Transcript Slide 1

PEARL: Providing Education and Resources for Leadership
Sustainability and Greening of Jewish Life II
Rabbi Fred Scherlinder Dobb, Sybil Sanchez,
Rabbi Shawn Zevit and Guests
June 15, 2011-12:00 p.m.-1:15 p.m.
Jewish Reconstructionist Federation
Transformative Judaism for the 21st Century
101 Greenwood Avenue
Beit Devora, Suite 430
Jenkintown, PA 19046
215.885.5601 / fax: 215.885.5603
Introduction- Rabbi Shawn Zevit
Mordecai Kaplan argued that Jewish life must provide us with recipes for
justice in the world when he wrote, “A theology which is not a plan of social
action is merely a way of preaching and praying. It is a menu without the
dinner.” (Not So Random Thoughts)
If we are to have a viable future as a Jewish People, we need to build on
Kaplan’s formulation of Judaism as an evolving religious civilization to include
a globally sustainable approach to living in faith community. A globally
sustainable, evolving religious culture will also include interdependent and
healthy economic, social, political, environmental and spiritual systems. For us
as Jews, as non-Jewish partners and allies sharing a Jewish path, and as human
beings on this planet, there may be no more important issue to engage in and
face than the issue of global sustainability in the 21st century.
If you imagine yourself at the end of this year, what action(s) do you most
want to change in your personal lifestyle to include a sustainability
consciousness? What about as a faith community?
Suggested blessing for any leadership activity
Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheynu melech ha-olam, asher kideshanu
b’mitzvotav, v’tzivanu, la’a’sok b’tzorchei tzibur.
(Developed by Rabbi Jeremy Schwartz)
Blessed are you God Creator of the Universe, Source of Holiness
in our actions, when we engage in the needs of the
(Interpretative translation, Rabbi Shawn Israel Zevit)
Text Study- Biblical and Rabbinic Eras
“The Eternal God formed the human (adam) from the dust of the Earth (adamah). God blew
into his nostrils the breath of life, and the human became a living being…The Eternal God
took and placed the human being in the Garden of Eden, to till it and tend it.” – Genesis 2:7,
“The land must not be sold beyond reclaim, for the land is Mine; you are but strangers
resident with Me.” – Leviticus 25:23
“The Earth is the Eternal’s and all that it holds, the world and its inhabitants.” – Psalm 24:1
“God led Adam around the Garden of Eden and said, 'Look at My works. See how beautiful
they are, how excellent. See to it that you do not spoil or destroy My world - for if you do,
there will be no one to repair it after you." – Midrash, Ecclesiastes Rabbah 7:13
“Rabbi Yohanan ben Zakkai ... used to say, “If you have a sapling in your hand, and someone
should say to you that the Messiah has come, stay and complete the planting, and then go to
greet the Messiah” -- Avot de Rabbi Nathan, 31b
Text Study- Medieval and Modern
“Torah does not permit a killing that would uproot a species, even if it permitted the killing [of
individuals] in that species.” – Nachmanides, Commentary on Deuteronomy 22:6
“It should not be believed that all the beings exist for the sake of the existence of humanity. On the
contrary, all the other beings too have been intended for their own sakes, and not for the sake of
something else.” -- Maimonides, Guide for the Perplexed, 456
“Nature is of the very essence of Deity.” - Israel Baal Shem Tov, Shivkhe Ha-Besht, 329
“Master of the Universe, grant me the ability to be alone; may it be my custom to go outdoors each day
among the trees and grass and all growing things, and there may I be alone, and enter into prayer.”
