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LRSD Student Handbook


This PowerPoint/Review is not a substitute for reading the handbook. ALL students should read the entire handbook.

Even if you do not know that something is against the law (or Handbook), you can still be punished for doing it. So … read it!

Respect the authority of ALL school Personnel Behave in a courteous manner Demonstrate acceptable social behavior

CATEGORY 1 OFFENSES These offenses are considered minor in nature


• Cheating on tests, copying or allowing the copying of another’s work will get you a zero “0”. • Forging signatures (Parents/Guardians)


Failure or refusal to follow reasonable directives of school staff and or school regulations



ALL of the following:

1. Yours or any other teacher in the building!

2. Administrators 3. Instructional Aids 4. Bus Drivers 5. Staff that work in our building

Rule #3 Horseplay/Minor Altercations

• Pushing, grabbing, patting, etc. “just playin” • Look at the person next to you and say “quit playin”

Rule #4 Teasing

• Behavior that violates a person's right to privacy: • Annoyances like picking or teasing (verbal or physical) • Unwanted communication oral or written that is offensive to the recipient.

Rule # 5 Leaving School Grounds, Leaving Class Without Permission, Skipping/Cutting Class

• To leave a classroom you need the TEACHER's PERMISSION • To miss a class you need an ADMINISTRATOR’s PERMISSION • To leave the school campus you need PARENT APPROVAL or ADMINISTRATOR PERMISSION There is no open campus during lunch at


LRSD school

Rule #6 Failure to Serve Detention

• After the allotted time to serve detention, four (4) days of out of school suspension will be issued.


Get it done quickly! The more you put off completing your detention the more chances you have of forgetting about it until it is too late.

Rule #7 Using Verbally Abusive Language, Obscene Gestures or Fighting words

• • • • • •

Profanity Inflammatory Verbally abusive Obscene gestures Intimidation Instigation

(You know what they are)

Rule #8 Smoking, Use or Possession of

• Tobacco Products/Matches, Lighters, Lighter Fluids, etc.

Rule 8A • • NO USE of items above on School District Property School Related Activity School Buses CONSEQUENCES 1 ST offense – 4 day suspension AND Enrollment/Completion of smoking education program 2 nd 3 rd offense – 5 day suspension AND Enrollment/Completion of student health/school safety program offense – Long-term suspension/ ALE recommendation Rule 8B NO POSESSION of the items above anywhere listed on the left.

CONSEQUENCES 1 ST offense – Enrollment/Completion of smoking education program; 3 day suspension for non-completion 2 nd offense – 3-5 day suspension AND Enrollment/Completion of smoking education program; Long-term suspension recommendation for non completion 3 rd offense –Enrollment/Completion of smoking education program; Long-term suspension/ALE recommendation NOTE: A student found in the possession of matches, lighters, lighter fluids and/or flammable products on school buses will be required to attend a student/ parent/ administrator conference within 24 hours of the incident.

Rule #9 Possession of :

• • •

Mace Chemical Agents Multi-fingered rings

• •

Fireworks Gaming Materials/Devices

Rule # 10 Failure to Follow Bus Rules and Regulations

All school rules and regulations apply at the bus stop and on the bus to and from school.

The Following are PROHIBITED: NOTE: If the bus is damaged, the offender will be responsible ($) for damages to any bus equipment. Student may be DENIED the right to ride the bus for serious violations.

Possible DISCIPLINARY Actions for Category 1 at Parkview







7. Parent

Student/Staff/Admin. &/or Parent Conf.

Conference suspension Contact

Rule #11 Assault

Initiated by one or more persons that purposely or recklessly creates apprehension of imminent physical injury to another person such as threatening or menacing gesture is prohibited.

First Offense: Long-term suspension/ALE recommendation Second Offense: Expulsion recommendation

Rule #12 Battery

The act of purposely and/or recklessly causing physical injury to another person by beating or striking either directly or with an object is prohibited.

