ordre du jour - Pri

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The French competition « Les Echarpes d’or » of the Association Prévention Routière
An example of a close relationship between an association and the local authorities
A presentation by Bernard Keller
of the Association Prévention Routière - France
A French competition introduced 24 years ago in 1990
by the association Prévention Routière
To reward and to higlight achievements in the field of road safety accomplished
by local governments and municipalities all over France .
A response to the needs for information and exchange of experience of town
 An association created in 1949
 Board: Insurance companies, road safety associations, victim
associations, car manufacturers, local authorities.
 100,000 members
 101 local offices (spread between the regions and the departments)
Main fields of action :
 Education, training, communication
Main figures about France
Population = 65 millions
Communes = 36 700
Departments (counties) = 101
Regions = 22 (in metropolitan France)
And many more local structures
The competition is based on
- A long history of close links with local authorities and
communes and also the population
- A network of local branches everywhere in France.
= A natural step to launch a competition to improve the
fight against road accident at a local level.
A national competition launched in 1990
Since then :
- More than 2 000 local authorities have taken part
- Among them, 210 have been awarded a prize
- Initially every year but every two years now
- Next edition in 2015
The competition procedure
It starts with a dossier of application
Dossier sent to large towns and major local bodies
Smaller places are proposed by our own comittees
Publicity through the media : national and local press and Intenet
The competition procedure
To enter the competition
Every local body has to complete a dossier
with the maximum details :
History of the project
How it was put into place
Articles, photographs, films…
For the first 10 years :
- Road safety planning
- Road safety education
- Campaign and information
- Road safety calming schemes
New categories from 2002
- Communes with a population of less than 1 000 inh.
- Communes with a population between 1 000 to 5 000 inh.
- Communes with a population between 5 000 to 10 000 inh.
- 10 000 to 50 000 / 50 000 to 100 000 inhabitants
- Communes of more than 100 000 inh.
- Also departmental and regional councils
- Also groups of communes
Special prizes
- Actions aimed at young people
- Risk management aimed at municipal staff
- Actions aimed at older people
The competition procedure
Criteria taken into account by the jury
- Effectiveness of the actions
- Positive evolution of accident rates
- Innovation and originality
- Continuity of policy
- Global aspect
- Perseverance of the team
Ceremony held in major venues : Presidential palace,
Parlement, Senat…
A high point of the competition with people coming from all over
France in a prestigious venue with personalities and media.
2 examples of prizes winners :
A small town : Saint – James (North of France)
2 800 inhabitants
A continuity of road safety policy but a peak of accident in 2009
To intensify the existing programm of road safety prevention
And to add more specific campaigns
Focus on road safety education for children and teenagers
Special agent to control the roads near schools
A whole policy which is a success and still going
A big town : Paris (Capital of France)
2 millions inhabitants
A typical example of a big city with all the problems of traffic
Focus on Vulnerable road users : campaign theme “to share Paris”
Big information campaign (with posters all over the city)
Information & leaflets about blind spot with special demonstrations
Exhibition, games about mobility for children
A large scale campaign which was impressive
and convincing for the jury, with a strong
Implication of the city.
Remarks :
- Good illustration of the efforts achivied by municipalities
and local authorities
- Town mayors are concerned about road safety issues
- Measures taken are different depending on the size of the
- Large municipalities do not always turn to the State to be
- Increasing willingness from the people in charge to involve
the citizens.
Future evolution of the competition ?
- The present competition is a success
- Project to relaunch it in a new form
- Going european ?
Other activities aimed at local authorities :
- A local correspondant within each local
- Local road safety groups (black spots)
- Conferences to provide information
- Partnership with advertiser
EXTRAMEDIA to display our campaigns
- A technical guide for town mayors
- And various local campaigns
If you wish to go further, you can go on
our website :
Thank you for your attention