Transcript Frame Relay

Frame Relay
Provides extensive error checking and flow control
station-to-station checking at the data link layer
Error checking from source to receiver at network layer
It consumes network bandwidth and requires storage at
each station
Data Communication
Frame Relay
No error checking and acknowledgment at the data link
All error checking is left to the protocols at the network
and transport layers
operates at only the physical and data link layers
Data Communication
Frame Relay Layers
Eliminates all of the network layer functions and a portion
of conventional data link layer functions.
Physical Layers: no specific protocol is defined for the
physical layer. It is left to the implementers.
Data Communication
Frame Relay Layers
Data Link Layer
employ a simplified version of HDLC - HDLC fields for
extensive error checking and flow control not needed.
Addressing and control fields combined into one field.
Data Communication
Frame Relay Layers
Frame fields
Addressing(DLCI) fields: two parts (6bits, 4bits). A part
of the 16-bit data link connection identifier.
Command/Response(C/R): allows upper layers to identify
a frame as either a command or a response.
Extended address (EA):EA=0 another address byte
follows, EA=1 the current byte is the final one.
Forward explicit congestion notification(FECN): indicate
that traffic is congested in the direction in which the frame
is traveling.
Backward explicit congestion notification (BECN)
Discard eligibility (DE) : priority level of the frame
Data Communication
Frame Relay Operation
Transmission is based on permanent virtual circuit
DLCI identifies a permanent virtual circuit that is set up
when the system is put in place
Routing information is included in the destination
 The path form point A to point D always passes through
the same node.
 The functions of routing and switching can be handled by
the data link layer.
 Frame relay (frame switching) occurs at the date link layer
where the transmission unit is the frame
 Packet switching occurs at the network layer where the
transmission unit is the packet
Data Communication
Frame Relay Addresses
Data Communication
Frame Relay Operation
Two operations of a switch
 checks a frame for errors using the FCS field: if an error, discard
 compares the DLCI to an entry in a switch table and find an
outgoing port for the PVC identified by the DLCI
Data Communication
Frame Relay Operation
Congestion Control
does not solve the problem, but does provide ways to
lessen the probability of its occurrence
A switch in a PVC warns its downstream switches and
destination by turning on the FECN bit
The receiver, in turn, set BECN to warn upstream
switches and the sender that the link is congested and to
send frames more slowly.
This option can not be used unless the channel is either
full- or half-duplex and the receiver is sending its own
data or acknowledgments to the sender
Data Communication
Frame Relay Implementation
The most likely implementation:
Used as a WAN backbone to connect a number of LANs
using T-1 links
Frame relay assembler/disassembler(FRADs): assembles
and disassembles packets coming from other protocols to
allow them to be carried by frame relay frames
Data Communication