- Rebbe Nachman of Bratzlav, Maggid Sichot, 48
“Know that when a person prays in the field, then all of the grasses/plants together come into the
prayer, and they help him, and give him strength within his prayer. “ - Rebbe Nachman of Brastlav,
Likutei Maharan 11,
“I can contemplate a tree. I can accept it as a picture... I can feel it as a movement... I can assign it to a
species and observe it as an instance... I can overcome its uniqueness and form so rigorously that I
can recognize it only as an expression of law... I can dissolve it into a number, into a pure relation
between numbers, and externalize it. Throughout all of this the tree, the tree remains my object
and has its time span, its kind and condition. But it can also happen, if will and grace are joined,
that as I contemplate the tree I am drawn into a relation, and the tree ceases to be an It.” - Martin
Buber, I and Thou, 57-58
Text Study- Modern
• “Small is the world that most of us pay attention to, and limited is our
concern. What do we see when we see the world? There are three aspects
of nature that command our attention: its power, its beauty, and its
grandeur. Accordingly, there are three ways in which we may relate
ourselves to the world – we may exploit it, we may enjoy it, we may
accept it in awe.” – Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel
• “Our responsibility for all that dwells in the earth and for the earth itself
extends into the future. The earth is not ours to destroy (cf. Dt 20:19), but
to hand on in trust to future generations. We cannot, therefore, recklessly
consume its resources to satisfy needs that are artificially created and
sustained by a society that tends to live only for the present. We also need
to act, together whenever feasible, to assure that sound practices,
guaranteed by law, are established in our countries and local communities
for the future preservation of the environment…Respect for God’s
creation, of which we are a part, must become a way of life.” –
International Catholic-Jewish Liaison Committee, “A Common Declaration
on the Environment.” March 1998.
Text Study- Contemporary
“Bal tash’hit (Avoiding waste): Material resources are limited, and we have the responsibility to guard
against overconsumption and needless waste. No matter how much we can afford to buy, we should
protect each thing of worth to any person or creature even if it has little value to us directly. This reflects
gratitude for what we have and appreciation for the needs of all.” – David A. Teutsch, A Guide to Jewish
Practice: Introduction, Attitudes, Values and Beliefs – Kashrut: The Jewish Dietary Laws Second Edition
In Praise: Genesis 1,2
Hail the hand that scattered space with stars,
Wrapped whirling world in bright blue blanket, air,
Made worlds within worlds, elements in earth,
Souls within skins, every one a teeming universe,
Every tree a system of semantics, and pushed
Beyond probability to place consciousness
On this cooling crust of burning rock.
Oh praise the hand, mind, heart, soul, power or force
That so enclosed, separated limited planets, trees, humans
Yet breaks all bounds and borders
To lavish on us light, love, life
This trembling glory.
- Ruth Brin, Kol Haneshamah Daily Prayer Book, p.433
VeHayah Im Shamo’a (Deut 11:13-21)
If you really listen to the words of the teaching that I give you this day:
That is: to love God and serve God wholeheartedly,
Then the difficulties of this life will seem less harsh,
Because God’s presence will guide you.
Be careful not to think that your accomplishments are yours alone,
Rather remember that it is God’s grace that empowers you.
That if you do not love yourself, the world will appear loveless
That is you do not respect the godliness in others,
God’s presence will not be apparent to you:
Remember that these consequences result from losing touch with your God…
Work hard on this connectedness,
Knowing that it will not be easy,
But knowing that it could easily give you peace of mind…
And that you may live contentedly here
On this planet
For as long as the heavens are above the earth.
Sustainable Synagogues- Reconstructionist Resources
WHEREAS, our tradition teaches us that "The Earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof' (Psalm
24); and
WHEREAS, our liturgy proclaims that '' The whole Earth is full of God's glory"; and WHEREAS, the
Torah teaches us that " The Earth is Mine, you are My tenants" (Leviticus 25:23); and
WHEREAS, our tradition warns us that "Now all that I am going to create for you I
have already created. Think about this and do not corrupt and desolate My world;
for if you do corrupt or desolate it, there will be no one to set it right after you" (Kohelet Rabbah
7:28); and
WHEREAS, Jewish law commands " bal tashchit" -- "you shall not wantonly destroy"; and
WHEREAS, our tradition obligates every Jew to work for tikkun olam- the repair of the World; and
WHEREAS, the devastating despoliation of our environment, directly or indirectly
contributed to by the vast majority of the human inhabitants of the Earth,
increasingly threatens the health and, indeed, the very existence of animal and plant life on the
Earth, including human life; and
WHEREAS, much can be achieved by adhering to the fundamental, yet simple, principle of not
wasting our resources; and
WHEREAS, each of us can make significant contributions to preserving our
environment in our homes, our synagogue, our communities, and our workplaces;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Jewish Reconstructionist Federation that JRF shall:
1990 Reconstructionist Movement
Resolution on the Environment
• I. AIR
A. Air Toxins B. Greenhouse Effect C. Acid Rain
D. Ozone Smog E. Stratospheric Ozone Depletion
A. Agricultural Run-Off
C. Wetland Protection
B. Discharge Limitations
D. Ocean Protection
A. Waste Minimization B. Residential Waste Minimization C. Hazardous Waste Disposal
D. Abandoned Hazardous Waste Sites E. Hazardous Waste Exports
A. Conservation Areas
B. Endangered Species
C. Natural Resources
A. Pesticide Use
B. Pesticides in Food
Social Action (External Advocacy, activism, Congregation-Based Community-organizing, CSA’s, etc.)
