EDU 280 - Wayne Community College

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Children’s Literature
EDU 280
Children's Literature
both fiction and non-fiction books
written especially for children 0-12 years
o A category of literature defined by their
shared characteristics.
o Within each genre, there are many subgenres.
Picture Books
 Definition: A book in which the picture is
as important as the text.
 This is a genre based on a physical format,
so it can contain titles from many of the
other genres.
 It includes picture books, illustrated
storybooks, wordless storybooks, concept
books, and informational books.
 In picture books, both text and illustration
are fused together, to provide more than
either can do alone (the whole is greater
than the sum of the parts).
Wordless picture books and
nearly wordless picture books
communicate the plot of the story
through illustrations.
 These books are excellent for
promoting language development and
developing a concept of how stories
work (with beginning, middle, and
Concept books
 use pictures to explore or explain an
idea/concept, object, or an
activity. They do not tell a story.
 These books introduce young
children to single, focused concepts.
 The books may be about size, color,
or shapes that are best taught with
illustrations, or they may be about
more abstract concepts like time or
emotions that are best described
using words.
 Concept books help young children
see relationships between objects
and become aware of similarities or
Counting Books
present the numerals, their shapes,
and pictures of objects to show what
the number represents. Examine
counting books for clear number styles
and logical sequencing. Books that
count from 1 to 10 then jump to 20 or
one hundred will confuse young
One book mentioned over
and over again as wonderful
example of a counting book
is Anno's Counting Book by
Mitsumasa Anno. It includes
the number zero which is
rare, has numerous sets of
objects to count on each
page, and gives readers a
chance to count to twelve
rather than the customary
Alphabet books
 present the alphabet letter-byletter in order to acquaint young
children with the shapes, names,
and sounds of the letters.
 Although alphabet books will not
help children learn the alphabet,
they can help children learn to
distinguish different styles of
 The words, letters, and pictures
should all match with the best
alphabet books using clearly
identified objects.
Informational Books
Informational books can also be called
non-fiction books.
 Informational books must be accurate,
authentic, up-to-date, factual, clearly
organized, and include illustrations
when needed.
 These books should avoid
anthropomorphism, stereotypes and
Informational Books
Sub-genres include
photo documentaries,
narrative texts,
how-to books,
question and answer books,
activity books,
field guides/identification books,
survey books,
concept books and
life-cycle books.
Biographies are a type of informational book.
 They can be about scientists and inventors,
political leaders, entertainers (in music, art,
and literature), sports personalities, explorers
and frontiersmen, humanitarians, people who
overcome tremendous odds, villains, and
ordinary people.
 Biographies should be authentic to the
historical period with the subject's rather than
the author's views coming through the words.
Historical Fiction
The genre of Historical Fiction in the field of
Children's Literature includes stories that are
written to portray a time period or convey
information about a specific time period or an
historical event. Usually the event or time period
is about 30 years in the past.
Examples are Train to Somewhere written by Eve
Bunting and illustrated by Ronald Himler; Lyddie
by Katherine Paterson; and Across the Wide Dark
Sea written by Jean Van Leeuwen and illustrated
by Thomas B. Allen.
Historical Fiction
In Historical Fiction, setting is the most
important literary element. Because the
author is writing about a particular time in
history, the information about the time
period must be accurate, authentic, or both.
To create accurate and authentic settings in
their books, authors must research the time
period thoroughly. They must know how
people lived, what they ate, what kinds of
homes they had, and what artifacts were a
common part of their lives.
Historical Fiction
Historical Fiction books, whether they are picture
story books, transitional books, or novels, may
have characters who are either imaginary or who
actually lived during the time period.
Settings also may be real or imaginary. The plot
events may be documented historical events or
they may be fictional.
If they are fictional, it means that the author
created the events for the telling of the story. The
fictional characters, settings, and plot events must
be portrayed authentically as if they actually could
have happened.
Poetry Books
Definition: Poetry books can range from poetry that rhymes to
free verse and concrete verse. It takes the sound of language
and arranges it in beautiful forms. Each word is chosen
carefully for its sound and its meaning. It appeals to both the
thoughts and feelings of the reader.
Most small children love nursery rhymes, jingles, and songs,
yet many adults have an aversion to poetry. In numerous
studies, children have indicated that they like poetry that
rhymes, tells a story, or is funny. They do not like to memorize,
find hidden meanings, or recite poems. Guard against future
generations losing interest in the lyrical language of poetry by
reading poems aloud with them. Poetry is meant to be heard.
Contemporary Realistic
Definition: Titles dealing with the problems and
joys of living today. There is often an element of
character growth or self-realization in the book.
Titles can promote tolerance and understanding of
others and their experiences. It "extends children's
horizons by broadening their interests, allowing
them to experience new adventures and showing
them different ways to view and deal with conflicts in
their own lives" (Through the eyes of a child (2003),
p. 363)
Traditional Literature, Folk
and Fairy Tales
This literature is born of oral tradition, and is
passed orally from generation to generation.
 It often has "retold by" or "adapted by" in front
of the author, on the title page of the book.
 It often starts with the phrase "Once upon a
time..." and often has a happy ending.
Traditional Literature, Folk
and Fairy Tales
The story often includes patterns of 3 (3
characters, 3 tasks, 3 events, etc.).
There are many versions of the same
Good always conquers evil.
Sub-genres of traditional literature
include fairy tales, folk tales, Mother
Goose rhymes, legends, myths,
proverbs, epics, and fables.