The Contender

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The Contender

By: Robert Lipsyte

About the Author …

    Graduated from Columbia University Got his first job in writing … 1957 … New York Times … editorial assistant First published The Contender in 1967 The Contender was his first young adult’s novel

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Character List

Alfred Brooks

The protagonist of the novel around whom the plot revolves. He is seventeen years old and an orphan living his with aunt in Harlem. He works for the Epsteins during the day and trains at the gym in the evening. The novel is the story of his coming of age and struggling to succeed.

Aunt Pearl

Alfred’s aunt and guardian. She is good-hearted, understanding and caring. She loves Alfred as much as she loves her three girls.


Alfred’s friend. He falls into bad company and becomes a drug addict. Alfred loves him dearly and persuades him to join a rehabilitation clinic.


An older friend of Alfred. He heads the company of black youths who hate the whites and encourage unlawful activities against them. He is responsible for spoiling the character of James.


Major’s friend. He is a partner in all the evil deeds committed by Major and follows him like a shadow.     


The owner and manager of the gym where Alfred works out. He is a good teacher and a disciplinarian. Underneath his hard exterior, he has a tender heart that cares for his students and protects them from adversaries.


A former boxing champion who becomes a teacher. Alfred comes to his house in Manhattan to relax before competing in a match.


The son of Mr. Johnson and a helper at the gym. Though afflicted with polio, he works hard to establish his identity as something other than a cripple. He helps Alfred to train to become a champion boxer.


Spoon’s wife and a conscientious schoolteacher. She is kind, generous and a pleasant hostess. Whenever Alfred visits, she takes good care of him.


Assistant to Mr. Donatelli. He acts as a medic, applying balms to the wounded boxers in the ring. As a man, he is frank and forthright.

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Character List (continued)

Dr. Corey

A jovial dentist who works in his clinic above the gym. He visits the gym to exercise. He also gives protective dentures to the boxers and helps them prepare for the boxing matches.

Aunt Dorothy

Aunt Pearl’s affluent sister and Alfred’s aunt. She lives in comfort in Queens with her husband and daughter. She is a good hostess who serves delicious meals to Alfred and Pearl when they visit her on Sundays.

Uncle William

Aunt Dorothy’s husband. He is a contented man with a good home and family. He is proud of the abilities and achievements of his son, Jeff.


The intelligent and enterprising son of Uncle William and Aunt Dorothy, who is also Alfred’s cousin. He is a good student who wants to do community service to help the blacks.


The novel is set in Harlem, New York, the same place that forms the background for many of the novels of reputed black writers like Richard Wright and James Baldwin. The Contender shows the Harlem of mid-twentieth century, when the blacks were becoming restless. Though they worked for white employers, they nurtured animosity against them and waited for an opportunity to rebel. Alfred Brooks, the protagonist of the novel, lives in Harlem in a little apartment with his aunt and nieces. From the stoop of the apartment, he can view the life of the city. He watches as "men dragged out card tables, laughing. Cars cruised through the garbage and broken glass, older guys showed off their Friday night girls . . .packs of little kids, raggedy and skinny, raced past. . . kicking empty beer cans." Harlem is a self-contained community that provides its black inhabitants with clubs, movie theaters, stadiums, gyms, schools, stores, and churches. The Harlem Club, which is owned by Mr. Johnson, is in the basement of a building, where petty thieves and junkies come to smoke pot and drink. They also invite innocent boys like Alfred to the club and tempt them to take drugs. There is a park near Alfred’s house where he goes to jog in the morning and a gym where he works out. On Sundays, Alfred would accompany his aunt and nieces to a nearby church and to Aunt Dorothy’s house on Queens, with its "clean, grassy streets lined with neat little houses." It is a total contrast to the dingy quarters of Harlem.

Chapter 1

(pgs. 1-17)        On page 3, you’ll find the following line from the Chapter “Gave it to my aunt, mimicked Major.” In this line, what does mimicked mean?

On page 4, Alfred says “The Epsteins are very religious. They don’t even touch money after sundown on Friday’s.” What do you think this quote means?

Describe the relationship between Alfred and James. Where does Alfred go to look for James? What happened to James?

What do we learn about Alfred’s parents in Chapter 1?

Describe the following characters using just one word:   Alfred James  Hollis Make a prediction about what you think will happen in Chapter 2.

Chapter 2

(pgs. 18-28)      Why do you think Alfred lives with his Aunt Pearl?

Why was James arrested?

Who brought Alfred home?

Describe Alfred’s face after he was beaten using at least two details from the story. Make a prediction about what you think will happen in chapter 3.

Chapter 3

(pgs. 29-36)    For a fighter in training, what would a typical day look like.