Sustainable Synagogues- Reconstructionist Resources
• Ecological Sustainability and Jewish Civilization:
• and
• Sustainable Synagogue Conference Call Notes.doc
• Reconstructionist Movement : Sustainable Synagogues: Resources
and Best Practices:
• vbdm, Sustainability_scenario.doc
2008 JRF Biennial convention Sustainable Synagogue honorees:
15 of the individuals and communities leading the way in our movement in integrating Jewish
values and religious life, and sustainable communal policies and practices.
1. Adat Shalom, Bethesda, MD, (
Environmental Education, Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) and Activism
2. Beit Tikvah, Baltimore, MD, (
Sponsors of the Baltimore Jewish Environmental Conference and participants in the newly formed Baltimore Environmental Network of
Synagogues See
3. Bnai Keshet, Montclair, NJ, (
Synagogue Greening Initiative, Education curriculum and Honoree of Greenfaith
4. Congregation Bet Haverim, Atlanta, GA, (
Hannukah for a Brighter Future energy initiative See,;
5. Darchei Noam, Toronto, Ontario, CAN, (
Environmental Principles of Capital Campaign's%20New%20Green%20Home.pdf
6. Jewish Reconstructionist Congregation, Evanston, IL, (
Greenest Synagogue in NA and ongoing green policy development JRC awarded JTA Green Beanie Award 2009
7. Kehillat Israel, Pacific Palisades, CA, ( Mitzvot for Sustainable Living
8. Shir Hadash, Milwaukee, WI , Year of the Environment
9. RSNS, Plandome, NY, (
Synagogue Greening Initiative and save-the-rain campaign See
10. Temple Bet Hatfiloh, Olympia, WA, (
Buying local and local farm initiative See, and
11. West End Synagogue, New York, NY, Brit Adamah Congregational Covenant and Educational Environmental Program, Sarah Chandler,
Ed Dir special mention See
12. Reconstructionist Rabbinical College- Green Committee,
Ongoing work in energy conservation and sustainable practices at RRC. See,
13. Camp JRF, ; Recycling, composting and food waste reduction efforts with campers
14. Rabbi Michael Cohen, for his work in Israel and the Arava Institute ( See, and
15. Special Honor: Rabbi Fred Dobb, Adat Shalom, MD; COEJL Board; lifelong activist in ecological consciousness and Jewish life.
Exhibit A, the community I know best:
Adat Shalom Reconstructionist Congregation
sustainable materials where possible; living wage always
EPA “Energy Star” Congregation, 2002
Adat Shalom Recon. Cong., Bethesda MD
Adat Shalom Recon. Cong., Bethesda MD
Caring for Creation … Adat
Shalom’s 43-kilowatt Solar
installation goes live this month
“Choose life, that you and your children
may live” (Deut. 30:19) ‫ ְל ַמעַן‬- ‫ּו ָבח ְַרתָ ַב ַחי ִּים‬
‫ אַתָ ה ְוז ְַרעֶָך‬,‫תִּ ְחי ֶה‬
This is Adat
Shalom’s New
(a year ago,
Tu B’Shvat)!
