Transcript Slide 1

Welcome to Fourth Grade
Miss Smith
About Miss Smith!
Hi! My name is Miss Smith and I’ll be your teacher for
this school year! This is my tenth year at Memorial
school and I love teaching fourth grade! I’m originally
from the Clarks Summit (near Scranton) area and have
lived here in Bloomsburg since 1994. I graduated from
Bloomsburg University with both my undergraduate in
Elementary and Early childhood education and my M.S
in Curriculum and Instruction, with a concentration in
Educational Technology. I love teaching fourth grade
because of all of the fun and exciting things we get to
learn and do! I’m really looking forward to being your
teacher and I know we’ll have an awesome year!
Our Classroom
 Welcome to Fourth Grade! I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to
work with your child this year and am looking forward to a school
year filled with many new and exciting things! I promise to help your
child learn and develop to the best of his/her ability throughout this
school year! (And hopefully we’ll have just a “little” bit of fun!) 
 Please read through this newsletter in order to learn a little bit
about how things work here in Room # 208! If you have any
questions, concerns or comments, please don’t hesitate to drop me
a note or contact me here at the school (784-7885.) Through
working together, I’m confident that we’re going to have a fantastic
school year! As always, thank you for your support of your child and
of Memorial School!
Agenda Books and Homework (yuck!)
 Each child has been given an agenda book. This book will be used for
writing down all assignments and important information. Please check the
agenda book every night to insure that your child is completing all
assignments. Missed homework assignments will receive a zero and
students will have to complete the work at recess. Homework assignments
do affect students’ final grades, as well as help them review concepts
learned during the school day. It is extremely important that your student
complete all homework assignments. In the case of a family emergency
that prevented your child from doing his/her homework, please contact me
in the morning through a note or phone call.
Each student will receive a reading log for each month. There will be a
standing assignment of reading for 20 minutes every night. After your child
has completed the assignment, please initial the log. Logs will be collected
at the end of each month and students who have completed all assignments
will receive a reward!
Appropriate behavior is expected at all times, both in and out of
our classroom. Students demonstrating inappropriate behavior will
receive two warnings. If the behavior does not change, they will
receive lunch detention. Repeated lunch detentions will result in
loss of classroom privileges, such as parties, field trips, etc. If the
inappropriate behavior continues, students may be sent to the office
or require a parent/ teacher/ principal conference. The students are
all aware of these policies and have signed a behavioral contract
stating that they will abide by the following three rules:
Respect the bodies, feelings and belongings of others.
Always put my best effort in all work that I do.
Have fun and enjoy fourth grade!
I thank you for your support in advance in helping me to enforce
these rules so that our classroom is a safe, risk free and fun learning
environment !
Assessment and Test Folders
 As much as I hate to disappoint all of the hopeful students out there,
we do have tests in fourth grade! A variety of forms of assessing
your child’s progress will be used this year, including graded
homework and classwork assignments, projects, tests and quizzes.
Most times, students will receive a study guide prior to a big test.
Please help your child study by reviewing the information that is on
the study guide, as well as any additional information they have
been given.
After tests have been graded, they will be put in a test folder to
be signed and returned. Each test needs to be signed and returned
within two days so that there are no “surprises” at report card time!
Tests will then be kept in the folder until the end of the quarter, when
they will be sent home. Occasionally I keep assessments for
student’s yearly portfolios.
Spelling is an integral part of our Language Arts
program. Students will receive spelling lists on Monday
and will have assignments each night. It is very
important that they review these spelling words
throughout the week to prepare for the spelling test on
Friday. During short or extremely busy weeks we may
substitute other language skills work in the place of the
routine spelling lists!
Everyday Math
 As you already know, BASD has adopted a new elementary math program entitled
Everyday Math. The program was developed by the University of Chicago School
Mathematics Project and focuses on enabling elementary children to learn more in
math and to retain and apply that knowledge throughout their lives. The program is
organized into six content strands, including:
 1. Operations and Computation
 2. Numeration
 3. Patterns, Functions and Algebra
 4. Data and Chance
 5. Measurement and Reference Frames
 6. Geometry
 Fourth Grade math students work in flexible grouping between the three teachers so
you may hear that your child has a different teacher for math. This not only allows
each student to receive additional help when needed, it also helps to prepare the
children for fifth grade and middle school, where almost all classes are switched.
This is our second year in the Everyday Math program and I am extremely impressed
with the students’ performance! I look forward to seeing what exciting learning
experiences year two brings!
 Our elementary schools will be working with an exciting new reading
program from Houghten Mifflin this year! The program focuses on
integrating reading skills and strategies with exciting literature. It
also emphasizes writing and editing skills. We are excited to work
with the new series and look forward to beginning it sometime in the
next few weeks!
Paperwork/ Letters Home
All important papers will either be sent home in the front pocket of the
agenda book or in the Thursday communicator folder. Please be sure to
check this folder thoroughly as it contains important information about
upcoming events!
 I cannot stress enough the importance of organization of
materials this year. Students have folders for every
subject and are clearly aware of my expectations as to
quality of work and organization. Please help your
children stay organized by frequently helping them clean
out their book bag, keeping extra papers at home and
enforcing home routines. I will strive to help your
children develop organizational skills here at school but I
will definitely need some help from your end at home!
 Beginning the week after Fair, I am planning to
update weekly our classroom page on the
school’s website
 Please feel free to browse our website and
explore! I will be posting spelling lists, long term
homework assignments, projects and upcoming
events. I will also provide a link to some of the
websites we’ve been using in the classroom!
Please let me know if you have any ideas to be
added to our webpage!
Friday Journals
 The Friday Journal is a weekly writing
assignment that our room will be doing! Each
week (we may skip a few here and there!) , your
child will write a letter to an adult at home
describing his/ her week at school! The letter
will go home on Friday and needs to be returned
with a signature on Monday. Although I know we
all have busy schedules, I ask that you take the
time to write a sentence or two back to your
child! It’s a great way to encourage
communication and the kids really enjoy
reading their “letters” on Monday morning!
Science/ Social Studies
 Fourth Grade Social Studies focuses on our
wonderful state of Pennsylvania! Students will
be exploring the geography, history, economy
and current events of Pennsylvania through a
series of investigations and projects!
 Science classes cover a variety of topics,
including agriculture, environmental protection,
wetlands, technology and industry!
Wish List
 Parents often ask me if any supplies are needed for the school
year. Here at Memorial, we provide all of the academic supplies that
your child will need. However, if you wish to contribute something
else to our classroom, below find a list of things that we can always
use! Again, please do NOT feel it necessary to send something inthese are just ideas for those that would like to. Thank you in
 Liquid hand soap
 Clorox anti-bacterial wipes
 Tissues
 Paper towels
 Fabreeze Air Effects (neutralizes odors)
 Ziplock plastic bags- any size!
We’re going to have a GREAT