Transcript Slide 1

Advancement Via
[L. avidus]: eager
for knowledge
Cobb County AVID Summer Conference:
Supporting Your AVID Program
What is AVID?
In the Elective Class
Program Essentials
Site Teams
Roles and Responsibilities
The Mission of AVID
The mission of AVID is to ensure that ALL students,
and most especially the least served students who are
in the middle:
will succeed in rigorous curriculum,
will complete a rigorous college preparatory path,
will enter mainstream activities of the school,
will increase their enrollment in four-year colleges,
and will become educated and responsible
participants and leaders in a democratic society.
AVID’s systemic approach is designed to support
students and educators as they increase
schoolwide/districtwide learning and performance.
The AVID Student Profile
Students With Academic Potential
Average to high test scores
2.0-3.5 GPA
College potential with support
Desire and determination
Meets One or More of the Following Criteria
First to attend college
Historically underserved in four-year colleges
Low income
Special circumstances
The AVID Elective Class
Daily or Block Schedule
AVID Curriculum includes:
Writing Curriculum
College and Careers
Strategies for Success
AVID Tutorials Include:
Collaborative Study Groups
Writing Groups
Socratic Seminars
Cornell Note-taking
Quickwrites and Journals
Learning Logs and Reflection
The Writing Process
Timed Writing
Skilled Questioning
Socratic Seminars and
Critical Thinking Activities
Writing Questions
Open-Minded Activities
Group Projects
Study Groups
Jigsaw Activities
Writing/Revision Groups
Strategies to…
Access Prior Knowledge
Understand Text Structure
Process the Text (during
and after reading)
Cornell Note-taking System
The STAR System
Set up your paper
Take the notes
Apply your thinking to the notes
Reflect and Revise your notes
An example of how notes are set
Class Notes
• Use Bullets
• Use Abbreviations (w/ @ etc.)
3 to 4 sentence summary across bottom
Summary is added at the end of all note
pages on the subject (not at the end of
each page).
Summary is added AFTER questions
are finished.
Socratic Seminars:
“A form of structured discourse about ideas and
moral dilemmas”
Contribute to the development of vocabulary,
listening skills, interpretive and comparative
reading, textual analysis, synthesis and
Develop student-centered dialogue, which is at
the heart of rigor.
Foster understanding of complex ideas and
Create deeper understanding of concepts
covered in core content classes.
Develop skills necessary to become self-directed
learners. It's not just homework help!
To push each other's thinking. AVID tutorials
utilize an inquiry process.
AVID Facilitators /tutors do not give answers; they
facilitate the group's discovery with critical questions
Students reflect on their learning.
AVID Program Essentials (11)
1. AVID Student Selection
2. Voluntary Participation
3. AVID elective class offered during
the school day
4. Rigorous course and study
5. Writing and Reading Curriculum
6. Inquiry to promote critical reading
AVID Program Essentials
7. Collaboration
8. Trained tutors
9. Data Collection and Analysis
10. District and School Commitment
11. Active and Interdisciplinary Site Team
“Rigorous curriculum is a
greater factor in determining
college graduation rates than
class standing, standardized
test scores, or grade point
From: Answers in the Tool Box: Academic Intensity, Attendance Patterns, and
Bachelor's Degree Attainment (1999) by Clifford Adelman, Senior Research Analyst,
U.S. Dept. of Ed.
What Is Academic Rigor?
Rigor is the goal of helping students
develop the capacity to understand
content that is complex, ambiguous,
provocative, and personally or
emotionally challenging.
Taking rigorous courses opens doors!
Teaching What Matters Most; Standards and Strategies for Raising Student
Achievement by Strong, Silver and Perini, ASCD, 2001.
Meeting the Challenge
To help all students do rigorous work and
meet or exceed high standards in each
content area we must help students:
Develop as readers and writers.
Develop deep content knowledge.
Know content specific strategies for
reading, writing, thinking and talking.
Develop habits, skills, and behaviors
to use knowledge and skills.