Conflict Resolution or Mediation is mandatory. Police notification is required by state law.

SO… if you are playing around with a friend and teasingly throw something at your friend. Your friend ducks and the object hits someone else causing injury…that’s battery. THUS, no horseplay!

First Offense: Long-term suspension/ALE recommendation Second Offense: Expulsion recommendation

Rule #13 Theft/Theft by receiving

To steal school property or property belonging to another person OR to knowingly receive stolen property is prohibited. Student and parent/guardian will be responsible for making full restitution for any property stolen and for all damages to property caused by the student’s actions.

Items stolen or received that are valued in excess of $500 is prohibited.

Police notification is required by law.

So… if it’s not yours… DON’T TOUCH IT!

First Offense: suspension and Counseling: suspension *6-10 Second Offense: Long-term suspension/ALE recommendation. Restitution or compensation is required.

Rule #14 Gambling

The unauthorized possession or use of any gambling paraphernalia will not be tolerated. Any confiscated funds will not be returned and will be deposited in the school’s Activity Fund.

Don’t gamble with getting caught…you can bet on it!

First Offense: Suspension: 4-6 days and probation Second Offense: Long-term suspension/ALE recommendation

Rule #15 Bullying/Fighting

The intentional harassment, intimidation, humiliation, ridicule, defamation, threat or incitement of violence on a continual basis by a student against another student or public school employee by a written , verbal , electronic , or physical act that causes or creates a clear and present danger.

Mutual combat in which participants in a fight , whether physical , instigating, or verbal , will be disciplined according to the degree of involvement of the participants. The student who started the altercation will receive a more severe punishment.

Conflict Resolution or Mediation is mandatory.

First Offense: Suspension: 4 days and probation Second Offense: Suspension: 6-10 days and probation Third Offense: Long-term suspension/ALE recommendation

Rule #16 Sexual Misconduct

Deliberately showing private body parts/organs touching yourself or others in a sexually suggestive manner Engage in or attempt to engage in a sexual act with another person Touch in a sexually offensive manner on District property or at a school related activity

P D A is not the way!

First Offense: Suspension: 4-6 days and probation Second Offense: Long-term suspension/ALE recommendation

Rule #17 Use of Profanity/Slander

Profanity or slander directed to OR about a staff person in a non-threatening manner will not be tolerated.

First Offense: Suspension: 4-6 days Second Offense: Suspension: 10 days and probation Third Offense: Long-term suspension/ALE recommendation

Rule # 18 False Alarm

Pulling, attempting to pull or calling in an alarm of a fire, bomb threat or other emergency without a lawful purpose. Communicating a false alarm to or about a school, a school bus, at a school-sponsored or related activity or any public facility is a CLASS D FELONY.

First Offense: Long-term suspension/ALE recommendation Second Offense: Expulsion recommendation

Rule #19 Loitering

Being on campus without permission or good reason. No suspended or expelled student is allowed on ANY LRSD campus without permission from an administrator.

Students from other schools or non-students are not allowed on campus during school hours w/o permission from a school official.

Rule # 20 Breaking and Entering/Vandalism Breaking into property belonging to another person or belonging to the school district. Intentionally destroying property , cutting , defacing property belonging to another person, including class assignments , buses , or property belonging to the District. Also, physically damaging, modifying or abusing computer hardware,

software or computer files by accessing or hacking.

Rule #21A Repeated Violation of Cat. 1 Habitual or repeated violation of school rules and regulations.

First Offense: Suspension: 4 days Second Offense: Suspension: 6-10 days and probation Third Offense: Long-term suspension Rule # 21B Repeated Violation of Cat. 2 Can be a single rule twice or more or a combination of rules First Offense: Suspension: 10 days and probation Second Offense: Long-term suspension/ALE recommendation

Rule #22 Disorderly Conduct/ Hindering/ Interfering with School Function First Offense: Suspension: 10 days and probation Second Offense: Long-term suspension/ALE recommendation Inappropriate behavior that …


disrupts or interferes with or is likely to disrupt or interfere with The classroom setting , any portion of the school day , school function , bus or bus stop , activity or program .

Rule #23 Failure to Permit a Lawful Search or Inspection If you prevent it …this will happen… First Offense: Suspension: 10 days Second Offense: Long-term suspension

Rule # 24 Harassing Communication Use of voice, telephone, email, the mail, fax, form of written, verbal or cyber bullying that intimidates, bullies, annoys, causes alarm or threatens harm to another person. If you KNOWINGLY allow another person to use a telephone or other electronic device under your control for such a purpose is a crime. To violate another person by using sexually explicit language or gestures is PROHIBITED.

First Offense: Suspension: 10 days and probation Second Offense: Long-term suspension/ALE recommendation

Rule # 25 Forgery/ Falsification of Information / Misrepresentation

First Offense: Suspension: 6 days Second Offense: Suspension: 10 days Third Offense: Long-term suspension/ALE recommendation Falsifying a teacher or administrator signature Giving a false name or information/ misrepresentation to a principal, teacher, security guard, School Resource Officer, police officers, District official, or other school official

Rule # 26A Possession/Use of Communication Devices Possession or use of a beeper, cell phone or other electronic communication device ( CD player , MP3 , DVD player , IPod , camera , video game player) on a school campus, a school bus or at a school-related activity,

during the regular school day.

Parkview allows for these items to be OFF in your LOCKER from 8:45 am – 3:45 pm

First Offense: Confiscation of the device for 5 school days Second Offense: Confiscation of the device for 10 school days


Third Offense: Confiscation of the device for 15 school days * Parent/guardian must pick-up the device on or after the specified date, during school hours.

Rule # 26B Possession of a Laser Pen Light Rule # 27 Use of Fireworks

Rule #28 Use, Possession, and /or Under the Influence of Drug Paraphernalia, Alcohol, Controlled Substances or Unauthorized Drugs or Substances First Offense: Suspension: 6-10 days Second Offense: Expulsion recommendation In addition to suspension, students must show proof of having enrolled in approved drug/alcohol counseling program prior to reinstatement. Failure to do so will result in expulsion recommendation.

Police notification is required for possession of a controlled substance.

Rule #29 Participation in Prohibited Clubs, Street Gangs, Fraternities, Sororities, Similar Organizations Students will not participate in these organizations while on school property, at a school-sponsored activity or while on the way to or from school. Behaviors such as the use of signs, signals, visible body markings/adornments or verbal/written language that identifies with street gang affiliations and/or membership in a prohibited group is considered a violation of this rule.

First Offense: Mandatory Parent/student conference and participation in Student Assistance Program Second Offense: 6 day Suspension and 90 day Probation Third Offense: Long-term/with ALE recommendation

Rule #30 Inappropriate Use of Technology/Computers The use of the computer to access, store, or distribute obscene, pornographic or inappropriately suggestive material is prohibited. Any user who violates this policy is subject to loss of privileges as well as other disciplinary actions. Any student who finds inappropriate material on a computer or Internet site is to immediately inform the teacher.

If you Abuse it … you will Loose it!

First Offense: Suspension: 4 days Second Offense: Suspension: 6 days and 90 days probation Third Offense: Long-term suspension/ALE recommendation – no computer use

Rule #31 Spitting

Yes! It’s a Category 2 Offense!

The act of forcibly ejecting saliva or other substances from the mouth onto another person.

First Offense: Suspension: 4 days Second Offense: Suspension: 6 – 10 days Third Offense: Long-term suspension/ALE recommendation

Hang in there!

Stay with me!

We’re almost done!

Students found guilty of Category 3 Offenses will receive an expulsion recommendation

. The Little Rock Police Department will be immediately notified and violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

A calendar year expulsion is required by law for firearm and weapons violations.

