Mr. Dickson
sued the homeowner’s insurance company.
• 此句可译为: 当他终于出来后,迪克森先生
insurance company:保险公司
Ⅲ. Text---Laughter in Court (19)
• 15. He claimed the situation had caused him mental anguish.
• 此句译为:他声称这种情况给他造成了精神痛苦。
• claim:要求;认领;索取自称;声称;主张[+to-v] [+that]
例如:1)The old man claimed the land.
2) She claimed that the ring was stolen, not lost.
3)She claims to be a good pianist.
• cause: vt. 导致,使发生,引起
例如:1)What caused him to quit his job?
2)I‘m afraid I’m causing you much trouble.
anguish:n. 极度的痛苦;苦恼
The quarrel caused her great anguish.
Ⅲ. Text---Laughter in Court (20)
• 16. It seems that even a burglar can ask a jury for money.
• 此句可译为:看来,哪怕是窃贼也可以向陪审团要钱。
• 此句型实质上是“主+系+表”结构。其中it是人称代词,并无实意,
指的是某种情况,seems为系动词,that 引导表语从句。
• It seems that …表示“看起来……”
说表示事实。(可以转换成“名词或代词 + seem +动词不定式”
句型,其意不变,如果动词不定式为to be + 形容词时,to be往往
例如:1)It seems that it is more difficult for women to get to the
top of the company. 妇女似乎更难提升到公司的最高职位。
2)It seems that no one knows what has happened in the
park. 似乎没有人知道在公园里发生了什么事。
Ⅲ. Text---Laughter in Court (21)
• 17. Kara Walton of Delaware went to court to get
damages for something that was her own fault.
• 此句可译为:特拉华州的Kara Walton 为了自己
• go to court:上法庭,上诉
• get damages for something:为某事造成的损
that was her own fault 是something 的 定语从句。
Ⅲ. Text---Laughter in Court (22)
• 18. Some people just can’t accept responsibility for their own
problems, but that’s not the case of Helmut Bleibtreu.
• 此句可译为:有些人就是不能对自己的问题承担责任,但是赫尔穆
• accept: v. 接受,领受;答应,同意,相信[+that]
例如:1)He has accepted our invitation.
2 )The astronaut accepts danger as being part of the job.
3)I don‘t accept that the firm will go bankrupt.
accept与 receive 的区别:
receive指 “接到,收到”(客观上)的意思,但并不意味着同意接受 ;
accept 是 “接到,并同意”的意思。
例如: I received your apology letter, but I didn‘t accept it.
Ⅲ. Text---Laughter in Court (22)
responsibility for:对……负有责任
例如:1)I take the full responsibility for losing the
2)They accepted responsibility for the
Ⅲ. Text---Laughter in Court (22)
• 19. In 2006 , this 84-year-old German pensioner
went to the police and confessed to a crime.
• 此句可译为:2006 年,这位84 岁高龄、领取退休金的
• confess to a crime :认罪,自首
• 84-year-old 是复合词,复合词里的数量单位(如year)
采用单数形式,如:a 50-meter-high building
一座50 米高的建筑物
Ⅲ. Text---Laughter in Court (23)
• 20. He had placed a firecracker on a railway track
in 1926, and had run away when railway police
saw him.
place:v. 放置,安置,将...寄托于
例如:He placed cups and saucers on the table.
• run away:逃跑,离家
例如:He broke the window and ran away.
Ⅲ. Text---Laughter in Court (24)
• 21. For 80 years he had lived with his guilt, but finally he felt
he had to admit to the only bad thing he had ever done.
• 此句可译为: 80年来他一直感到内疚,但最后他觉得应该承认曾
• admit to doing sth. /that: vt. 承认;容许;可容纳
例如:1)You must admit the task to be difficult.
2) We have to admit that he's a highly
competent man.
3 ) The theater admits 1000 people.
• vi. 承认[(+to)]
例如:I must admit to feeling ashamed of my conduct.
he had ever done在此作定语修饰thing.
Ⅲ. Text---Laughter in Court (25)
• 2. Read newspaper headlines a–f. Check the meanings
of the underlined words. Then read texts 1–6 again
and match them with the headlines. P.36
• A. Toilet injuries
• B. Criminal takes victim to court
• C. From cookies to court case
• D. I’m guilty! Arrest me!
• E. Teacher sues pupil for lost earnings
• F. Six chairs, a table and some compensation
keys: 1-f, 2-e, 3-c. 4-b, 5-a, 6-d
Ⅲ. Text---Laughter in Court (26)
• 3. Read the texts again and answer the questions.
Tick true and cross false. P.36
• 1 Kathleen Robertson sued her own son. □
• 2 Daniel Allen didn’t mean to hurt Ms Blau. □
• 3 The teenage girls from Colorado wanted to frighten
their neighbours. □
• 4 Terrence Dickson is a burglar. □
• 5 Kara Walton couldn’t open the door of the toilet. □
• 6 Helmut Bleibtreu had felt guilty for 80 years. □
Keys: F, T, F, T, F, T
Ⅳ. Grammar and Vocabulary(1)
• Warm-up topics:
• Read text A. Why did the little girl run
and hide from the police?
Ⅳ. Grammar and Vocabulary(2)
• Language notes:
• 1. I was really naive.
• naive: a. 1)天真的;幼稚的
例如: Peter was laughed at for his naïve
remarks. 彼得因为讲了一些幼稚的话
2) 轻信的
例如:She's surely not so naive as to
believe his story.
Ⅳ. Grammar and Vocabulary(3)
• 2. It’s illegal to play a board game if you’re not
old enough.
• 此句可译为:年龄太小玩棋盘游戏是非法的。
• board game 既指类似跳棋、国际象棋这样的棋盘游戏,
game 还可以用来指通过电脑进行的单机或网络益智游
• it’s illegal to do sth.:做某事是非法的
• 例如:It’s illegal to park your car here.你在此停车
2) It’s illegal for people under 17 to drive a
car in Britain. 在英国17岁以下的人开车是
Ⅳ. Grammar and Vocabulary(4)
• 3. I didn’t hesitate. I ran and hid in case
they arrested me.
• hesitate:vi. 踌躇;犹豫vt. 有疑虑,不愿意
例如:1)Don't hesitate about that. Do it at once.
2) He did not hesitate to ask her to sit beside
• in case:假使,以防万一
例如:1)In case she comes back, let me know
2)Take the raincoat in case it rains.
Ⅳ. Grammar and Vocabulary(5)
• Compare text A with text B , and then compare
texts C and B and underline all the differences
among them.
• Then decide when we use used to and would. P.38
过去的状态,常与have, be,
believe 等动词搭配使用
used to
Ⅳ.Grammar and Vocabulary (6)
• Mind the trap!
• 如果谈论的仅仅是过去偶尔发生,而不是
表示,而不用used to 或would。
• One time she said , ( 不用 used to say
或 would say) ‘you’re not old enough.’
Ⅳ. Grammar and Vocabulary (7)
Rewrite the underlined verbs in the text with used
to . Then decide which of the verbs you changed in
the following can be replaced with would. There is
one verb you can’t change. Then listen and check. P.38
I was really silly. I thought that the expression
‘Don’t drink and drive’ meant that it was illegal
to drink anything in the car. So when I was
drinking Pepsi in the car, I hid every time I saw a
police car. I didn’t get up until the police had
gone. On one trip to Florida this happened six times!
Ⅳ. Grammar and Vocabulary(8)
• 6 Complete the sentences with used to . P.38
• 1 ) Now I know the world is round, but …
• Now I know the world is round, but I used to think it
was flat.
• 2 ) I get on really well with my little brother now,
but …
• 3 ) I can come home any time I want now, but …
• 4 ) My mum goes to the gym every day, but …
• 5 ) My dad doesn’t smoke any more, but …
• 6 ) I know you live in London now, but where … ?
• 7 ) Now I am a doctor, but …
Ⅳ. Grammar and Vocabulary (9)
• 7 Complete sentences 1–6 with the given words. Then correct
the definitions in sentences 1–6. P.39
• blackmailers
serial killers
burglars kidnappers
When I was a little kid, I used to believe that …
1 _ shoplifters _ were very strong people who picked up shops.
2 _ burglars __ were people who stole burgers.
3 _ muggers _ were people who hit you on the head with a mug.
4 _ blackmailers _ were people who sent black envelopes to
• 5 _ serial killers _were murderers who put poison in
breakfast cereals.
• 6 _ kidnappers __ were people who would catch kids and force
them to take a nap.
Ⅴ. Vocabulary (1)
• 2. Check the meaning of these acts of anti-social
behaviour in part A, then check the meaning of these
punishments in part B. Then decide on the best
punishments for the anti-social behaviour.P.39 ex.2-3
• Part A: noise nuisance
dropping litter
racial abuse
swearing in public
Part B:
electronic tagging
a fine
a rehabilitation programme
community service
a prison sentence
Ⅴ.Vocabulary (2)
4 Complete the text. Write one word in each gap. Then listen and
check . P.39
When he was only 15, Norman Fletcher committed a 1 _robbery__. He
got away with £8.25 and six packets of chewing gum. Unfortunately for
him, he had robbed his local shop, so the police arrested him and he had
to pay a 2 _fine__ of £82.50.
Later on, he became a 3 _shop-lifter__ , but he was caught after he
had taken a tin of beans from a supermarket. He went to court, and
during the 4 __trial_ his 5 _lawyer__ argued that Norman needed to
go on a rehabilitation 6 _programme___. She also said that her client
was prepared to do some 7_community__ service. However,
the 8 _judge_ sent him to prison for eight weeks.
Brilliantly, Norman broke out of prison the day before his 9_sentence_
ended. He stole a car to get away, but he was stopped for
10_speeding__ – he was going at over ninety miles per hour – and
was sent back to prison. When he was released, Norman decided
to become a mugger. He tried to 11___steal_ a handbag from an old
woman, but she hit him so hard with her umbrella that he started
screaming for help and he was 12_arrested__ for noise nuisance!
Ⅵ. Speaking and listening(1)
• 2. Listen to two conversations about the Farrah
Keating story and match them with photos A and
B. Which conversation is more formal?P.40
Ⅵ. Speaking and listening(2)
4. Decide which of the phrases in bold are formal (F) and
which are informal (I). Then listen again and check.
1) I’m afraid I can’t agree with you. Of course it’s not fair!
2) Oh, come off it! I don’t believe this! □
3 ) I agree with you up to a point , but I’m not sure a prison
sentence is the best punishment. □
4) Well, maybe, but think about it for a second. □
5 ) I couldn’t agree more. Her greatest punishment is the
guilt she must be feeling.
You’re dead right! She lied when the police arrested her. □
1-f 2-I
Ⅵ. Speaking and listening(3)
• Language notes:
• 1. Celebrity dancer Farrah Keating has been found
guilty of drink-driving and of failing to report
an accident.
此句译为:著名演员法拉· 基汀因醉驾逃逸被判罪。
find someone + adj./doing something 结构表示“发现
某人处于某种状态/ 在做某事”
如: We found the girl playing with a puppy.
be guilty of (doing) something:因(做)某事构成犯罪
fail to do something:做某事失败,没有做某事
Ⅵ. Speaking and listening(4)
• 2. The judge has given her a £50,000 fine and an
eight-month suspended sentence .
• 此句可译为:法官判她缴50,000英镑的罚款和8个月的
• fine: n. an amount of money paid as a punishment
罚款, 罚金
例如:You’ll have to pay a £50 fine. 你要被罚款50英镑。
• suspended sentence :a punishment that he would
only suffer if he broke the law
again in the future. 缓刑
Ⅵ. Speaking and listening(5)
• ban from :to forbid, esp. by law.
例如:After the accident, he was banned from driving.
• get divorce from:离婚
• Knock down:撞到,击倒,击落
例如: Bill knocked him down with one blow.
stop to do sth.:停下来去做某事
stop doing sth.:停下来继续做同一件事
Ⅵ. Speaking and listening(6)
• 3. The victim’s father complained that the punishment was too
lenient, and would not act as a deterrent to other irresponsible
• 此句可译为:受害者的父亲抱怨说:处罚得太仁慈了,对其他不负责任
• complain:vt. 抱怨;控诉[+that]
例如:He complained that the exam was too hard.
• vi. 抱怨,发牢骚;诉说(病痛等),控诉,投诉[(+to/about/of)]
例如:1)I‘ve really got nothing to complain of.
2)He complained to me about the food.
