What’s Your Learning Style?

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Transcript What’s Your Learning Style?

What’s Your Learning Style?
Presented By
Elisa Paramore
Project Counselor
What is learning style?
They are different ways of learning.
There are 3 different learning styles
How Do Learning Styles Differ?
Visual Learners learn best by seeing
Auditory Learners learn best by hearing
Kinesthetic Learners learn best by doing
What are the Characteristics of
Visual Learners
Information presented in graphs, charts, or diagrams easily
Have strong visualization skills- can look up- often to the
left and see the information either written or drawn
Make movies in their head of information being read
Have strong visual-spatial skills
Pay close attention to the body language, facial
expressions, eyes and stance of others while talking
Have a keen awareness of the beauty of the environment,
visual media and art
Study Tips for Visual Learners
Make black and white copies of study material if color distracts you
Make color copy or highlight important information if color helps you
to focus
Study information on a computer screen
Pay attention to pictures in your textbook to help remember
Pay attention to page layout so that later you can recall the answer by
sketching out the page on scrap paper
Determine if you learn best by reading from handwritten or printed out
Find a film documentary or TV show that discuss subject you are
What are the Characteristics of
Auditory Learners
Excellent listeners
Need to hear or speak information to learn it
Prefers listening to reading or writing
Difficulty reading body language and facial expressions
Can reproduce letters, symbols or words by hearing them
Enjoys plays, diction, and dialogue
Likes music
Can learn by listening to tapes
Often hum or talk to selves or others
Can repeat or fulfill verbal instructions
Auditory Learners, con’t
Solves problems by talking them out
Good at telling jokes or stories
Likes class discussions but easily distracted by noise
Filters information through listening and repeating out loud
Learning phonics helpful to reading
Listens to lecture then takes notes or relies on printed notes
Study Tips for Auditory Learners
Study in groups and talk things out
Use tape recorder to record lectures, tutoring sessions and
study group discussions
Reduce notes to main ideas and record on tape
Read text out loud and record on tape
Listen to tapes while driving
Study Tips for Auditory Learners,
Dictate papers to be typed on tape
Read questions out loud
Work out problems aloud
Sit in front row
Participate in class discussions
Make speeches and presentations about material to be
Study Tips for Auditory Learners,
Use jingles or mnemonics to learn material
Use verbal analogies and story telling to demonstrate your
Read explanations out loud
To learn steps in a process, write them in sentence form
and recite out loud
Explain ideas to others
Recite, recite, recite
Discuss ideas verbally whenever possible, even out loud to
What are the Characteristics of
Kinesthetic Learners
Remember what was done, not said or heard
Don’t hear things well
Touching and moving things are important in
Not avid listeners
Attacks things physically
Learns by imitation and practice
Characteristics of Kinesthetic
Learners, con’t
Touches things to get a sense of what they are all about
Likes to talk about feelings
May have had difficulty learning to read
Loves games
May appear slow to learn if information not presented in
way they can do something with it
Dresses comfortably
Much unconsciously touch others a lot
May be athletic, like swimming, cooking, running, eating,
sailing, dancing, working out or massages
Study Tips for Kinesthetic
Hold book while reading
Write while reading or talking
Sit near front and take notes while listening to keep
Use extra time in lab that may be offered
Use computer to enhance learning by typing out notes
Practice slow breathing to relax and focus
Study Tips for Kinesthetic Learners,
Write with fingers in sand
Write lists repeatedly
Exaggerate lip movements in mirror
Use hands on experience when possible
Stand up when explaining something
Use rhythm to memorize or explain information
Study Tips for Kinesthetic Learners,
Use gestures when explaining something to others
When possible, make models that demonstrate main
concept to be learned
Make flashcard for each step of process and put them in
order until it becomes automatic
Record lectures and listen while exercising or walking
Use role playing with study partner
Associate feelings with information
Thank You for Your Participation
I hope this information has been useful in helping
you determine your learning style and given you
some useful tips for studying more effectively. If
you are viewing this online, please come by
Student Support Services, Malone Hall 116, and
pick up an Academic Seminar Evaluation form to
fill out and turn in, or you may fill out the form
online after clicking on the word “Exit”.
If you have any suggestions for future seminar
topics, please see Ms. Paramore or another
Student Support Services staff member.