NBPTS Virtual Crosswalks in Higher Education

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NBPTS Virtual Crosswalks in Higher Education

Presented by National University Professional Teaching and Leadership Development Center NBCT Faculty and Administrators 2011

AhhhhhTechnology— Our Love/Hate Relationship



National U and NBCTs Teaching, Coaching, Assessment, Leadership

First Stop: National University

 Non profit, private: online, hybrid, ground     CA, Nevada and 31 “satellites” Students everywhere #1 provider of teaching Credentials in CA #1 provider of Master’s Degree to women and Hispanics  Home to 120 NBCT Faculty


Explore NBPTS/IHE virtual examples

Encourage purposeful collaborative partnerships

Consider “crosswalk opportunities”

Take away something of value


Be inspired

Identify new ways to partner

Acknowledge and confront virtual barriers and challenges

Lean into virtual strategies

Choose a new NBPTS crosswalk

Identify a partnership to develop

Why US?

 Online Experience  Innovative Thinking  Collaborative Initiatives  Evidence Based Practices  NB Options  NB Faculty  Pioneers… JUST LIKE YOU!

Let’s explore…

  Context for “Crosswalks and CrossroadsOnline Delivery and Interaction Demos >

Teaching and Teachers > Assessment


> Leadership >Service


Action Steps

Stretch your thinking….

Teaching, Learning and Leadership

STRETCH your thinking with us…

Crosswalks AND Crossroads… The Journey Continues


 Ensures safety, security     Clear direction Fearless Confident Get from A to B on your way to Z


     Less protection Less clear Risk, uncertainty Choice Get from A to Z exploring in-between

What’s an NBCT to Do ?



Research Based Crosswalks

  NBCTs improve student achievement Action research develops inquiry into practice   Assessment informs instruction Collaboration enhances knowledge and professionalism  Professional communities support continuous learning and improvement.

Research: The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards has designed

standards, resources and processes

that shape highly effective teachers and leaders who model and engage in practices that provide

evidence of impact on P-12 learning .

NBCTs impact student achievement through effective instruction as measured against NB standards and student work data.


IHE Teacher Education Schools Districts Community High School Students

County and State Departments

NBCT Network

Associations Organizations

Congruence , Coherence and Improvement Teacher Organizations Teacher Educator Organizations NBPTS Core Props, Architecture Standards (tools, processes, research) Specialized Professional Associations State and Local Policy Makers

  NU-PTDC Mission:

The National University Professional Teaching and Leadership Development Center(NU-PTDC) believes that National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs) represent accomplished educators who are role models of

excellence in teaching, learning and leadership

. This excellence occurs through continuous learning and collaboration. Performance assessment and evidence is driven by the

National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS

). Our work and service will promote and support this purposeful alignment in philosophy and efforts so that

improved professional performance levels will significantly increase student achievement and well being.


drive excellence in our profession

Recruitment Preparation Development AAT NB Props/Cert Standards Processes: Inquiry/Evidence Driven Evaluation Leadership Service

Certification vs. Teaching and Learning

NBCT Certification Process NBPTS PD “tools”

• • • • • • Standards Based Performance


Portfolio of written responses to four exercises Assessment Center test- six, short, on- demand subject exercises.

Score Reports Fees Pass or retake

• • • • • • • • Core Propositions Certificate Standards (25) Architecture of Accomplished Teaching

NBCT models Inquiry and Prompts

Evidence driven focus on student learning (assessment) TAKE ONE! option

Free, online access Designed and authored by R. Adams,2010

Online Teaching

Master of Science Instructional Leadership/NBC Master of Arts/NBC Masters in Collaborative Leadership/NBC T NB standards, inquiry, evidence based, portfolio prompts, weekly assignments, action research Master’s Degrees NBCT Faculty: diverse leadership, locations; CSP and advanced online training; serve NB candidates online in eCoach community

Online Programs


Courses; one month, E College platform 3 Master’s Degrees Graduate Certificate Take One! Graduate or CEU credit Continuing Education Certificate

Preservice Undergrad Programs

 Courses aligned with NB Core Propositions)  Interns/Student teachers in two courses required to collaborate with NBCT for Lesson Plan Interaction (Online)  Introduce High School students to Core Propositions and NBCTs

Professional Standards Based Practice

State Professional Standards, National Board for Professional Teaching Standards TPAs/PACT

state licensure


State licensure exams “One size


25 subject fields and developmental age ranges:


fits ALL teachers in EACH State “Many sizes” of

advanced standards

fit EACH teacher in America.

Innovate: Expand access to NBCT role models and partners to apply core propositions and standards in coursework, clinical practice and support through advanced certification (for teachers and principals).

