ASCE Transportation Security Committee Meeting

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Transcript ASCE Transportation Security Committee Meeting

Current Status and Activities of the ASCE
Transportation Security Committee
4th Asia-Pacific Transportation Development Conference
April 18-20, 2003
Oakland Marriott City Center Hotel, Oakland CA USA
Eva Lerner-Lam, Chair, ASCE Transportation Security Committee
Charles Barker, P.E., ARM, Vice-Chair, ASCE Transportation Security
ASCE Transportation Security
One of four cross-cutting committees of
the new Transportation and
Development Institute of 130,000
member ASCE
Affiliation with Transportation
Infrastructure Security Partnership
Committee Organization
Transportation and Development Institute
Cross-Cutting Council
Transportation Security
Infrastructure Task Committee
Operations Task Committee
Special Initiatives
Three Task Committees:
Transportation Operations Security
 Alain Kornhauser, Ph.D., P.E., Chair
Transportation Infrastructure Security
 Simon Carbonell, P.E., Chair
Special Initiatives
 Charles Barker, P.E., ARM, Chair
Bring to bear the knowledge and capabilities of
practicing civil engineers, engineering educators,
and other experts in the fields of security and
Serve as a forum for the members of ASCE and
the broader civil engineering community for
fleshing out the high-priority activities that need
to occur to enable civil engineers working in
transportation to respond to the post-nine-eleven
Gather and disseminate “knowledge and guidance
on matters pertaining to transportation security.”
Produce guidance documents, best-practice
syntheses, and national web seminars and
teleconferences that will provide practicing civil
engineers with the strategies and tools they need
to plan, design, and engineer our future
communities and transportation networks.
Development of rational, realistic transportation
security standards, methodologies, and
best practices
Assemble the current standards and
guidelines governing the design and
operation of secure transportation systems and
make those standards and guidelines readily
available to members of the engineering
Identify missing standards and facilitate
getting those standards started
Participation Encouraged
The Transportation Security Committee and its two
constituent task committees already have
members whose areas of expertise range from
hazardous materials to blast analysis and from
ferry terminal design to rail operations.
Members are professionals who are addressing the
specific problem of homeland security and how
this will interface with the routine planning,
design, construction, and operation of
transportation assets.
Operations Security Task
Committee Activities
Homeland Security Warning System
Procedural Security Guidelines Series
Infrastructure Security Task
Committee Activities
Fixed, ram-resistant vehicle barrier
design standards
Engineering Security Guidelines Series
Special Initiatives
Web Seminars and National
Teleconferences on Transportation
Security and Standards
Transportation Security 101 Course
Speakers Bureau
Liaison with other associations,
agencies and organizations
Communications (internal and external)
Transportation Security E-Room
Breakout session at TRB Annual Meeting,
three guest speakers (USCG, FHWA, Berg
Public speeches at ASCE Annual Conference,
NACOTA/WCTA Conference
Hosted Web Seminar
Liaison with other associations, agencies and
Ways to Participate
Specific Initiatives
Conference planning
Peer Review
Speakers Bureau
Formal and informal
alliances/partnerships with other
Related Links
The American Society of Civil Engineers:
The Infrastructure Security Partnership:
The Transportation and Development
Institute of ASCE: