Transcript Document

About Pearl S. Buck
A friend of Chinese people
A Literature Nobel Prize Laureate
I should not be truly myself if I did
not, in my own wholly unofficial
way, speak also of the people of
China, whose life has for so many
years been my life also, whose life,
indeed, must always be a part of
my life. The minds of my own
country and of China, my foster
country, are alike in many ways,
but above all, alike in our common
love of freedom.
And today more than ever, this is true, now
when China's whole being is engaged in
the greatest of all struggles, the struggle for
freedom. I have never admired China more
than I do now, when I see her uniting as
she has never before, against the enemy
who threatens her freedom. With this
determination for freedom, which is in so
profound a sense the essential quality in
her nature, I know that she is
unconquerable. Freedom - it is today more
than ever the most precious human
possession. ……
Birthday: June 26, 1892
Parents: Absalom & Caroline
Sydenstricker (Southern
Presbyterian missionaries,
stationed in China )
Came to China: 3 months old
Period of stay in China: 40 years
Residential area: Zhenjiang,
Jiangsu Province
Pearl and her family
 1st husband: John Lossing Buck, a Cornell
 Carol (first child): Profoundly retarded
 Janice: adopted child
 1st Marriage: unhappy but last 18 years
 2nd husband: Richard Walsh, a publisher
Pearl’s life in 1920s
 In 1921, her mother died.
 In 1927, Nanking incident
broke out which made her
suffer a lot. She spent a
terrified day in hiding, and
was rescued by the
American gunboat.The
Bucks sailed to Japan for a
Pearl’s works:
 East wind, West
 The Good Earth
 Dragon Seed
 The Big Wave
 Satan Never Sleeps
 Etc.
Pearl and Her Prizes
 Pulitzer Prize and Howells Medal for The
Good Earth
 Nobel Prize in Literature 1938 for The Good
“----for her rich and truly epic descriptions
of peasant life in China and for her
biographical masterpieces"
Pearl’s Special Contributions
 In 1942, Pearl and Richard founded the East and West
Association, dedicated to cultural exchange and
understanding between Asia and the West.
 In 1949, outraged that existing adoption services considered
Asian and mixed-race children unadoptable, Pearl established
Welcome House, the first international, inter-racial adoption
agency; in the nearly five decades of its work, Welcome
House has assisted in the placement of over five thousand
 In 1964, to provide support for Amerasian children who were
not eligible for adoption, Pearl also established the Pearl S.
Buck Foundation, which provides sponsorship funding for
thousands of children in half-a-dozen Asian countries.
In 1973, Pearl died at Green Hills Farm, at the age of
Tell us a Bible story!
Next Time!
Do you
know how
to decorate
Tell us
next time!
We Wish You
We wish you
We wish you
We wish you
And a Happy
A Merry Christmas
a Merry Christmas,
a Merry Christmas,
a Merry Christmas,
New Year.
Good tidings to you,
And all of your kin,
Good tidings for Christmas,
And a Happy New Year.
We all know that
We all know that
We all know that
And soon will be
Santa's coming,
Santa's coming,
Santa's coming,We wish you a Merry Christma
We wish you a Merry Christma
We wish you a Merry Christma
Good tidings to you,
And all of your kin,
And a Happy New Year.
Good tidings for Christmas,
Listen to more songs:
And a Happy New Year.
Jingle Bells
Holy Night
Now you have 10 minutes to read “Christmas
Day in the Morning”. After reading, briefly retell
the story.
Figurative Speeches
a direct comparison between two unlike elements
“as, as…, like”
•As cold water to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a
far country.
•as cunning as a fox, as poor as a church’s mouse
•The world is like a stage.
An indirect comparison. It implies the likeness between
things without the use of like or as.
Life is a highway. The world is a stage.
•For secrets are edged tools,and must be kept from children and
• No man is an island, entire of itself.
• IF poetry comes not as naturally as leaves to a tree, it had better
not come at all.
• His friend has become a thorn in his side.
•A dance is a measured pace, as a verse is a measured speech.
• Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some
few to be chewed and digested.
the same consonant sound is repeated at intervals
in the initial position
She sells sea-shells on the seashore.
Wild Mushrooms: Mysterious-MenacingMagnificent
Predictably the winter will be snowy, sleety and
Weak and weary
The substitution of a mild or indirect word or phrase
for a blunter or harsher one
 ugly: plain-looking; homely-looking
 die: to pass away, to depart, to go to sleep(heaven)
 fat: Plump, stout, chubby, weight catcher
 toilet habits, etc.:
to urinate or to defecate
to go to the bathroom
to do one’s business
to answer nature’s call
1. What is the writing technique here?
2. What is the theme of this text?
3. “Love alone could awaken love.” how do you
understand the sentence? And “Love is like measles.
Everyone has to go through it.”; “Love is blind.”
3. Do you agree that only love can awaken love? What
is the essence of true love? Give your reasons.
4. Is love the solution to all the problems in the world
today? Comment.
Use your body language to express the following phrases:
dash into the room, steal into the room, to burst into the room, to
sneak into the room, to tiptoe into the room, to sail into the room,
to break into the room, to dance out of the room, to stagger out of
the room, to fly out of the room, to crawl out of the room, to slip
out of the room, to creep downstairs, to make her way towards
the door, to bow her way out of the room, to shoulder her way
through the crowd, to worm his way into the organization, to beg
her way back home, to inch his way up the mountain
Sentence understanding
 Strange how the habits of his youth clung to
him still!(P.1)
 It was strange how up to that moment he had
continued doing things the way he had
always done them from boyhood.
Sentence understanding
 He slipped back in time, as he did so easily
 He had recently got into the habit of recalling
things in the past /of reminiscing/ of letting
his thoughts go back to the old days.
Sentence understanding
 He had never thought of it before, taking for
granted the tie of their blood.
 He had never thought of the fact that his
father loved him because he took the
relationship of father and son as a matter of
course. He had never given this another
Sentence understanding
 …there would be no more loitering in the
mornings and having to be called again.
 …he would never loiter in the morning and
need no longer to be called again and again.
 to loiter: to move or go about business slowly
and with many stops
Sentence understanding
 … stumbling blind with sleep and pulled on
his clothes.
 When he got up, it was still very dark and he
was still very sleepy. He could hardly open
his eyes and could not see or think clearly, so
he walked or moved unsteadily and blindly.
Sentence understanding
 Then Jesus had been born in a barn,… bring their
Christmas gifts.
 Bible:
 …And when they had come into the house, they
saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell
down, and worshipped him; and when they had
opened their treasures, they presented unto him
gifts: gold and frankincense, and myrrh…
Sentence understanding
…he got up and crept downstairs, careful of the
creaky boards…
He had to be careful so that the boards would
not make any noise and wake up his father,
thus spoiling his plan.
Bar: [often passive] v.
1. to close with a bar
to bar the door
2. to make … safe by putting metal bats across it.
The windows are barred.
3. to stop going in a certain direction
He stood in the door and barred my way.
n. barrister, the profession of lawyer
behind the bar; go to the bar
bolt v. to close the door with a bolt 闩门, 栓住
 His heart was bursting with love.
 (to be filled ) to the breaking point (with a substance or
usually pleasant things)
The bag is bursting with potatoes.
He is bursting with health.
The hall was bursting with people.
The barns were bursting with grain.
 cling to sth/an idea/the hope
 His mother’s last words clung to his memory.
 The wet clothes clung to his body.
 The child clung onto its mother.
contain v.
1. hold, have within…
The bottle contains 2 glasses of beer.
2. to hold back , keep under control
to contain one’s anger / check, curb, control
 to move slowly and quietly with the body close to the ground
(usu. stealthily)
a creeping plant
creep on all fours
The hours crept by.
We took off our shoes and crept cautiously along the passage.
to move slowly with the body close to the ground/floor, or
on the hands and knees
crawl about on all fours
They crawled into their beds to get warm.
She crawled across the pool in record time.
 1. to give what is wanted/requested准许,授予
They were granting a holiday for their achievement
2. to admit to the truth of sth.
I had to grant him the reasonableness of his
Loiter: to move on /about with frequent stops
loiter the whole afternoon
loiter along the street
loiter over a job
You should not loiter your time away.
Reckon: 认为,猜想,估计(infml)
She is reckoned to be a great actor.
Seal: a statement officially signed and sealed
A sealed envelop / bottle
Stumble: vi.
The tired old man stumbled along.
She stumbled on the stairs and fell forward to the bottom.
While in the country, she stumbled upon some fine antiques.
The officials stumbled repeatedly in carrying out the new
 She stumbled at/over the long word.
 ( to stop or make a mistake when you are reading to people
or speaking
<stutter, stammer>)
 Shimmer: to shine with a soft trembling light 闪烁,发出柔和的微光
The water shimmered in the moonlight.
1. of the sun or other shining objects to send out light (and heat)
The sun beamed through the cloud.
2. to smile brightly and happily
The new father beamed with pleasure when he saw the baby for the first
Glimmer: to give a very fait unsteady light闪烁不定的微光
The faint light glimmered at the end of the passage.
1. to give out a bright light
The furniture gleamed after being polished.
2. (of a felling) to be expressed with a sudden light in the eyes
Amusement gleamed in his eyes.
 Hurt
[vi. Vt.]
1. to cause a person/creature to feel pain of any kind
Does your arm still hurt you?
2. [vt. Vi.] to cause someone to suffer in the mind /feel offended
What he said hurt her very much.
1. vi. To have /suffer a continuous pain, esp. in the body
I ache all over.
2. vi. To ache for / to see sb.
[usu. Formal or old use]
1. to cause to feel pain
My foot isn’t paining me any more.
It pains me to have to disobey you, but I must.
2. vi. To give a sensation of pain
My arm isn’t paining now.
 get by:
1. to continue one’s way of life度日,过生活,
You can’t get by on such a small income.
2. be good enough but not very good, be accepted
Your work will get by, but try to improve it.
 Get off:
1. to leave work
2. to stop riding a horse or bicycle下车,下马
3. to start a journey, leave动身,出发
4. [vt, vi, (with)] (to cause to) escape punishment
获释, 不被处罚
The man went to prison but the two boys get off
with a warning
 Get on: to become late/older
Time is getting on.
Grandfather is getting on for 80.
Get over:
1. to return to one’s usual state of health, happiness. After a
bad experience 痊愈,恢复,淡忘
to get over an illness
She can’t get over the man she was going to marry, he
disappeared so unexpectedly.
To get over a shock
2. to find a way to deal with, overcome越过,克服
get over the difficulty
3. reach the end of (usually sth unpleasant) 完成
to get the operation over
 get through
1. to reach sb. by telephone
I called you but could not get through.
2. (with) to finish
3. to cause to pass, come successfully to the end
of …通过考试,熬过, 考试(及格),使(人)
to get through an exam/the winter
to get sb through an exam
 take to:
1. to like
2. to begin as a practice, habit, etc沉湎于
He took to drugs after losing his eyesight in a
boxing game.
Slip v.
1) to slide unintentionally
2)to go somewhere or carry out an action quickly so that you
are not noticed
 Time is slipping away.
 The patient’s energy is slipping away.
 Your work has been slipping back recently, you must make
more effort.
 Never let a good chance to slip by!
 He slipped in unnoticed.
 Mary couldn’t bear the party, so she slipped off while no
one was looking.
 I didn’t mean to tell you his name, it just slipped out.
 She gave them a peek and slipped out of the room.
n. a slip of paper
a slip of the tongue/pen