3)He complained to the police of the boys stealing his
apples. 他向警方控告那些男孩偷他的苹果。
• lenient:a. not severe in judgment or punishment gentle
宽大的, 仁慈的, 厚道的
deterrent:威慑的, 阻吓的
Ⅵ. Speaking and listening(7)
• 3 Listen again to both conversations and complete the
arguments for and against this statement: Farrah
Keating’s punishment is fair .P.40
• • £50,000 is a large fine.
• • She was ______ and she panicked.
• • She cannot drive a car for _____ years.
She was driving at _______ miles per hour in a thirty
miles per hour zone.
She didn’t stop to ______ the victim.
She was ______.
She didn’t have a ______ ______.
She ______ when she was arrested – she said her
______ was driving.
Ⅵ. Speaking and listening(8)
Agreeing and disagreeing 赞同与反对
Informal 非正式
Neutral/Formal 一般/正式
Agreeing 赞同:
Absolutely! That’s a good point! I couldn’t agree more.
Partial agreement 部分赞同:
That may be true but … ; I agree with you up to a point.
Disagreeing 反对:
I totally disagree with you.
I’m afraid I can’t agree with you.
Agreeing 赞同:
You’re dead right. That’s so true. No doubt about it.
Partial agreement 部分赞同:
Well, maybe, but…; You’ve got a point, but …
Disagreeing 反对:
Come off it! No way!
Ⅵ. Speaking and listening(9)
6 Read the conversations. Decide if they are formal or informal. Then
complete them with expressions about agreeing or disagreeing. P41.
Amy: I think the death penalty is justified in some cases.
Ben: What are you saying? _No way!__ I think it’s totally barbaric!
Carl : _Well, maybe__ Amy, but the problem is that the police aren’t perfect.
They make mistakes.
Judge: Will the lawyers come up to the bench, please?… Look, this case has
gone on long enough. We need to reach a conclusion soon.
Lawyer 1: _I couldn’t agree more_. I’m ready to make my closing speech
right now.
Lawyer 2: I totally disagree with you__ . I still have several witnesses to call.
Dave: There is no justice for the poor. The rich can buy the decisions they
Emily: You’re dead right__ . I saw this case the other day. This rich guy had
killed his wife, but he got away with it because his lawyer was really good.
Fay: _Come off it__ you guys! That’s not true at all!
Politician 1: And to conclude, let me say that the government is too soft on
crime. We need a harder approach.
Politician 2: _That maybe true__ , but we have to be hard on the causes of
crime, too.
Politician 1: Absolutely__ ! Hard on crime and hard on the causes of crime!
Ⅵ. Speaking and listening(10)
• Language notes:
• 1. Will the lawyer s come up to the
bench, please?
• 此句可译为:请双方律师到法庭前来。
• come up to:上前来
• bench:长凳,长椅,在这里指法庭席。
Ⅵ. Speaking and listening(11)
• reach a conclusion:
• come to/draw a conclusion得出结论
• make my closing speech: 结案陈词
Ⅵ. Speaking and listening(12)
• 2. This rich guy had killed his wife, but
he got away with it. because his
lawyer was really good.
他有个很厉害的律师 他逃脱了法
get away with something:侥幸逃脱,侥幸得手
Ⅵ. Speaking and listening(13)
• 7 Work in pairs. to role play the situation.
• Student A
• You are Farrah Keating’s sister. You meet the father
of the child who was knocked down. Explain how the
accident happened and say how sorry you are for
what happened. Say how you feel now. Explain why
Farrah Keating’s punishment is fair.
• Student B
• You are Maira Abbasi’s father. You meet Farrah
Keating’s sister. Ask how the accident happened and
why the driver didn’t stop to help your daughter.
Explain how it has affected your family. Explain why
you think Farrah Keating’s punishment is not fair.
Ⅵ. Speaking and listening(14)
• 8 . Discuss the punishments in situations 1–4 below. Do you
agree or disagree? Express your opinions. P.41
• 1 ) A 15-year-old boy bullied other children and stole their
money and valuables. He insulted teachers and tried to burn
down the school. He was suspended for three weeks.
• 2) An 18-year-old student created a virus which infected
millions of computers around the world. He received a
ten-year prison sentence.
• 3 ) A US citizen blew up a government building and killed 168
people. He received the death penalty.
• 4) A man drove the get-away car in a bank robbery in which a
security guard was killed. His sentence was life