Adat Shalom’s
Mishnah Garden
* Organic
* Local
* Educational
* Spiritual
* Communal
* Activist
Adat Shalom Reconstructionist Congregation Bethesda, MD
Green Building Process, 1997-2001
Adat Shalom Reconstructionist Congregation is the second synagogue in the US to receive the EPA Energy
Star Congregation award. A minimal description is under "Lech Lecha" at its website,; this might give you ideas. The Center for a New American Dream also briefly
featured it in a video, “More Fun, Less Stuff” ( In short, to get others thinking about
how the Adat Shalom experience could prove instructive, a few of its major environmental "victories"
passive solar heating through clerestory windows and dark floor in social hall
ner tamid (eternal light) hooked up to a photovoltaic (solar energy) cell on the roof
a designated percentage of wood came from certified sustainable forestry operations
good zone-by-zone heating and lighting system implemented, with many settings & options
CFL's, LED exit signs, and other low-energy fixtures installed throughout the building
much material from the existing building saved or kept in place for new construction
mostly local materials were used; limited Jerusalem stone shipped from Israel for symbolism
maximum number of trees on-site before construction saved by careful planning
low-water use (xeriscaping), low-maintenance, low-chemical, native landscaping
low-impact cork flooring used in lobby areas; recycled carpet used in sanctuary & offices
mostly-recycled-or-limestone composite "vinyl alternative" tile flooring in social hall & classrooms
permeable driveway and parking lot for groundwater recharge (gravel, then alternative paving)
wide buy-in sought from congregation on environment as key priority during building process
Adat Shalom’s Rabbi Fred Scherlinder Dobb adds: “We did well! It wasn't all rosy, however; we "lost" on a
few issues – there’s less certified wood than we'd have liked; the design prioritized natural light over
denser construction, making it less energy efficient; linoleum would've been better than the composite
flooring we ended up with, which still contained 12% new vinyl (which is awful stuff -- to know more about
it, see Jewish activist filmmaker Judith Helfand and her award-winning documentary Blue Vinyl); and so
on. Still, our experience shows that with some thought and dedication, you can do OK on a limited
Adat Shalom Green Building Lessons Learned
1. Start early. Make environmental issues and energy conservation clear priorities from the get-go of the
design and fund-raising processes. Make the community aware that these are not just choices, they are moral and
spiritual imperatives: as a house devoted to God, we must zealously strive to minimize the ways in which its
construction and operation might adversely impact God's creation and God's children.
2. Be ready to engage and educate everyone involved -- from congregants to contractors -- on environmental
and energy issues. Plan to do the legwork required to research options, in which case you needn’t be put off by
dismissive messages from an architect or contractor. Get ready to pitch slightly-more-expensive-but-far-moresustainable design elements to the board or congregation or funders. Know how much work it will be, and know
how sacred that work is.
3. Keep sustainability in mind throughout the process. Use the theme of sustainability to remind people of
the ethical and religious commitments for which we stand; use it to goad donors into giving more (and feeling
good about doing so!); use it as a rallying point for efforts to fund and build your communal home.
4. Get information from wherever you can, as early as you can. Learn about your architects, general
contractors and sub-contractors' environmental awareness before hiring them. And then plan to work closely with
them along the way, both to support and to monitor. Unfortunately "green building" is still new, and we have the
chance to educate the professionals about it if we take our responsibilities seriously. Simply asking the questions
raises consciousness.
5. Know that unless you have infinite resources, it won't all get done at once. Do the best you can with what's
available, and keep a 'wish list' in mind for future expansions or retrofits. Don't despair because you can't have
every energy-saving device or construction technique; since you can't do everything, it's still better to do what you
can. Know that every CFL, every LED exit sign, every double-glazed window, every square foot of recycled carpet,
every programmable thermostat makes a difference, and is sacred. As Rabbi Tarfon wrote almost 2000 years ago
in the Mishnah (Avot 2:21), "it is not upon you to complete the task -- but neither are you free to desist from it."
