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Human Rights
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UN and Human Rights
• The Universal Declaration of Human
• The Convention on the Rights of the
• The Convention on the Rights of
Persons with Disabilities
• The Standard Rules on the Equalization
of Opportunities for Persons with
The Universal Declaration of
Human Rights
• 30 articles were adopted in 1948.
• Article 1:
All human beings are born free and
equal in dignity and rights…
The Universal Declaration of
Human Rights
• Article 2:
…without distinction of any kind, such as
race, colour, sex, language, religion,
political or other opinion, national or
social origin, property, birth or other
The Convention on the
Rights of the Child
• 54 articles.
• Article 23:
Every disabled child and young person
has the right to a full life and to active
participation in the community.
Convention on the Rights of
Persons with Disabilities
• 50 articles.
• Article 1:
The purpose … is to promote, protect
and ensure the full and equal enjoyment
of all human rights and fundamental
freedoms by all persons with disabilities,
and to promote respect for their inherent
Convention on the Rights of
Persons with Disabilities
• Article 9: Accessibility
States Parties shall take appropriate
measures to ensure to persons with
disabilities access … to the physical
environment, to transportation, to …
information and communications
technologies and systems.
Position statement from the
UK Disabled People’s Council
“Our vision is of a world where disabled
adults and children can enjoy their full
human rights and civil liberties;
a world where disabled people can fulfil
their life ambitions without discrimination,
isolation and institutionalisation.”
The UN Standard Rules
• 22 rules for increased participation and
• Not a legally binding instrument, but a
strong moral and political commitment of
Governments to take action to attain
equalization of opportunities for persons
with disabilities.
• Same rights and obligations as other
members of the society.
Political work
• The Madrid Declaration about
In 2002, 34 countries declared their vision.
The declaration was adopted by EU.
From the Madrid Declaration
• Disability is a Human Rights Issue.
• Disabled People want Equal
Opportunities and not Charity.
• 50 million European disabled people
expect this to come true.
• Strengthen legislation on accessibility.