How does Donatelli describe a “contender?” (Use at least three details from the passage to support your answer.) Make a prediction about what you think will happen in chapter 4.

Chapter 4

(pgs. 37-49)      Who showed up at the church while Alfred was there with his family? What do you think they wanted? Where did Alfred and his family go after Church? At the end of chapter 4, what thoughts are running through Alfred’s mind? Refer back to the bottom of p. 48 to the top of p. 49 for help .

Make a prediction about what you think will happen in chapter 5. (Hint: “He took the alarm clock from her bureau and put it on the kitchen cabinet. He stared at it for a long time before it set it for five-thirty.”)

Chapter 5

(pgs. 50-59)     When Alfred was going for a run, why did the police stop him? How did this make you feel?

Why was there so much tension in the air when Alfred returned to work? What does Lou Epstein mean when he says, “But sometimes it’s hard to…well,we trust you, but for your own sake there’s no point in tempting fate” (55).

Make a prediction about what you think chapter 6 will be about.

Chapter 6

(pgs. 60-72)     Why did Alfred want to leave the gym as soon as he got there?

What piece of advice did Dr. Corey give Alfred? What happened between Red and Bud? Why does Bud give Red a second chance?

Make a prediction about what you think will happen in chapter 7.

Chapter 7

(pgs. 73-89)      Where does Henry take Alfred?

While watching the fight, who is on Alfred’s mind?

Describe the ending of the fight.

Why does Spoon no longer fight?

Make a prediction about what you think will happen in Chapter 8. (BASED ON THE LAST FEW LINES OF CHAPTER 7!)

Chapters 8 & 9

(pgs. 90-99)     What does Major want Alfred to do?

What does Major threaten to do to Alfred if he doesn’t listen?

What does Aunt Pearl think of Alfred’s dream to become a boxer?

Make a prediction about what you think will happen in chapter 10.

Chapter 10

(pgs. 100-115)      What does Reverend Price say about Alfred’s new hobby?

Why does Lou Epstein tell Alfred to quit?

What do you think Major wanted from Alfred when he showed up at the gym?

Alfred says he does not want to go to the movies with Henry. Where does he go instead? Why do you think he went there?

Make a prediction about what you think will happen in chapter 11.

Chapter 11

(pgs. 116-121)    What two things did Alfred do at the club that he should not have done?

Describe the interaction between James and Alfred.

Make a prediction about what you think will happen in chapter 12.

Chapter 12

(pgs. 122-140)        Where is Major taking Alfred?

Why was Alfred running from the police?

What happened as he tried to run away?

What did Henry mean when he said, “If they don’t get you one way, they get you another.” (pg. 132) How is Alfred’s attitude about boxing changing? Why do you think this change is happening?

What does it mean to be a contender? Why is being a contender something “you have to do yourself?” Make a prediction about what you think will happen in chapter 13.

Chapter 13

(pgs. 141-147)  What privilege does Lou Epstein offer to Alfred in regards to Alfred’s job at the store?

 Make a prediction about what you think will happen in chapter 14.

Chapter 14

(pgs. 148-177)       Why does Donatelli not like Jelly?

What happened at the club house?

What nice treat did Alfred get a Spoon’s house?

Who does Alfred fight against?

What fighting strategy worked for Alfred?

Make a prediction about what you think chapter 15 will be about.

Chapter 15

(pgs. 178-181)   What story does Aunt Pearl tell Alfred about from when she was 17?

Make a prediction about what you think chapter 16 will be about.

Chapter 16

(pgs. 182-188)     In the match against Griffin, Alfred was getting beat pretty badly.

 How did Alfred come back?

 Who won? Why do the Epstein’s tell Alfred “he’s fired til 8:30 tomorrow morning?” Why do Harold and Lynn want Alfred to be a part of their children’s recreation program?

Make a prediction about what you think chapter 17 will be about.

Chapter 17

(pgs. 189-199)      What statement does Alfred make concerning his education? What observation does Jeff make to Alfred about his personality? Who is the drunken man waiting at Alfred’s stoop? What did he want? What would you have done if you were Alfred? Make a prediction about what you think chapter 18 will be about.

Chapter 18

(pgs. 200-203)   What happened with the fight between Barnes and Alfred?

Make a prediction about what you think chapter 19 will be about.

Chapter 19

(pgs. 204-220) What are Donatelli’s concerns about Alfred’s fighting career?

Does Alfred “retire” after his match with Barnes? Why or why not?

Who does Alfred fight in his last match? Does he win his last match?

In the last sentence in Chapter 19, Donatelli says to Alfred “Now you know, Alfred. Now you know, too.” Explain this quote using at least two complete sentences.

Make a prediction about what you think chapter 20 will be about.

Chapter 20

(pgs. 221-227)