Jewish Reconstructionist Congregation, Evanston, IL
• Reimagining the Tabernacle: America’s First Green Synagogue
• Rabbi Rosen’s 2006 Yom Kippur Sermon that helped begin their
Green Building Campaign:
• Constructing Sacred Community by Rabbi Brant Rosen
And back to physical plant, where we’ve
happily been leapfrogged…
“don’t just build a
building; build a
just building”
-- Judith Helfand
Jewish Reconstructionist Cong., Evanston IL
JRC = LEED * Platinum * Building !!!
And awesome enviro policy, too, for what happens there
First Platinum House of Worship
-Ever !!!
RSNS Green Initiatives
The Reconstructionist Synagogue of the North Shore:
Greening our Synagogue.
For an annual list of greening efforts see
• Goals:-Introduce effective, useful steps towards greater
environmental sustainability -Serve as a model for our
congregation and pave new ground for the Jewish
community at large -Inform, Inspire and Encourage
members to engage on an individual level as we have
done on a congregational level
• Synagogues and Farms (RSNS, NY)
Become Carbon Neutral:
(This is the most important mitzvah of all and everything that follows is to help us
to achieve this goal).
– Plant trees in Israel with JNF ( or here in America. or an acre of rainforest equal to land you occupy.
– Buy carbon offsets - Reduce and "offset" your emissions by calculating your personal carbon
footprint and donating to organizations that reduce carbon dioxide in our atmosphere.
Calculate your personal carbon footprint and donate directly to the National Forest Service
through the Carbon Capital Fund (
– Buy green electricity for your home from LADWP’s Green LA program
Become Food Conscious:
– Eat less meat. Producing 1 kg of beef causes the same amount of greenhouse emissions as
driving 250 kilometres in a car. A pound of wheat can be grown from 60 pounds of water – a
pound of meat takes up to 6,000 pounds. With the energy needed to produce a single
hamburger you could drive a small car 20 miles. Reducing meat production in the U.S. by just
10% would free enough grain to feed 60 million people.
– Buy organic and locally grown or produced products.
– Use recyclable and reusable containers, and as large as possible packages rather than
individual servings.
– Use filtered water instead of bottles. It takes over 5 gallons of water to produce one plastic
bottle plus the gas to transport it.
Become Energy Efficient:
– Buy “Energy Star” appliances for your home or business. If every Californian replaces an
old air conditioner with energy efficient one it would be the equivalent of taking
275,000 cars off the road (
– Turn off computers, air conditioning, heating, and unplug home chargers when not in
use (charge cell phones in your car).
– Shut doors and air vents in unoccupied rooms.
– Turn off lights, use dimmers, and remove a few bulbs from fixtures or track lighting.
– Replace incandescent bulbs with CFLs (compact florescent lights). They cost 75% less to
operate and last 10 times longer. If every Californian changed just 5 bulbs to CFLs it
would be the equivalent of taking 400,000 cars off the road.
Reduce Oil Consumption and Dependency on Foreign Oil:
– Drive less, combine errands, walk, bike, and encourage public transportation.
– Shop on line and make a contribution with your purchases (
– Make your next car a hybrid or biodiesel.
– Drive 5-10 miles per hour slower, keep your car tuned and proper tire pressure.
Be Waste Conscious
Dor Hadash, Pittsburgh, PA, , Social Action
Hannukah Initiative, December, 2007/5768
1st Green Night of Hannukah: The Water You Drink,
2nd Green Night of Hannukah: Compact Fluorescent Lights Revisited
3rd green night of Hannukah: Become Food Conscious,
For places to buy local food, go to:
Read, “The Omnivore’s Dilemma” by Michael Pollan
4th Green Night of Hannukah: Get Politically Active: Co-op America at
Coalition on the environment and Jewish Life at
5th Green Night of Hannukah: Plant Trees and
6th green night of Chanukah: Save Trees;
7th green night of Hannukah: Healthy Lawn Care;
8th Green night of Hannukkah: The Water to Keep You Clean
Darchei Noam, Toronto, Canada
Greening synagogue life
• Noam's New Green Home.pdf
• Synagogues reduce Energy Costs:
CJC's Green Committee
CJC's Green Team, part of the Tikkun Olam committee, is here to address
environmental sustainability strategies that can be implemented within CJC.
Begun in 2007, 15 member team
Examples of Activities:
Conducted an energy audit of the Meeting House (Interfaith Center) by the
Greater Washington Interfaith Power and Light Initiative. Based on the audit have
implemented several recommendations.
Adult Education programs.
Environmental Speaker series program covered Judaism and environmental
responsibility issues and Maryland and Howard County sustainability programs.
“What’s for Dinner” Speaker series on issues concerning food including buying
local and agriculture issues.
Put together programs on the environment for Congregation’s Sunday school –
including Earth Day and Tu B’shevat.
Initiated a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program. The CSA is now in its
second season.
Working with Meeting House (Interfaith Center) staff and other congregations on
landscape improvements and other building improvements. (We participate on
the Meeting House’s Green Team.)
CJC's Green Committee
CJC's Green Team, part of the Tikkun Olam committee, is here to address
environmental sustainability strategies that can be implemented within CJC.
Here are suggestions which can help you minimize your impact on our fragile environment:
Garbage. Americans produce more and more of it every year, when weneed to be producing less. Even the most
waste-conscious among us can feel overwhelmed by theamount of household waste that goes beyond what
municipal recyclers and compost bins can handle.
1. Appliances: Goodwill accepts working appliances,,or you can contact the Steel Recycling
Institute to recycle them. 800/YES-1-CAN,
2. Batteries: Rechargeables and single-use: Battery Solutions,734/467-9110,
3. Cardboard boxes: Contact local non-profits and women's shelters to see if they can use them. Or, offer up used
cardboard boxes at your local listserv or on for others who may need them
for moving or storage. If your workplace collects at least 100 boxes or more each month, accepts them for resale.
4. CDs/DVDs/Game Disks: Send scratched music or computer CDs, DVDs,and PlayStation or Nintendo video game
disks to AuralTech for refinishing, and they'll work like new: 888/454-3223,
5. Clothes: Wearable clothes can go to your local Goodwill outlet or shelter. Donate wearable women's business
clothing to Dress for Success, which gives them to low-income women as they search for jobs, 212/532-1922,
6. Compact fluorescent bulbs: Take them to your local IKEA store for recycling:
7. Compostable bio-plastics: You probably won't be able to compost these in your home compost bin or pile. Find
a municipal composter to take them to at
8. Computers and electronics: Find the most responsible recyclers, local and national, at
9. Exercise videos: Swap them with others at
10. Eyeglasses: Your local Lion's Club or eye care chain may collect these. Lenses are reground and given to people
in need.
CJC's Green Committee
11. Foam packing: Your local pack-and-ship store will likely accept foam peanuts for reuse. Or, call the Plastic
Loose Fill Producers Council to find a drop-off site: 800/828-2214. For places to drop off foam blocks for recycling,
contact the Alliance of Foam Packaging Recyclers, 410/451-8340,
12. Ink/toner cartridges: pays $1/each.
13. Miscellaneous: Get your unwanted items into the hands of people who can use them. Offer them up on your
local or listserv, or try giving them away at or giving
or selling them at .
14. Oil: Find Used Motor Oil Hotlines for each state: 202/682-8000,
15. Phones: Donate cell phones: Collective Good will refurbish your phone and sell it to someone in a developing
country: 770/856-9021, Call to Protect reprograms cell phones to dial 911 and gives
them to domestic violence victims: Recycle single-line phones: Reclamere, 814/3862927,
16. Sports equipment: Resell or trade it at your local Play It Again Sports outlet, 800/476-9249,
17. "Technotrash": Project KOPEG offers an e-waste recycling program that can help you raise funds for your
organization. Use Project KOPEG to recycle iPods, MP3 players, cell phones and chargers,digital cameras, PDAs,
palm pilots, and more. Also, easily recycle all of your CDs, jewel cases, DVDs, audio and video tapes,
pagers,rechargeable and single-use batteries, PDAs, and ink/toner cartridges with GreenDisk's Technotrash
program. For $30, GreenDisk will send you a cardboard box in which you can ship them up to 70 pounds of any of
the above. Your fee covers the box as well as shipping and recycling fees. 800/305-GREENDISK,
18. Tennis shoes: Nike's Reuse-a-Shoe program turns old shoes into playground and athletic flooring. One World Running will send still-wearable shoes to athletes in need in Africa, Latin
America, and Haiti.
