E-safety Parental Guide

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E-safety Parental Guide
“You wouldn't let your child
wander around the streets of
London alone, yet millions of
children are surfing the internet on
their own and talking to strangers.”
The workshop
We are going to cover:
 The technologies children, young people and their
families are using
 Some of the challenges and issues they bring
 Some practical ideas and tools that will help you stay
in control
How do we use modern technologies?
How do we use modern technologies?
Are you one of the 28% of parents who use the internet and describe themselves as
7% of children describe themselves as beginners!!!
teaching and
Easy and fast
access to wide
range of
Why do we use
ICT in the
A key skill for
and fun
Great tool for
individual work
How are we protecting our students in
West Somerset College?
 E – safety training
included in ICT
E-safety Officer
lessons and
Child Protection Policy
mentoring sessions
 AUPs for each student E-safety updates on the
 School filtering
 E-safety Policy
 Articles in the Comet
Is it enough though to keep them safe
outside the College?
Question to parents:
What concerns you
about your child’s
use of technology?
Key issues/challenges
So…what should you do now?
1. Get involved in your children’s online activity and TALK.
Check you know what applications they are using, especially
chat rooms and games played with others online. Ask who
their ‘e-pals’ are. Get them to teach you about how things
2. Support our College.
Sign the Acceptable Use Policy and take an active interest in
what your children are doing in ICT at school.
3. Encourage Internet use that builds on offline activities.
It helps to keep the computer in a family room not tucked
away in a child’s bedroom. Help your children to use the
Internet for homework and leisure interests.
4. Use some of the tools on the computer to help you.
Conversation starters:
Google SafeSearch
YouTube Safety mode
Parental control on your Internet Service
Facebook privacy controls
Password do’s and don’ts
 Do change passwords for important
accounts regularly (banking, iTunes,
Amazon, etc.)
ₓ DON'T make obvious choices like your
last name, first name, nickname,
birthdate, spouse name, pet name.
 Do make sure you know where did you ₓ DON'T use an alphabet sequence
write them down and who knows
(lmnopqrst), a number sequence
(12345678) or a keyboard sequence
 Do choose strong passwords (a good
combination of uppercase and
ₓ DON'T use a password shorter than six
lowercase characters, numbers and
(6) characters
 Do create different passwords for
different accounts and applications.
Google SafeSearch
Google SafeSearch helps you to filter sexually explicit content from your search results. To
turn it on:
1. Go to google.co.uk website.
2. Press “Search settings” in the right hand corner.
3. And tick “Filter explicit results”.
4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click “save” to save results.
YouTube safety mode
Safety mode hides videos that may contain inappropriate content flagged by users and
other signals. No filter is 100% accurate, but it should help you avoid most inappropriate
content. To turn it on:
1. Go to youtube.com and scroll to the bottom of the page.
2. Press “Safety”, tick “On” and press “Save” to save results.
Parental control on your Internet Service
The 4 big internet providers in the UK – BT, Sky, TalkTalk and Virgin Media - provide their
customers with free parental controls which can be activated at any time. They have come
together to produce these helpful video guides to help you to download and set-up the
controls offered by your provider. These can be accessed from:
 You can set different age limits for your
children so you can make sure they only
see content appropriate to their age
 They enable you to set limits on how
long your child stays online and when
they go online
 You can allow or block specific programs,
like Instant Messenger, or hardware like
Facebook Privacy Settings
Facebook Privacy Settings
Facebook Privacy Settings
Facebook Privacy Settings
Facebook Privacy Settings
Facebook Privacy Settings
Facebook Privacy Settings
Basic information:
 Certain information is visible to everyone on Facebook and can’t be
 Other basic settings can be changed.
 Go to ‘Account/Privacy Settings’.
 Click on ‘View Settings’ in the ‘Basic Directory Information’.
 Decide who can see particular information. (“Everyone”, “Friends of
friends”, “Only friends”)
Facebook Privacy Settings
Block lists:
 This lets your child block certain people from interacting with them, or
seeing their information.
 Click on ‘Edit your lists’ and you can enter in the name and email address
of people your child wants to block.
Facebook Privacy Settings
Sharing on Facebook:
 Click on ‘customise settings’ in the ‘Sharing on Facebook’ section
 Choose who your child is happy seeing and commenting on things they
share, post or are tagged in – your child can choose ‘Everyone’, ‘Friends
of Friends’ or ‘Friends’
Next steps and useful links:
 Take 10 minutes to look at and set the parental controls on all the devices in
your home.
 Go through the Facebook privacy controls with your child and any other
social networks.
 Set SafeSearch.
 Try to have that first talk – it is important that your children know that you
are supporting them.
 Follow us on Twitter, Facebook or check our website (under “Information”
“Esafety”) regularly for useful links and e-safety advice.
Cd. next steps and useful links :
Links (all of them are also available on our website):
 http://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/ - general tips on e-safety for both parents
and students
 http://www.childnet.com/ - general tips on e-safety for both parents and
 http://www.mumsnet.com/ - from parents and for parents
 http://www.ceop.police.uk/safety-centre/ - advice, help and report centre
 http://www.saferinternet.org.uk/advice-and-resources/parents-andcarers/parental-controls - guides on how to set up parental controls
offered by BT, Talk Talk, Virgin Media and Sky.