Rule #32


of :

• • •

Mace Chemical Agents Multi-fingered rings

• •

Fireworks Gaming Materials/Devices

Rule 39 Possession Or Use of Explosives Rule 38 Use of Weapon Rule 33 ARSON Rule 34 Drug/Alcohol Sale or Distribution Category 3 Rule 35 Physical Assault On Staff Rule 37 Possession Of Firearm Rule 36 Verbal Abuse of Staff

Rule 40 Extortion/ Robbery Rule 45 Terroristic Threatening Category 3 Rule 41 Unlawful Assembly Rule 44 Robbery Rule 42 Inciting to Riot

Rule #43 Possession of Weapon or Facsimile Weapon See …we didn’t forget it.

• • • • • • • • • Knife Box cutter Dirk Brass knuckle Martial arts implement Razor Ice pick BB gun Pellet gun • • • • • • • • • Pump gun Stun gun Blackjack Unauthorized tools Sword Spear in a cane Billy-club Sap Facsimile weapon (fake) Any other instrument that is specifically designed, made or adapted, or is capable of inflicting physical injury to another person is prohibited.

Frequently Asked Questions

If my child brought a weapon to school unintentionally, what should he/she do?

The student should immediately turn the weapon over to a teacher or administrator. What happens if a child intentionally brings a weapon?

Weapons are prohibited at school, he/she would be recommended for a year expulsion. If my child is involved in a fight at school but did not start it, will he/she be disciplined?

All students who choose to fight will be disciplined. If my child receives a short-term suspension and I wish to appeal it, how should I proceed?

A request must be made to the Principal within the first 24 hours. Is corporal punishment allowed in the Little Rock School District?

No If a student receives an expulsion for a handgun or weapons offense how long must he/she remain out of school?

Federal and state laws require a full calendar year.

Frequently Asked Questions Cont’d.

Are students allowed to smoke at school in designated smoking areas?

No use of tobacco products are allowed on campus regardless of a persons age. Will my child be dropped from school because of excessive absences?

No, but he/she may receive a failing grade or parent/guardian may be referred to Court for failure to ensure your child’s daily attendance at school. Course credit will be denied after seven unexcused absences in a semester. Will a student be allowed to make up work covered while on suspension?

Yes, for the first suspension only. Students must contact the teacher for work. Teachers may determine a reasonable amount of time for completion.

When will a parent/guardian be referred to court because of truancy?

A parent/guardian of a student who is under 18 years of age will be referred to court when the student has accumulated 7 unexcused absences .

Will a student be provided help to keep up with classroom work when absent due to extended illness, hospitalization or pregnancy?

Homework will be provided for illnesses over three days. Classroom assignments will be given for long-term illness, hospitalization or pregnancy.

A few more things…

Tardy Policy – When a student is not assigned classroom or location by the time the tardy bell stops ringing. Third tardy = detention Sixth tardy = recommendation for suspension Transportation – Arrive at your designated stop 10 mins. earlier than scheduled time.

Following the Dress Code is the responsibility of the student. The following are prohibited.

•Tank tops, underwear as outer wear or visible •Spandex shorts, pajamas, bandanas, head coverings •shorts or skirts if they are more than 4 in. above the knee •Clothing with negative, derogatory or discriminatory overtones •Profane, suggestive or inflammatory clothing or accessories •Exposing the midriff by clothing going up or down •Clothing or accessories related to prohibited gangs or orgs.

•No pants will be worn that fall/sag below the waistline

OK.. A few more things…

Access to Records – to inspect or review 1. parents/guardians of students under 18 2. Parents/guardians who claim students who are 18 as dependents under IRS code 152 3. Students who are at least 18 Non-school-sponsored materials must be submitted before they are distributed.


1. Take home the student handbook.

2. Have Parents/guardians sign


sides of pages iii & iv.

3. Return it to your 1A teacher!

That’s all folks…. thanks for your attention!