19. Toothbrushes and razors: Buy a recycled plastic toothbrush or razor from Recycline, and the company will take
it back to be recycled again into plastic lumber. Recycline products are made from used Stonyfield Farms' yogurt
cups. 888/354-7296,
20. Stuff you just can't recycle: When practical, send such items back to the manufacturer and tell them they
need to manufacture products that close the waste loop responsibly.
Procedures for Adopting Congregational Positions
related to Tikkun Olam Activities
Approved by Columbia Jewish Congregation Board of Directors
January 2011
In furtherance of Columbia Jewish Congregation (CJC) Board of Directors’ authority and
responsibility to act on behalf of the congregation on issues of importance to the congregation and
the Jewish community, the Board hereby adopts the following procedures for taking Congregational
Positions to promote social justice and Jewish values.
The Board may consider a Congregational Position upon recommendation of the Chairperson of the
Tikkun Olam Committee and/or a member of the clergy. If an individual Congregant wants to
advocate for a Congregational Position such as those given as examples below, the individual must
go through the Chairperson of the Tikkun Olam Committee or the clergy to obtain their
recommendation. Examples of Congregational Positions may include some of the following types:
A written statement expressing the Congregation’s view on a current public policy issue; such a
statement may relate to a “Generic” (see below: Adoption of Generic Congregational Positions) or
specific policy issue.
A written statement of position or policy expressing the Congregation’s view on whether and/or
how to conduct CJC events and celebrations within the Meeting House.
Participation by Congregants, in the name of CJC, with organizations either advocating or providing
networking opportunities on a current public policy issue;
Participation by the Congregants, in the name of CJC, in a particular one-time policy-oriented event;
Participation by the Congregants, in the name of CJC, in a particular single-issue coalition.
Compiled by Rabbi Fred Scherlinder Dobb for COEJL
Below are links to seven different areas where we can make a difference in our synagogue – one meaningful ‘sample’ action
is listed here for each area, but dozens more will appear at the click of a hyperlink. Each of the seven sections begins with a
short description of what we can do and how and why to do it; much more detail is found in numerous specific webpages
under each category.
Get Energy Star programmable thermostats, divided by zones, so you’re not heating or cooling the building beyond what’s
necessary. Cutting back on the heat or A/C by just 1 degree saves an average of 3% on your utility bill -- and on your
greenhouse emissions.
Plant native species around your building, which provide much-needed habitat for local birds and other creatures while also
needing less water, and no chemicals.
Reduce, reuse, and recycle in the office: print fewer copies than needed and let people share them; keep a pile of clean-onone-side paper for use in printers & copy machines; recycle used paper; and purchase paper with high post-consumer
recycled content.
With your social action committee or other group within the synagogue, plan events that are social, educational, and
tikkuning-the-olam all at once – like Torah-nature hikes while picking up trash, or pulling non-native weeds from nearby
Implement at least one of the many great curricula that teach our young people about nature and Judaism together – kids
are ripe for it, and the materials are out there.
Teach a timely topic that conveys Creation care together with Torah teachings -- such as the shiurim (text studies) on Jewish
responses to global climate change and biodiversity.
For rabbis, take advantage of the sermon-starters and notes on integrating environmental concern into life-cycle events
found here. For non-rabbis, feel free to do the same – and to tell your rabbi about these resources!
From COEJL: a full rabbinic conversation with Rabbi Fred Scherlinder Dobb, Rabbi Naphtali Weisz, Rabbi Daniel Swartz, Rabbi Andrea CohenKeiner, Rabbi Arthur Waskow, Rabbi Ethan Linden...
