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Teaching presentation skills in
ESP classes
Miliar J.N.
2010 Tomsk
Presentation and its benefits as a type of communicative activity
Criteria of communicative tasks to make an effective presentation
Powerful things about presentation
Presentation is Communication
Important aspects
The body of Presentation and Presentation necessities
Presentation body sequencing
Body language importance
List of language competencies:
Teaching aspects 1
• Presentation mistakes leading to detrimental effects:
Teaching aspects 2
• Summing up
Presentation and its benefits
Real-life situations
Automation of declarative language
Criteria of communicative tasks while
making an effective presentation
• Communication is a strong
• simple, concise and interesting
• to be prepared (hours of
preparation and rehearsal
time )
• to know how to give an
effective speech
“Rule of three” or “Three hooks”:
 “Veni, Vidi, Vici” (I came, I saw,
I conquered) - Julius Caesar;
 “Friends, Romans,
Countrymen lend me your
ears” - William Shakespeare ;
 “Our priorities are Education,
Education, Education” - Tony
 “A Mars a day helps you to
work, rest and play” Advertising slogan;
 “Stop, look and listen” - Public
safety announcement
One of the most powerful things that
you can do to your presentation is to
add in visual aids.
Research shows that if you use visual
aids you are twice as likely to achieve
your objectives.
Ditch the bullet points - use pictures
The Four Main Goals of Communication
1. To inform – you are providing
information for use in decision making,
but aren't necessarily advocating a
course of action
2. To request for a specific action by the
3. To persuade – to reinforce or change a
receiver's belief about a topic and,
possibly, act on the belief
4. To build relationships – some
messages you send may have the
simple goal of building good-will
between you and the receiver
Important aspects
• We see no end of people who spend hours pouring
over their bullet points but fail to rehearse properly for
the presentation.
• The old adage is as true now as it has always been:
"If you fail to prepare, you are prepared to fail“
• This is one of the oldest of all the presentation
techniques - known about since the time of Aristotle
“Rule of three”.
• People tend to remember lists of three things.
Structure your presentation around threes and it will
become more memorable.
Essential Presentation Skills the three things YOU MUST
The Three Presentation
- Use visual aids where you can
- Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse
- The audience will only
remember three messages
Presentation body
• Introductory part
 about yourself
 purpose
 reference to the audience
• Delivery or winding up
 Open and close signals
 signposting
 amusing facts techniques or
side-track moments
 Eye contact
 body language
• Summing up or wrap things
up and end with a grand
to recap the main features
to point out and define
to avoid answering techniques
answering questions
concluding (“There is an old
axiom that says ... "Tell them
what you are going to tell
them, tell them, and then tell
them what you told them."
This pretty well sums it up.”
Presentations sequencing
• Organising information
into coherent structure
• Speaking from notes
• Using« signals» to
facilitate task of listeners
• Developing listeners’
• Achieving phonological,
gammatical and lexical
• Operating with greater
Delivery (speed/clarity)
Visual aids
Body language
To avoid answering
Answering questions
To recap and summing up
Mastering Body Language
leads to:
to carry greater influence
to develop effective powers of
to improve interpersonal skills
to make more effective
to be more assertive and learn
how to control others
to reduce negativity in conflict
to spot hidden agendas in
to enhance your carrier
Required competencies:
• Introduce oneself and ask for other identification
• Distinguish between formal and informal register
• Form a statement or a question in accordance with grammatical,
syntactic rules of a language
• Request general or specific information
• Asking nd answering techniques;
• Asking and expressng personal opinion;
• Reformulate/restate/repeat a question;
• Request additional informaton/details;
• Avoiding an answering technique or be able to avoid a direct
• Follow the rules of politeness and culturally embeded rules of social
Teaching aspects 1
• raise students awareness of the underlined competences
• create context in which students are involved to practice
these competences
• manage the situation
• notice the essential components of a language
• automize the second language acquisition by
mismatching what the students can do and need to do
• become aware of specific linguistic forms avaluable in the
Common mistakes
Poor slides
Absence of an Introductory
Cluttered content
Distracting templates or colors
Too many fonts or too small to read
Endless word slides without break
Confusing content or graphics
Inconsistent or overactive transitions(pouring
over, cramming, bullet points)
Conclusion missing
Teaching aspects 2
• Uncertainty and inevitebility of usage
• Communication problems and difficulties
• A badly run organisation leads to detrimental
• People feel disaffected
• Destructive and maliciuos nature (innuendo,
gossip, rumour) caused by students being excluded
from communicational channels
• General expression of dissatisfaction and alienation
• “Presentation-communication” body
• Presentation advantages
• Hooks and hints (“the Rule of 3”;body language)
while making effective presentation
• The of body Presentation and sequencing
• Required competencies are to improve students
• Common mistakes
• Detrimental effects of bad presentations