Online Coaching

      Professional Teaching Development Center Website Link http://my ecoach.com/project.php?id=15210 Partners Cohorts of students and candidates Future Teachers Take One Outreach and support ( Splash) * Principal NB Prep

Our Virtual Community Resources

Online Assessment

 ILOs, PLOs, CLOs: Annual review and 5-year review of DATA  Conceptual Framework and NBPTS  Student work (capstone portfolio)  NCATE, WASC signature assessments  Faculty evaluations (Core props)

National University, School of Education: Assessment System & Conceptual Framework (CF) Ron Germaine, Jo Birdsell, Dee Fabry The system… Components of the CF form STARS … Identifies Beliefs, Values , Mission, Conceptual Framework Uses data to Inform Decisions & Actions

Each is nurtured within a learning community through

Aligns and Maps S cholarship

in knowledge, theory, and



Outcomes T eamwork A R

with P-12 schools, other professionals, and the community

ctive Reflection

needs of all learners understanding for continuous Improvement in order to meet the esponsible citizenship, ethical practice, of and ability to work with diversity in its many forms

Measures at Transition Points S tandards of exemplary practice

for professional educators

Using Valid Instruments Uses multiple measures and action research Our assessment system

is dynamic, ongoing embedded in practice, informs institutional-wide decisions.

Accomplished Teachers and NB Faculty are…

1 Committed to students and their learning Know the subjects they teach and how to teach them to students 2 Responsible for managing and monitoring student learning 3 NBCT Core Propositions Members of Learning Communities 5 4 Think systematically about their practice and learn from experience

Alignments in Core Props and CF

(1) Scholarship NU candidates and NB faculty

command a rich understanding of subject matter and specialized knowledge of how to convey and reveal subject matter to diverse learners and audiences. They are adept at developing the problem solving, critical and analytical capacities of learners through research, collaboration and contributions in their fields. Their


results in evidence of achievement gains for P-12 learners. (

C0re 2)

CF and Core Prop alingment

(2) Teamwork NU candidates and NB faculty

contribute to the effectiveness of the university and P- 12 schools by collaborating on instructional policy, curriculum development, and staff development with each other, families and community members, and educational stakeholders. They are knowledgeable about allocation of school resources in light of understanding state and local educational objectives.


results in achievement gains for P-12 learners. (

Core 5)


 NBCT Faculty  Partners  Associations  Principal Certification Preparation  Future Teacher Liaisons


 Online collaboration with aspiring teachers  Online support for active NB candidates  Online contributions in a Learning Community (resources, coaching, outreach, professional development)

Lessons Learned and Learning

         Shape your vision and mission first Start from place of strength (network) Inventory: needs, knowledge, resources Think systemically—look to the future Do your research—know partners and agendas Separate CERTIFICATION from NBPTS standards, resources, processes NBCT practitioners in the field are the experts- utilize them Service over self leads to excellence and expansion Take risks to reflect relevance

              

Encroaching challenges

Competition for the market share Economic uncertainty Global interdependence and competition Drop out rates; poverty; inequity, high needs Research and Commission reports Privatization Political landscape Technological influence Generation Y learners Shortage in some regions and subjects Higher expectations to perform with excellence Teacher and principal evaluation reforms; pay for performance Alternative routes to teaching Value added concerns Evidence of P-12 learning in evaluation systems

How can we increase “readiness” for teaches and principals to excel sooner than later in their career?

How do we build a coherent journey from pre service to National Board Certification and beyond?

How do we inspire and support future educators to engage in rigorous preparation that will distinguish their knowledge, abilities, dispositions and aptitude to lead the profession forward?

Look for Opportunity

Lean INTO the possibilities…

   University Collaboration: shared online programs and degrees  Expand satellite services and international outreach Migrate to more sophisticated platforms Shape and offer alternative path to Initial License to Teach with evidence of taking a “Distinguished Preparation Journey” (NB based)  ?????

“Distinguished” Preparation for Initial License to Teach

        Online interaction with NBCTs prior to enrollment into credential/clinical coursework (FEA/NEA chapters) Introduction to NBPTS prior to enrollment Core Propositions and NB Certificate Standards integrated into course assignments, before and during field work Online NB coach ( subject specific) TPAs/Take ONE/NBCT Continuum of Assessments Presented Online NBCT Mentor through and beyond year 5 NBCT is long term target goal Initial “Distinguished” License to Teach in ALL states is the vision

NU-PTDC Recommendation:

 Shape action plans that include National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs) and Principals, tools, processes and/or structures, in pre-service programs and in collaboration with local school districts who want to recruit, prepare, develop and to retain highly effective and accomplished teachers and leaders who measurably increase student learning and achievement.

Where is your NEXT NBPTS Crosswalk???

Next steps?

1. Request NU Virtual Community invitation 2. Consider new ways to integrate NB tools and approaches into your programs 3. Access NU-PTDC for survey and materials 858-642-8352 [email protected] 4. Shape extraordinary knowledge, skills and dispositions of highly effective, accomplished teachers and leaders!