Fair Trade Practices and Child labor Practices
A number of us in the Jewish and larger social justice streams have been tracking the issue of child slave labor and
the chocolate industry (Hershey is not the only or worst culprit here) for some time. For thousands of children on
this planet, slavery is not a historical event, but a current reality. We can make a difference.
Fair Trade Judaica: (http:/, a non-profit organization promoting fair trade as a Jewish
value, is organizing an educational campaign in the Jewish community, linking the Pesach theme of liberation with
the issue of child labor/slavery in the cocoa industry. See the website for Pesach at
List of kosher, fair-trade chocolate makers, none of it is yet certified kosher l'pesach, because of the extra
RSNS haggadah, which is now part of COEJL's resource bank:
Website has a link to our instructions for how to run a fair-trade tu bishvat seder:
Beyond-fair-trade chocolate company! Workers are shareholders, healthcare and onsite daycare are provided,
beans are all local, etc.
"Raise the Bar” campaign, coordinated by the International Labor Rights Forum, Green America, Global Exchange,
and Oasis USA, focusing on encouraging the Hershey Corp. to commit to begin sourcing fair trade certified cocoa
beans within the next two years:
AJWS:Better Beans website: and blog about food justice issues:
U.S.A. Fair Trade Chocolate purchases: full article at:
Green and Just Celebrations Guide:
Website looking at Child Slavery and Food Industry:
Fair Trade Guide from Jewish Community in UK:
Supporting Environmental Programs: 3 Steps to Success
Rachel Cohen - Sustainability Program Coordinator
Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism
Step 1: Resources and Organizational Support
The Green Table, Just Table Initiative
Virtual Beit Midrash
Resources for education, programming and
Step 2: Building Partnerships, Networking for
GreenFaith Pilot Program (See also
URJ Camps Greening Cohort
Content sharing and direct networking
Supporting Environmental Programs: 3 Steps to Success
Rachel Cohen - Sustainability Program Coordinator
Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism
Step 3: Time to Shine
Fain Awards for outstanding social action
RAC Consultation on Conscience
URJ Biennial
Blog series, webinars, online resources, etc
What is Jewcology?
• Jewcology is a project of graduates of ROI
(, who have come together to create a
resource for the entire Jewish-environmental
community. Jewcology incorporates collaboration from a wide
range of Jewish environmental leaders and organizations
worldwide. This project was funded by the ROI Innovation Fund.
• The long-term goal of this project is to build a multidenominational, multi-generational, regionally diverse community
of Jewish environmental activists, who are learning from one
another and from an expanding set of Jewish-environmental
resources, how to educate their communities about our Jewish
responsibility to protect the environment.
Resources in Israel
Green Zionist Alliance:
Israel’s Arava Institute:
Heschel Center for Environmental Learning
Yeshivat Shlomo Eco-Beit Midrash:
Ein Shemer Eco- Greenhouse:
Further Resources
Ecological Sustainability and Jewish Civilization: and
JRF Resolution on the Environment (1990) ON THE
• Sustainable Synagogue Conference Call Notes.doc
Reimagining the Tabernacle: America’s First Green Synagogue
Constructing Sacred Community by Rabbi Brant Rosen
From COEJL: a full rabbinic conversation with Rabbi Fred Scherlinder Dobb, Rabbi Naphtali Weisz, Rabbi
Daniel Swartz, Rabbi Andrea Cohen-Keiner, Rabbi Arthur Waskow, Rabbi Ethan
Reconstructionist Movement : Sustainable Synagogues: Resources and Best Practices: Noam's New Green Home.pdf vbdm, Sustainability_scenario.doc
Further Resources
Environmental Activism and Jewish Spirituality: A Roundtable
Sustainability Sources from Jewish Tradition
The World as Sacred Space by Rabbi Fred Dobb
Global Climate Change Shabbat:
Synagogue Council of Massachussets:
CAJE Eco-Judaism:
Shalom Center’s Green Menorah Covenant:
Orthodox Union: and
Brit Adamah Checklist for Home-Based Environmental Action
West End Synagogue Student Eco-Activism Team and