The AVID Administrator
General Program
•Knows the “AVID Essentials” and contractual obligations
•Identifies appropriate faculty to voluntarily participate as elective
teacher(s) and site team members
•Provides support for AVID teachers, site team, students, and tutors
•Works with School Improvement Team to include AVID in the SIP
•Facilitates participation of teachers and administrators in AVID
professional development
•Works with the AVID elective teacher to manage the AVID facilitator
(tutor) budget, facilitate data collection, and prepare for Certification
•Ensures that AVID facilitator (tutor) is hired according to county
•Acts as a liaison with district administration
•Ensures all AVID data and reports are completed and submitted by
deadlines (general data, ISS, CSS, senior reports)
The AVID Administrator: Roles and Responsibilities
Ensures student selection follows all AVID guidelines
•Schedules AVID as a year-long elective course
•Supports and encourages student access to advanced content, honors,
and AP®
•Provides opportunities for AVID strategy training for faculty
•Performs classroom observations and provides appropriate feedback
regarding AVID curriculum and methodologies
Site Team
• Ensures all teams/departments have representation on the AVID team
•Establishes a regular meeting time for site team
•Works with site team to determine meeting agendas, to identify program
goals, and to implement action plan
•Assists site team in establishing and implementing appropriate student
selection processes
•Attends site team meetings
The AVID Administrator: Roles and Responsibilities
AVID Facilitator: Tutoring
•Coordinates tutor hiring, training, and evaluations
•Manages tutor budget and payroll
•Verifies that all paid tutors are trained and assigned duties in accordance with
AVID guidelines
•Ensures that AVID facilitator is only used for AVID elective class
Avid Website
•Shared Resources
•Power Points
•General Data
Ethnic Breakdown of AP® Test-takers
AVID vs. National
Opening access to Advanced Placement courses for all students, regardless of ethnicity
or economic background, is essential to leveling the academic playing field. AVID
students, who take many AP tests every year, show greater ethnic diversity than AP testtakers do overall. The proportion of Latinos taking AP exams is over four times higher
among AVID students than among U.S. students overall.
Completion of Four-Year
College Entrance Requirements
AVID students complete university entrance requirements at a
much higher rate than their non-AVID peers.
AVID Graduates
97% plan to enroll in a college or university
66% plan to enroll in a four-year university
31% plan to enroll in a two-year college
83% of parents have less than a four-year
college degree
Source: AVID Center Senior Data Collection System, 2007-2008 (N=14,995)
Percentages have been rounded to the nearest whole percent
Percent of Students Applying and
Getting Accepted to Four-Year Colleges
One of the most impressive and consistent indicators of AVID's success is the
rate at which it sends students to four-year colleges. Seventy-eight percent of
2008 AVID graduates were accepted to a four-year college.
AVID Closes the Achievement
Gap for ALL Students
Completion of Four-Year College
Entrance Requirements
AVID National
Overall CA
Overall National
40% 39%
27% 25%
24% 21%
American Indian
or Alaska Native
Black or African
36% 36%
Hispanic or
White (not
AVID Senior Data Collection. Study of 14,995 California AVID Seniors, [Electronic Database]. (2007 - 2008). AVID Center, CA.
California Postsecondary Education Commission, Custom Data Reports Website,, 2007
Greene, J.P., Forster, G. "Public High School Graduation and College Readiness Rates in the U.S.“ Manhattan Institute, Education Working Paper 3. 2003.
*(Filipino and Other not classified in study.)
AVID Closes the Achievement
Gap for ALL AVID Seniors
Completion of Four-Year College
Entrance Requirements
Eligible for
Free or Reduced Lunch
(n = 5,845)
Not Eligible for
Free or Reduced Lunch
(n = 9,150)
Socio-Economic Status
AVID Senior Data Collection. Study of 14,995 AVID Seniors, [Electronic Database]. (2007 - 2008). AVID Center, CA.
Why AVID Works
Places AVID students in rigorous
curriculum and gives them the support
to achieve;
Provides the explicit “hidden
curriculum” of schools;
Provides a team of students for
positive peer identification; and
Redefines teacher’s role as that of
student advocate.
Thank you!
Have a wonderful day!